Chapter six

My Mistake

Hyuna's P.O.V

I kept walking avoiding interacting with people on the streets. My mood wasn't the best at the moment due to previous actions. Why can't some people learn I don't want to see or talk to you? Sighing I looked down towards my feet. Why wasn't anything working out for me? To make matters worse, drops of rain fell. I walked faster trying not to get soaked from the rain that started poring faster. Less people were walking down the streets, due to the rain. They took shelter in near shops or cafes. I turned the corner seeing the neighborhood becoming more and more familiar.

The rain started coming down hard. I was now running trying to get to the dorm faster. A car came by and pushed close to the sidewalk over a puddle and drenched water on me purposely. I stopped sighing at how rude people can be. I continued on my way towards the dorm. I was shaking, and my teeth were chattering from the cold rain I was drenched in. I got to the door of the building and walked up to the Exo dorm. Knocking since I didn't have a key, the door was thrown open by Baekhyun. "Why are you soaked?" He said ushering me in, ordering Kai to get me a towel. "I started walking home, and it started to rain." I said while my teeth chattered together. "Why didn't you call someone we would've picked you up." He said shoving the towel from Kai's hands, around my shoulders. "I am fine Baekhyun, really." I said trying to keep my teeth from shattering. He looked at me and put a hand on my forehead. "Your burning." He said leading me toward his room, we shared. He opened the door and in the bed was a sleeping Chanyeol. "Chanyeol out of bed, your needed elsewhere. Now move, move, move." He said hitting Chanyeol with pillows. "Get clothes and go change in the bathroom and come back." Baekhyun instructed me while pulling Chanyeol's body off the lower bunk. I rummaged through the closet finding a pair of pajamas. I sprinted down the hall not being able to wait to get these drenched clothes off me.

Throwing the soaked clothes in a basket that was in the corner I struggled to get my pajamas on due to my slightly wet skin. I managed to put them on with out much hassle. Walking towards the room I was pulled in by Baekhyun and tossed on Chanyeol's bed, which he was no longer on. "You are to stay here and get better." He said pulling my sheets up and walking towards the door. He gave me the 'I'm watching you' motion and left the room, shutting the door in the process. I laid there thinking about things. One thing popped into my mind. Kim Joonmyeon. Lately no matter what it is, it reminds me of him. I'll have to admit no matter how much I hate him, I miss many things about him. I miss his warm embraces. I miss his scent, while cuddling. I miss his corny jokes. I miss his overprotectiveness. I miss his embarrassing dancing. His dorky personality. I miss him.

"Hyuna we are going out I love you stay safe." Chanyeol popped his head in the room. "Yeah okay. I'll call you if I need something." I said turning my head back to look at the frame of the bed above me. He shut the door and left the room. I turned towards the wall, seeing how I should get some sleep. My eyes closed, but my mind was still running. Running over the pass. Flashbacks I didn't want to remember. I was so into my thoughts I hadn't notice the door open. I only knew there was a persistence, when a hand touched my shoulder. I turned to see exactly who I didn't want to see. "What are you doing here?" I spat at him. He really doesn't know how to stay away does he? "I wanted to talk." He says taking a seat at the corner of my bed. "I don't want to talk to you." I said picking at the comforter ends. "Please, let me talk to you." He pleaded in a whisper. "Go on." I whispered barely addible. "Hyuna I wanted to say I'm sorry, I'm sorry for breaking up with you." "No you're-" I started. "Please let me finish." He said putting his hand over mine. I made eye contact with him, not moving my hand as if I had no control to. No matter how much I'd want to I couldn't move my hand, from his burning touch. "I was stupid. I shouldn't have broken up with you. I thought that's what was for the best, but it was actually a million times worse. When I kissed another women and said I didn't love you, that was a lie. That's one thing I still regret to this day. The look on your face is still engraved in my head. The look of sadness, grief, anger, confusion." His voice fell into a whisper, as he looked down at the sheets.

"If I could go back I'd change everything. I would even give up being in Exo for you, because that's how much I'm crazy for you. I miss your smile. How I'd make you laugh with my stupidity. I miss your excitement when your favorite tv show came on, or when you talked about your favorite artist. I miss your eyes sparkling when I told you I loved you, or kissed you. I miss you. Hyuna, I miss you so ing much. Fate somehow brought us back together. And Hyuna, I love you, I never stopped loving you." He picked his head up to meet my gaze.

I was beyond shocked. My heart was beating a million miles per minute. My cheeks started to flush. "W-what?" Was all I let out. That's all I could utter. "Yes, Hyuna I love you." He said looking at me his face filled with hope. I looked down not being able to meet his gaze. "Joonmyeon, I- that's sweet and very touching but," I couldn't make out the words. I can't say I love him. I don't know if I still love him. He left me heart broken, and self-conscious. "But what?" He said with hope lighting his eyes. "I-I miss you too." I said looking down after seeing his expression. His mouth turned downward slightly and his eyes lost its shimmer of hope. He removed his hand from mine. I thought he was going to get up and leave, but he didn't. He put a strand of hair behind my ear. "Did you know your beautiful? Your smile, your eyes, your hair, your curves, your body, you in general." He put both hands on my face lifting my gaze to meet his. "I want to do this because I love you." He said looking at me with his brown eyes. His touch was so gentle, it was making my cheeks flush more than it already was. My heart was beating so hard you could probably hear it in New York. His face started inching closer to mine. My eyes shut instinctively as his face got closer. He was millimeters away from my lips, I could feel his plump lips softly on mine. Gently his lips were placed on mine.

"What the is going on here?"

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iloveExo1 #1
Chapter 17: Take your time author_nim.
gabriela68 #2
Chapter 16: What....... so its only a dream?
Chapter 16: WHAT
Everything was a dream? wow...
Chapter 15: Lol Baek tried to make Xiuchen real. Poor Hyuna :(
Chapter 14: Omg so much fluff~
Thank you for update x
Chapter 14: Nawww how sweet.
Joonmyeon why you gotta be so sweet
Chapter 13: Yes!!! They confessed to each other <3
Chapter 12: Battle of the Exes ! Thank you for updating:)
Chapter 12: Oooooooh battle of the exes indeed.
I love your story ♥
gabriela68 #10
Chapter 11: i'm still reading it, pls update soon kk!:)