Chapter Three

Keep Breathing

At the dorm, he started watching the music videos of BTS. And indeed, he appeared in all of them. It was so confusing to see himself perform with them, now that he did not remember. He watched the dance version of Dope, watching the choreography closely. It didn’t look difficult and as he was in his own room, he was practicing the first few bits of it. It wasn’t as difficult as he had expected, and by afternoon, he’d covered most of the choreography and lyrics. Exhausted, he left his room to find some food, finding the oldest hyung in the kitchen preparing dinner.

“Hey there,” Seokjin said, smiling at Hoseok. “How are you feeling?”

“Considering the situation, I’m feeling quite alright,” Hoseok answered, sitting down on a chair and sighing. He wanted to remember, but he couldn’t. He felt so lost, not being able to remember it. “I’ve been listening to all the songs. They’re so familiar, the dances as well. I practiced the one for Dope, the one you’re performing on Friday, and it seems so familiar and it was quite easy to get the hang of it. But I don’t remember anything,” he said and sighed. He buried his face in his hands, somehow feeling disappointed and stupid for not being able to remember a single thing. Not BTS, not the lyrics, not the members. And yet, everything was so familiar and everything felt so much like he already knew, and that this was indeed his home. That those people were indeed his friends, but he couldn’t remember a single thing.

It was so confusing and disappointing.

Seokjin started plating up the table and gave Hoseok a gentle pat on his back. “It’s okay. I’m sure that, soon enough you will remember,” he said, serving dinner and calling the others to the dining room.

The others came into the room and took their seat. The last one to finally sit down was Yoongi, who looked tired and grumpy. Hoseok swallowed, sitting beside the person who was apparently his boyfriend. He really wanted to make it up to Yoongi, but he didn’t know how.

There was silence during dinner. No one talked, not even the chatty Jimin and Taehyung. Hoseok felt like it was his fault, yet he couldn’t do anything about it.

“Tomorrow, we’ll get up early and practice,” Namjoon started up the talking. “We’ll have a whole day to practice and teach our friend the moves and lyrics.”

Suddenly, Yoongi got up and without a word, plate half empty, left the room for no reason. Hoseok swallowed, then nodded at Namjoon. That was a good idea.

The next morning, early onwards, they were in the studio practicing. Hoseok had been keeping up quite well as they first slowly explained him where he should be standing and when. And then they’d practiced. Everything went rather well, after a few hours he even remembered the lyrics he had and when to sing them. At the end of the day, as the sun was setting, they settled over ordered food.

Hoseok was glad they had been so patient with him, but he felt like he was lacking. He didn’t know J-hope, even though J-hope was him. And he wasn’t exactly sure how to act. After dinner they headed to their dorm, and went to bed. Tomorrow would be practice and performance and Hoseok was determined to do well.

The next morning was silent. There wasn’t much talking. There was lots of practicing, and then driving to the place where they were performing. Getting out of the car, he heard people scream his stage name. He swallowed, gave them a shy smile and a quick wave, hurrying after the others with his bag.  He’d never felt this nervous before. But now, he had to perform. And he was scared, because he didn’t quite knew himself as J-hope.

He met other stars and greeted them, nervous and shy instead of his regular hyper sunshine greetings. He just bowed quietly with a nod, moving on. It wasn’t long until they were to perform, and he changed into his outfit, a uniform. He tested the movements, but it felt rather comfortable. This would do.

He paced the room. He noticed Yoongi was looking at him, which made him nervous. He shot Yoongi a quick smile, and Yoongi just looked away. Hoseok sighed and rubbed his eyes. He heard the screams of the fans as they went onto the stage. He was nervous, standing aside, eyes wide as he looked at all the fans. So many, screaming his name, the others names.

And then it hit him. And then he remembered. His eyes widened and for a moment, all he saw was his last performance. He fell down from exhaustion and had hit his head. But now he remembered, he remembered everything again. BTS, the fans, the song. He was mindlessly dancing until it was his part, and that’s where he became completely himself and got back into the rhythm, rapping away and being his usual self.

After the performance, he told Yoongi everything and they went out to dinner. And after dinner, they had the most romantic session he’d ever experienced. And then they all knew, everything was going to be okay.

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330nai #1
Chapter 3: fuh! its great
Lysara #2
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: I'm so glad he remembered!
The need to be on stage and following it through was the thing that got him to remember. That's so cool.
I felt really sorry for Yoongi though... If like this was really to happen I can imagine how heartbroken he'd be.
Damn, nothing like this can happen though! :O
Chapter 3: i actually teared up, like i almost crying and i'm sniffling right now *wheezes*
haleybabee #4
Chapter 3: oh mah gawsh this was so good ;^;
i may or may not have cried a little bit.
but this was amazing, it really was. ^-^