Chapter Two

Keep Breathing

Hoseok started mumbling. Yoongi looked up, immediately sitting upright and gently squeezing the hand of the male. He seemed to notice, as the mumbling stopped and there was silence. The other members looked on, hoping that Hoseok would wake up, but after a few minutes, just leaned back and tried to focus on something else.

Again, mumbling. Hoseok groaned and opened his eyes, groggily looking around. He blinked and pushed himself up, rubbing his eyes to get a clearer eyesight.

“Hoseok?” Yoongi’s soft and sweet voice sounded. Hoseok turned his head and looked at Yoongi. The guy seemed familiar, but he couldn’t quite place him anywhere in his memories. He then noticed other people who he didn’t remember either, and yet, somehow, they looked so familiar to him. As if he’d known them for many years. He looked back at Yoongi.

“How do you know my name?” Hoseok questioned, raising a brow and narrowing his eyes. Yoongi looked flustered and didn’t know what to say, silently staring at him. This couldn’t be true. How did Hoseok not remember his name? Had he hit his head that hard on the stage? Yoongi wanted to cry and yell at him that they were in a relationship, but instead, he remained quiet, unable to say a thing and looking at the other members in the hope they were of any help.

“Hoseok? It’s us, from BTS,” Seokjin said, looking at the younger male. He too seemed confused, wondering if Hoseok had lost a part of his memories. That wouldn’t be good, they were in the middle of promotions and concerts.

“BTS?” These people were a little too confusing for Hoseok to deal with. He blinked and looked at Seokjin, wondering what he meant. He couldn’t place BTS anywhere in his mind. They were random strangers to him. People he’d meet on the street while he danced. But BTS? To him, that didn’t exist, he couldn’t remember.

Yoongi stormed out of the room, not being able to take it any longer. Seokjin quickly followed Yoongi to comfort him. Jungkook just stared at Hoseok with wide eyes, Taehyung looked down, concerned. Jimin sighed and rubbed his eyes, too tired to deal with this. Namjoon sighed and looked at Hoseok. “You will remember,” he said, getting up. “You must remember,” he continued, before leaving the room.

Hoseok frowned and rubbed his eyes, wondering if he’d said anything wrong. It wasn’t his fault he didn’t remember six random strangers, was it? He wondered what happened, why he was in the hospital. Perhaps these strangers had something to do with it? He didn’t know.

A few minutes later, after he had settled down comfortably on the bed, a doctor walked in, followed by Seokjin and Namjoon. Finally, perhaps the doctor could tell what had happened and who these random strangers were.

“Mr Jung Hoseok,” he started. Hoseok nodded. He remembered his own name. Of course he remembered his own name. He had no reason to not remember his own name. “You seem to suffer from Amnesia. Which means you lost a part of your memory.”

Hoseok frowned, raising an eyebrow and shrugging. “How would I have lost my memory?” he asked, curious.

“Well, we were performing our song, Dope, on stage. However, you were lacking behind and fell down, hitting your head,” Seokjin explained.

“That could most-definitely be the cause,” the doctor responded, noting it down on the clipboard he was holding. Hoseok frowned, confused. Was he performing on a stage with these six strangers? He’d never heard of Dope, either. But apparently, that was a song he and the other people had written and performed to? For the first time, he felt tears slipping down his face, quietly. Why couldn’t he remember!?

Seokjin looked towards Namjoon. “We’ll have to cancel promotions and concerts. We cannot perform without Hoseok,” he said. Namjoon sighed and nodded, pulling his fingers through his messy hair and combing them backwards. “The fans will be happy with this…” The sarcasm was clear, Seokjin sighing and shaking his head.

Hoseok looked towards Seokjin. “No, wait…” Oh god, he felt guilty now. He didn’t know why, but he felt incredibly guilty about this. As if it was actually his fault, even though it wasn’t. “Wait… If you teach me everything, I…”

Namjoon looked at Hoseok and gave a faint, reassuring smile. “I don’t think that’s going to be an option. We’ve trained for weeks, our next stage is Friday. That’s two days away, I’m not sure if you’re going to be able to catch up until then.”

But Hoseok was determined. He felt like he owed it to them. And he knew it would bother him greatly if he didn’t perform with them. He got up, steadying himself and looking at the two. “I’ll be fine, please.”

Taehyung was surprised by Hoseok’s determination, helping him steady himself and giving him his usual bright smile.

Namjoon sighed and nodded. “Alright then.”

Jimin left to fetch some clothes for Hoseok. Jungkook got up and smiled. Perhaps they’d be alright after all. Hopefully, Hoseok would remember.

Jimin returned with a sweatpants and hoodie, and Yoongi who trailed behind. The tears were still fresh on his face. Hoseok swallowed, taking the clothes and quickly dressing. He didn’t know what was up with Yoongi, and he sure as hell wanted to know.

And then he remembered, he didn’t know their names. “Uhm…” he said, his face turning red from the awkward situation. “I don’t know your names at all.”

Seokjin smiled. “Well. I’m Kim Seokjin. But my stage name is Jin. This is our leader, Kim Namjoon, but known by Rap Monster on the stage. Kim Taehyung, known as V. Park Jimin, known as Jimin. Min Yoongi, known as Suga. Jeongguk, known as Jungkook and your stage name is J-hope.”

“J-Hope?” Hoseok questioned. Ah, the name was strangely familiar, as if he’d said it many times and it belonged to him. But it was weird, still. He sighed, wondering if he’d get the hang of it the upcoming few days. But he truly felt like he had to. He had to learn the names, the dancing, the lyrics, everything.

Yoongi just looked down, at the ground. He sighed. The others quietly left the room so the two could talk.

Hoseok looked at Yoongi, his heart beating fast and he felt himself grow red. He didn’t know why Yoongi was this upset about everything. He seemed to be so affected, so much more than the others.

“W- What’s wrong?” he finally managed to ask.

Yoongi looked up at Hoseok, tears in his eyes. Hoseok swallowed, looking at the older male. “You forgot me. And the rest…”

“I- I’m sorry! I guess I hit my head hard…”

“But most of all… You forgot that we’ve been in a relationship for the past three months. And Friday is actually our anniversary. We wanted to go out for dinner,” Yoongi said, his voice breaking into sobs afterwards.

Hoseok swallowed and approached the male. God, this was so awkward yet he felt such a strong need to hug Yoongi and comfort him. And so he did, wrapping his arms around the older male and gently his back. He didn’t know how he could ever make it up to them. He just wished he could remember.

“I’m so sorry,” he said, the male crying on his chest. “I really am! I will make it up to you, okay? We’ll go out for dinner, Friday. I promise. I’ll pay.”

Yoongi looked up at the younger male, and Hoseok wiped his tears away and gave an apologetic smile. It made him feel warm inside, even though the situation wasn’t as bright. Yoongi nodded, stepping back and wiping the remaining tears away himself.

“Okay,” he said softly, voice hoarse. Hoseok took Yoongi’s hand and held it, then led him outside. Yoongi led him to the waiting car and they drove to the dorm.

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330nai #1
Chapter 3: fuh! its great
Lysara #2
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: I'm so glad he remembered!
The need to be on stage and following it through was the thing that got him to remember. That's so cool.
I felt really sorry for Yoongi though... If like this was really to happen I can imagine how heartbroken he'd be.
Damn, nothing like this can happen though! :O
Chapter 3: i actually teared up, like i almost crying and i'm sniffling right now *wheezes*
haleybabee #4
Chapter 3: oh mah gawsh this was so good ;^;
i may or may not have cried a little bit.
but this was amazing, it really was. ^-^