Hey You

One Of The Guys




"Alright class .. settle down. As you all know .. two important boybands arrived at our school today. So .. I must ask all of you to remain calm and treat them like regular students.. Araseo?"

"Ne, ssaesangnim.." Everyone said monotonely.

Everyone went back to snickering and talking about the idols who finally arrived. No one dared pay attention to the lesson that Mr. Kim was talking about. I mean, after all .. who really cares about science anyways..? Not me..

"Omo! I'm so excited!" I squealed to Seoyun. She was nodding and smiling too. She gave me two thumbs up.

"No way!!! It seems like this morning .. Seoyun and Yongjin met both bands this morning!! That's so unfair!"

"Omo! Their soooooo lucky!!"

"Noooooo waaayyy!~"



Everyone in class was checking their phones in class .. apparently our Maeji instantly uploaded the photos onto our school web page .. in a snap! I'm really shocked myself .. how does she do it??

"Omo! Yongjin ssi .. what was it like to meet Younghwa Oppa..?"

"Was he cute..?"

"Is his voice really like an angel's..?"

"Isn't he sweet..?"

"What shirt was he wearing??"

"How did he style his hair?"

"What did he smell like..?"

All the girls in class started rushing up to me and Seoyun, just hammering us with a million questions. Just then .. through the doorway .. they walked in. Looking as amazing as always. The wind blew their hair in just the right direction. They all looked like models. Were they really going to our school..?

"Annyeong class!~" The sweet Minhyuk said all bubbly. The others just stood in the classroom. Everyone turned their attention to them ... the godly boys of CN Blue. Eeeeeeeeeppppppp!

"Oppa!!!!" Pretty much every girl screamed, except me and Seoyun .. They all started walking towards my desk. I panicked on the inside. My heart was racing and I could feel the room spinning. I was sooooo nervous!

"Morning Yongjin-ah!~" All four boys of CN Blue said to me. I about died on the inside. Eeeeeeeekkkk!! I waved back since I couldn't get myself to speak to them. Then they all turned and waved at Seoyun. She smiled and waved at them too. OMG! Is this really happening to meee??? I MUST be dreaming!!! *pinch* Owwwwwhhh!! What the-?!

I looked up to see Minhyuk pinching my cheeks. It hurt a little .. but as I realized a legend was doing it to me .. in front of a LOT of girls .. It was totally worth it!!!

"Omo! Mian. I just couldn't help myself. Younghwa Hyung was right! You are incredibly cute!!" He said while looking at his elder. Younghwa and I slightly blushed in unison.

"Annyeonghaseyo! Jungshin imnida!~" Jungshin said while greeting me formally. It was charismatic.

"Annyeong!~ Jonghyun imnida." The strong vocalist said informally, while shaking my hand .. the 'American way.'

"Shin Yongjin imnida-"

"We know." They all said while smiling to each other. Then to me. I felt disturbed a bit .. O.o

"How do you guys know..?" They all exchanged glances then turned to me. Then it hit me. "Oh right .. this morning..." I felt stupid so I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly. I must look like a fool to all of them. 

"It's okay." Younghwa ruffled my hair. "Is it alright if we sit next to you..?" I was speechless so I nodded shyly. Younghwa and the others set their stuff down at the desks that were surrounding me. Besides Seoyun .. Younghwa sat next to me on the opposite side. He gave me a gummy smile and my heart melted. Oh Younghwa<3

"Cute.." I heard Younghwa mutter. I blushed majorly and buried myself into my textbook. Him and the other members giggled at my sudden actions. Then Seoyun and I looked at each other and smiled. She gave me two thumbs up and winked. Today was soooooo awesome!!

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thanks for still using my posters. :D
primadonna888 #2
Hi!! Pls updateeeee:)