Chapter 13- Kim Seokjin?

Married To Ms. Employee.

*Class 4...... Where the hell is class 4 at?*

Jisoo thought as she looked through the corridor to look for her class.

She swore she didn't hear wrongly from the office staff just now that it was that level, however the more she walked the more she felt lost and further away from the classroom block.

*Am I at the wrong block? How come there isn't any students around?*

Jisoo looked around, hoping to see some students passing by so that she could ask about the route.

Just as Jisoo made a turn, she could hear beautiful voice singing from a karaokae machine inside a certain room. Being a curious cat, Jisoo followed the singing voice that lead to a particular room.

It wasn't close fully and the door was slightly ajar, Jisoo peeked into the room and saw several guys fooling around while one of

the guy was standing up trying to sing seriously. However his friend never failed to make fun of him while he was singing and their dorkiness definitely made Jisoo smiled unknowingly to herself.

They sure made her smile and totally forgot about getting to her new class on her first day of school even though she didn't even know who were they. They just made her happy, simply as that.

*Who are they? They are adorable!*

Jisoo fangirl-ed to herself, having the urged to squeeze them into a ball and keep them inside her pocket.

Before Jisoo was about to leave after having a fantasy thoughts about them, she accidentally kicked her foot on the door frame causing her winced in pain. Immediately the boys noticed it and opened the door widely to see who was it and to their surprised, it was an unfamiliar girl who they never seen before in school.


The guy who was singing a while ago asked.

Jisoo cursed at herself mentally for getting caught for peeking at them. 


Jisoo awkwardly smiled and nodded her head.

"What are you doing here?"

A guy with red hair asked.

"E-erm.... is that.... I'm lost and I heard some sound coming from here."

Jisoo honestly said and handle the paper to the red hair guy that the office staffs gave just now ,hoping that they would help her find her way to her classroom.

"Ah.... isn't that same class as Jin hyung?"

The guy said and passed the paper to the other guy.

*So... his name is Jin? He has a beautiful voice.*

Jisoo thought and smiled to herself unknowingly.

"Yeah... Come on, I'll bring you there. You're going to be late for your first class."

Jin said and went in to grab his backpack before coming out again to bring Jisoo to her new class.

Jisoo thanked the boys before turning to Jin and followed him as he brought her to her new class. Her heart was literally bursting for having such gorgeous guy to bring her to her class. So what if they were in the same class and they were just walking the same way? Still, walking with someone who have such great charms was definitely her luck.

"What's your name?"

He asked as he put his hands in both side of his pocket.

"Ha Jisoo."

Jisoo simply replied, but he stopped walking and faced back to Jisoo with a frowned on his face.

"W-what? Is there a p-problem?"

Jisoo stuttered as she wasn't still quite used to having a handsome guy speaking to her like that, Kai was exceptional because he was a jerk.

"You're back, Danielle Ha!"

Without giving any sign of warning, he literally threw himself to Jisoo and hugged her tightly, leaving her more than confused.

Danielle was a name gave by her god-grandparents at Paris. They were really best friends with Jisoo's grandparents and they would sometime visit them whenever they had the time.

Jisoo wasn't expecting someone in Seoul would know her English name since she didn't tell anyone before except for her grandparents and cousin. She only used the name when she was oversea since she was in South Korea, shouldn't she be using her Korean name instead?

The guy broke the hug and looked at Jisoo with a smiley face. The smile that could make every single girl melt, as well as Jisoo. She couldn't deny how beautiful his smile was going along with his pretty face.

"Jin. Forget already?"

That was when Jisoo finally remembered that 1 year ago when she returned to Paris to visit her god-grandparents, they had a small tea-party and Jin was there. They spend the time together since they were at the same age and they were both Korean, most importantly was that they were able to communicate well with one another.

They understand about one another hardship since they both shared with each other 1 year ago. They were like a long-lost childhood friends finally meeting after a year.

"Ah... Kim Seokjin!"

