One Of The Guys

Shin Yongjin's POV

"Seohyun-ah!" I called. I think she was taking a shower ... since she's mute and all, I usually just look for her. I went down the hall way then into our bedroom. She was sitting on her bed with her big ear phones on. I assumed she was listening to F.T.Island. BLAHS! Their my favorite band's rival. I still love Seohyun-ah like my little sister though. I am an only child. You see, Seohyun's parents died when she was about 5 years old. What's worst? She witnessed their death. After that, she ended up mute. She's been living with me and my family ever since.

"Oh there you are Seohyun-ah!! I have to tell you something!! Did you know tha-" She interrupted me by passing a note. Of course, she finished my sentence ... as always. It read:

"That C.N.Blue and F.T.Island are coming to our school after break? Ye ... I already knew that Onni..." 

I frowned and trudged away. How does she always do that?! It's like she reads my mind and writes things down before I say it!! Aggghhh! It's freaky, weire, and just simply annoying ... grrrr. One of these days I'll catch her off guard. Just you wait Kang Seohyun-ah...

"Seohyun! Yongjin!! Time for dinner!" It was my Omma. She probably whipped up her famous noodles. Yummy. ^^

"Coming Omma!!~" I grabbed Seohyun's hand and raced down the stairs. She was trying to keep up with the speedy me. Everyone was gathered at the dinning table. My Omma ... Appa ... and even my little cousin Hangyeon. He is about 6 years old ... and is a pain in my . He always visits and stays with us during break.

"Noona!!~" He rushed up to me and gave me his famous old bear hug. He nearly choked me to death!

"Ara-aara-araseo! Let go of me Hangyeon-ah!!" He finally let go and walked over to Seohyun.

"Seohyun Noona!!~" He politely and gentlemanly hugged her. He wouldn't let go. I had to literally pry him away from her. Hangyeon sort of has a little kid crush on Seohyun. Well that's not creepy at all ... O.o

"Okay everyone...let's eat now." My Appa proposed.


(After Dinner)

Me and Seohyun went up to our room. Our room is actually quite small. It's painted green, blue, pink, and purple. It's the pattern of stripes laying horizontally. It looks totally cool. We also have the room almost divided up into two sections. On Seohyun's side of the room she has posters of F.T.Island EVERYWHERE! On my side of the room ... it's all about C.N.Blue! ^^ It's a good thing Seohyun and I don't argue over who's the better band. I am just sooooo excited to go back to school now! Ever since I heard that C.N.Blue is going to be there!! Oh and um F.T.Island..I guess.

"Seohyun-ah!~Which item should I bring to school in order to have C.N.Blue sign...?" I looked at my shelf with a bunch of their merchandise then my eyes reached Seohyun's. She rubbed her chin awhile then pointed at my basket. It had my favorite t-shirt with their faces on it. That was an excellent choice I thought... she went back to dawdling along listening to F.T.Island. She RARELY listens to other types of music. She won't even listen when I talk about American music sometimes ... -_- She passed me another note at around 10:00 p.m. It said:

"Goodnight Onni...I hope you get a good rest. See you in the morning! I'm going to bed now so please keep the noise down. I'm just as excited as you are to have our two favorite idols be at our school tomorrow. Can't wait! Hwaiting!!~Saranghae! Chu!"

And with that I took off my glasses ... set them on my nightstand then turned off the lights. It was time to go to sleep. Tomorrow will be a big and glorious day! Not just for me...but to Seohyun-ah too. Nighty night Seohyun! I hope one day ... you will be able to talk to me instead of writing notes all the time. God bless you, Seohyun. Nado Saranghae. Hwaiting!~

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thanks for still using my posters. :D
primadonna888 #2
Hi!! Pls updateeeee:)