HongbinxHyuk (ER)

60 or less

Hongbin knew he should have stayed in bed today. He had an awful morning, was almost late to work and to top it all off he ended up in the ER. It wasn't too serious, but he had still called for an ambulance after passing out in the middle of his kitchen. The doctors mainly just told him to get more rest and drink more water. Nonetheless, he was still on a hydration drip, and it didn't look like he was leaving anytime soon. He sighed and picked up his phone to dial his boyfriend to cancel their date for the night.


"Hey what's up?" Sanghyuk chirped into the phone.


"I have to cancel our date tonight, I'm really sorry."




"I may or may not have ended up in the ER."


"Oh my god are you okay? How bad is it? I'm coming down there."


"Wait-" Hongbin was cut off with Sanghyuk hanging up abruptly. He tossed his phone onto the bed with a huff.


“The idiot doesn't even know which one I’m at.”

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usaginoona #1
Chapter 2: huehuehuehue nice
Chapter 1: Can't wait to see what the update brings.