Jisoo happily called as she jumped up and down recalling about everything.

"Wah.... is this fate or what? Remember 1 year ago we said let's not exchange contact and see if fate bring us together. Look at this!"

Jin said with disbelief.

"I know right! But how can you be so sure that I am the Ha Jisoo you once knew? I mean like, we are in Korea now and there's a lot of people out there can share the same name."

Jisoo pointed out.

"I found you familiar and that's why I asked about your name."

Jin rolled his eyes at her and continued their journey to the class as Jisoo followed behind him.

"So... why are you coming to my school now?"

Jin asked curiously.

"Because you're trustable, I'm gonna tell you."

Jisoo looked at Jin before she sighed, knowing that the real fact was she came into the school because of Kai.

"I'm engaged to Jongin."

Jisoo sighed again.

"You mean Kai?"

Jin asked and Jisoo nodded her head with a pout unwillingly.

"Woah.... that's fast? I have yet to have a girlfriend."

Jin teased which caused Jisoo pouted even more.

"I know right.... it was my own fault that my grandparents made such decision."

Jisoo could only blame herself in the end.

"What happened?"

"Long story, I'll tell you as time goes by. I don't feel like talking about it to ruin my day."

Jisoo shrugged and fake a smile to Jin.

Jin nodded with understanding and knew that Jisoo must been suffering from her grandparents' decision.


As soon as the both of them reached their homeroom, everyone was looking at them when Jin opened the door and walked in followed by Jisoo behind.

Kai frowned and wondered why the heck was Jin with Jisoo, it wasn't normal and he just didn't like how they were walking together.

Yes, the homeroom teacher wasn't around and that made them free lessons to do whatever they wanted.

Well of course Krystal was sticking right beside Kai, pestering him continously about what kind of engagement he had with Jisoo. No matter how much Kai told Krystal that it was just a meaningless engagemet, Krystal wasn't happy about it and wanted Kai to do more explaination about that.

Meanwhile, Jisoo didn't know where to go since there wasn't any teacher around to assist her. She just blurly stood there looking around helplessly until Jin grabbed her wrist and pulled her to a vacant seat just beside his seat.

"You can sit here, no one is sitting beside me."

Jin smiled and nodded to the empty seat.

"Ah... gomawo."

Jisoo smiled back and gladly took the seat.

However she didn't know she was glared by a bunch of girls as well as Kai from the corner when they saw Jin touched Jisoo. Kai was burning in jealously without knowing. He clearly knew that he didn't like Jisoo and he hated her, but just didn't know why he felt that way.

Krystal shifted her attention to where Kai was facing and obviously she knew what was going on. She was burning with anger and of course she wasn't going to do something reckless and slapping Kai or confronting him about the girl, because no matter what Krystal wouldn't make herself breaking up with Kai.

Kai was one the richest teen in Seoul, she wasn't going to miss that chance because of a Jisoo girl being engaged with Kai. All she needed to do was, sit down and see what kind of plan she could come out of before making Jisoo to go away from her Kai.



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188 streak #1
Chapter 44: A aaw it's over already... This was awesome, I really enjoyed this!
Chapter 40: KRYSTAL!!!! I hope there's camera in that area!
Chapter 38: Even I got the goosebumps!! So FLUFFYYYYY
Chapter 33: Is was B-Bomb who did it right???!!!
Chapter 28: Why do I get the feeling Krystal is going to take advantage of B-Bomb.. Like she can use him and hurt Jisoo or somethings like that..
Chapter 27: Wow, B-Bomb got it bad for Krystal.. After everything that happened to them, he's still so in love with her.. Kinda pathetic.. I hope he won't hurt Jisoo..
Chapter 25: I don't think that's the last time we'll see Krystal...
Chapter 23: When will he man up?! Wait and see in Monday you say... Well, we'll see about that!
Chapter 16: You better keep this up, Jisoo! Hit back when she's causing you trouble! And Kai, man up!!