Three Months

I felt really nervous as the train started moving, bringing me closer to my mother. It was as if my stomach was replaced by a washing machine, and my fingers were trembling. My palms started to turn damp and sweaty, and to hide my nervousness, i clasped my hands together and rested them on my lap. After Junhyung finished placing our things on the above compartment, he sat next to me and realised i was really anxious. 

To calm me down, he rested his palm on my clasped hands and smiled at me, reassuring me that everything will be fine. 

Yes, and it did made me relax a little. I mouthed a 'thank you' and smiled back in reply.

He released my tightly clenched palms and wiped them on his shirt, before taking one in his hand and put our hands in the pocket of his jacket. Startled, i stared at him awhile, but soon gave up when i realised he's ignoring me as he was staring out of the window.

"Stop staring at me, go to sleep." he suddenly said, still facing the window, while i was still staring at him.

Sort of embarrassed and shy, i muttered an 'alright' and closed my eyes.

.: Junhyung's Point Of View :.

Seeing her so nervous made me slightly nervous as well, it must be tough to tell her mother that she's going to die in less than three months. As i was staring at the view outside, i could sense something beside me bobbing sideways. Turning around, i realised the sweet Hara has already fallen asleep. 

Sighing, i thought to myself,'She must have many things clogged up in her mind that she couldnt even sleep well'

Gently, i used my other hand which was supporting my head as i stared out of the window to lay her head on my shoulders. There she goes again, with her innocent and angelic face, making me smile like a complete idiot. Her hands and mine were tighly interwined in my pocket, giving her warmth in the cold cabin.


After sometime, i woke up when the train came to a stop. Looking to my right, the sweet angel is still in her dreamland. Of course, our hands are still tightly held together.

"Hey" i whispered, shrugging my shoulders lightly. "Hara, wake up, we're here." 

Lifting her eyelids lazily, she let go of my hands and rubbed her eyes. 

"Come on, lets go, before the train leaves for its next destination." i hurried her, standing up and reaching my hand out to help her stand up.

Her face was still plastered with a blank look, as if she's still in dreamland. Again, i helped her with her stuff and we got off the train.

I gotta admiit, her and her confused face was really adorable. Rubbing her eyes and all. Really cute!

We made our way out of the station, and to the bus stop directly outside.

"Are you awake yet?" 

There was a long pause before she said,"Not really.." before letting out a yawn.

"Aww, come on, you're going to see your mother!" I enthusiastically said, placing my hands on her cheeks and squished her cheeks together, waking her up. 

"Ahhhh ok ok I've woken up." she laughed, reaching her hand out to stop me. 

The trip to the countryside was pretty much eventless. On the bus, she slept again, after telling me how many stops to her mother's house. Staying alert so we will not miss the stop, i stayed awake just to count the number of times the bus stopped. 

Let me correct that, i tried to stay awake.

Who knew that one stop was so far away from the other? In the city the bus had to stop at least every 100m, here, the bus goes on for like 10minutes before making a stop.

"Hara! Hara!!" i heard someone call. My head shot up immediately and so did Hara's. 

"You've arrived." the kind ahjumma reminded us.

The ahjumma had a few white strands of hair, and she carried a straw-woven basket full of vegetables. She neatly did her hair in a tiny bun and wore some comfortable but modest looking clothes.

"Thank you ahjumma! Long time no see! Thanks!" Hara answered cheerfully.

When we got down the bus, that ahjumma gave Hara a warm hug, before asking,"Now who's this fine gentleman? Boyfriend? Husband?" 

Woah. I wished.

Hara gave an awkward laugh before nudging me to introduce myself.

"Hi, my name is Yong Junhyung, i'm not her boyfriend, nor her husband, I'm just a friend. Nice to meet you" I answered in a very polite manner, reaching out my palm for her to shake. She didnt accept my handshake at all, instead, she gave me a hug too. After breaking the hug, she replied,"I'm the chief's wife, also Hara's neighbour since she was a little girl." The ahjumma gave a motherly smile, and added,"So, when are you two going to get married?"

"We're not even in a relationship!" Hara became flustered, just like how she was when i tricked her at the train station back in Seoul. 

Strangely, the ahjumma ignored Hara and walked back into her house. 

"Sorry about that.." Hara trailed off, as she walked towards her house. She didnt knock on the door. She just stood at the floormat, and stared at the door, which had a wooden frame that read "Goo Family". I could see she was afraid. Afraid of having to break the news to her mother, afraid of what would happen after that. As a guy, and the only person beside her, i held onto her hand and squeezed it a little, giving her strength. "You can do this, Hara. Its your home." 

She lifted her other arm slowly, and i could see her fingers trembling slightly. Knocking only a few times, we stood outside and waited awhile before we were greeted by none other than Mrs. Goo.

Hara let go of my grip and went into her mother's embrace. Mother and Daugther reunited after who knows how many years. Both shed tears of joy as they could finally see each other. "I- Miss you mum" Hara managed, before breaking out into tears again.

A smile spread across my face as i witnessed the scene. I've never seen Hara so happy, other than the other time at the market street. After settling down at the living room, where a modest television was placed, with a few photos scattered on top, and a small table infront of the television with pillow like mats layed on each sides of the table were found, Mrs Goo served tea. 

After the introduction all over again, everything was pretty much the same as the conversation i had with the ahjumma earlier, except that Mrs Goo believed i was just Hara's friend and asked nothing more. 

"So honey, what did you want to tell me?" she asked her daugther.


Next chapter would be the sad sad sad sad sad scenario. D; i wouldnt make anyone cry, i dont have the ability to. My writing is really simple anyways. hope you guys like it! 

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sharifah1999 #1
Chapter 9: Daebakk..this story was very good
this is so sad..but I'm so looking forward for the next chapter :P
tredwrrior #3
i wait for a long time for this story
and finally you update!!!
your story daebak i like it!!
update soo!!!
kyeopta_meserio #4
unnie!! you know who i am :))
Daebak update! Asian dads are always like that -.-
wiiee sweet JunHara :)
update soon :)))
guan-yin #5
please update soon..
i love the story!!!
kyeopta_meserio #6
update soon!!
hara_ya #7
i really had to thanked junhyung,<br />
coz he will be there at hara side when hara down up sick n healthy..<br />
do update~
LeeHyejin #8
OMG!!! I love this fanfic! already!! wah please update soon!!!! wahhh!! hara and junhyung yey!!
korean_girl #9
why did you have to stop there...<br />
It okay update more <br />
I wanna see her mom reaction<br />
and I love the part where Junhyung said he wish Hara was his girlfriend/wife
MushyYang #10
hara_ya : Thank you for supporting this story! Yes i will update soon~<br />
<br />
Girlfriend-white : Thank you for supporting!