Chapter One

Keep Breathing

Keep breathing. Just breathe. In and out. You can do this. Keep dancing.

Hoseok was feeling more light-headed than he ever had in his whole life, his face flushed, and his breathing irregular. He felt like he was slowly choking, managing to breathe in less and less air. He was covered in sweat, more so than usual and his dancing was lacking behind. The other members had noticed, especially Yoongi, but they were in the middle of an important performance. He couldn’t stop now. Stopping now would ruin their chances of winning. He wanted to win, they worked so hard for it.

Just a few more minutes. Keep on breathing. You’re going to be fine.

He was so tired. He felt so sick. Like he could throw up on the stage any second now, or pass out and fall down. His world was spinning and his body was aching. He couldn’t control his breathing any longer and his eyesight started deteriorating. He noticed Yoongi who kept looking at him. And Hoseok could only offer a faint smile to the worried boy. He had to stop, he couldn’t do this no longer. But this performance was so important, to all of them. He had to keep dancing, for the fans, for the other members. He couldn’t stop, he had to keep going.

Just a little bit longer and you can sit down. Take another deep breath.

It was his turn to sing. He raised the microphone, but the only sound coming from him were mumbles. No cohesive words or sentences. Only mumbling. He felt his heart exhilarate. His breathing quickening to keep up with the pace. One last drop of sweat fell on the stage and he knew he was not able to continue. He turned towards Yoongi who seemed to get the hint. But was too late to respond. His body shut down, his eyes closed. Everything went black and he felt himself collapse, falling hard on the stage floor. He heard the distant gasps, yelling and crying of fans before even the sounds became silent. He was alone in the darkness.

For a moment, his eyes fluttered open, but only for a second or two. He groaned, his head throbbing painfully. He felt a heavy pain in his chest. He didn’t hear a thing. The only thing he saw were faces wearing face masks. It confused him. Why were they there? And where was he? But he didn’t have the time to think about it. His eyes closed again, eyelids too heavy to keep open.

Another moment where he opened his eyes. The pain was gone, he felt numb. He heard bleeping sounds and he was staring at a white ceiling. He could not move, only stare. A few minutes passed and he heard a familiar voice. But he didn’t recognise from who it came from. He wondered why the voice sounded so familiar without him knowing who it belonged to.

“Hoseok! Hoseok!” The person was on the verge of tears, almost crying. Hoseok saw he was moved because the ceiling moved, but he didn’t feel anything. He couldn’t speak, and a few minutes later, after Yoongi continued repeating his name, again his eyes closed and he slipped back into unconsciousness. Too tired to stay awake. He was so tired.

Hoseok’s eyes opened again, a few days later. His head was throbbing, his body aching. Everything seemed to hurt, and the bright lights that were pointed at him weren’t helping. He tried to sit up, becoming dizzy immediately but still going through until he sat up right, looking around with blurry eyes to get a sense of where he was. It looked a lot like a hospital room, and he wondered why. Had something happened to him?

“Hoseok!” That familiar voice again, and in his eyesight appeared the male the sound belonged to. A soothing voice it was. But now it was filled with worry, exhaustion and sadness. Blonde hair was scattered all over the boy’s head, he was pale and looked exhausted, as if he hadn’t slept for days. He grabbed Hoseok’s hand, and for the first time, Hoseok felt something again. He felt the warm hand of Yoongi around his, and it gave a reassuring feeling. He tried to find the words to speak.


That took a lot more effort than Hoseok had imagined. He swallowed, his throat dry. He felt thirsty and hungry.

Yoongi looked at Hoseok, becoming more worried by the minute. The boy seemed lost, unable to speak. He waved his hand in front of Hoseok’s eyes.

Hoseok blinked and looked towards Yoongi.

“Who are you?”

“What?” Yoongi watched Hoseok with worried eyes. The past few days he had barely slept and he was the only one who had stayed behind at the hospital. Although the other members came every day, Hoseok had been unconscious up until now. Suddenly, Taehyung came in, seeing Hoseok awake and approached, a bright smile on his face.

“I’m thi-” Hoseok’s eyes closed and he slipped back into the darkness of unconsciousness. Taehyung stopped in his tracks and went from cheery and excited to sad as he sat down on a chair. Yoongi sighed, kept holding Hoseok’s hand and looked at Taehyung.

“Where is the rest?” he asked, voice soft.

“They’re coming. They were getting some food for you,” Taehyung answered. Yoongi nodded and sat back, leaning against the chair and closing his eyes. He needed sleep, desperately needed sleep, but he couldn’t sleep knowing Hoseok might wake up, or not at all. He didn’t even care about the performance anymore. At first, he’d been angry at Hoseok for passing out on stage, but right now, the most important thing was Hoseok’s survival.

And soon enough, no more than a few minutes later, the rest walked in, Seokjin carrying a bag of food for Yoongi. Jimin was carrying balloons, and tied them to Hoseok’s bed. They all sat down around the bed and looked at Yoongi.

“Anything happened?” Namjoon asked.

Yoongi swallowed and looked towards Namjoon. “He woke up, just a few minutes ago. But then he slipped back into unconsciousness,” he answered the questioned, tears almost filling his eyes. But he had to be strong. He didn’t want to cry in front of them. Namjoon nodded quietly and sighed, pulling out his phone from his pocket and checking facebook and twitter.

“The fans are worried. Should we leave a message?” Namjoon looked up at the other members.

Seokjin shrugged. “I think they’d appreciate it,” he said. Jimin and Jungkook nodded. Taehyung looked at Yoongi, who just sighed and nodded in agreement. Neither of them had seen Yoongi like this before. But then, they’d never realised how much of a bond Yoongi had with Hoseok. It was still strange to them, though. Namjoon looked back at his phone and quickly typed out an update to the fans. He then put his phone away.

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330nai #1
Chapter 3: fuh! its great
Lysara #2
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: I'm so glad he remembered!
The need to be on stage and following it through was the thing that got him to remember. That's so cool.
I felt really sorry for Yoongi though... If like this was really to happen I can imagine how heartbroken he'd be.
Damn, nothing like this can happen though! :O
Chapter 3: i actually teared up, like i almost crying and i'm sniffling right now *wheezes*
haleybabee #4
Chapter 3: oh mah gawsh this was so good ;^;
i may or may not have cried a little bit.
but this was amazing, it really was. ^-^