Chapter fifthteen

My Mistake

••••• Editing later •••••

Hyuna's P.O.V

All day it was non-stop hugging and affection with Suho. I'd just be walking around in the hallway and he'll pop up out of nowhere. I've also noticed he's gotten more jealous... I guess you could say. I'd be having bubble tea in the kitchen talking with Sehun and he'd walk by getting all mad at Sehun glaring at him. I guess it's just the boyfriend he is. It's now almost the end of summer, I'll have to be returning back to California in a week. 

What I'm afraid of most is will me and Joonmyeon still be able to keep our relationship? Or will we have to part ways once again. I mean can this work out as a long distance relationship? Hopefully I wouldn't want to lose him again, it would be too much pain and tragedy. 

"Hyuna, are you okay?" Chanyeol said waving a hand infront of my face making me snap out of my trance. 

"What?" I asked confused. 

He gave me a confused glance again. "I asked are you okay? You've been spacing out a lot within the past week." He said patting my head and sitting down on the couch beside me. 

"Chanyeol I'm leaving in a week." I kept my voice low because I wanted to ask Chanyeol what would be best to do. 

"A week? Already haven't you only been here 2 weeks?" He shrieked standing up pacing around the room. 

"I'm such a bad cousin. I didn't show you around Korea, I was practicing throughout most of your vist." He mumbled while pacing around the living room area. 

"Chanyeol it's okay, don't worry your company was enough. I have something serious to talk to you about though." I mumbled the last part a bit lower catching his attention as he sat back on he couch waiting for me to talk. 

"Do you think I should stay with Joonmyeon? I mean I love him and all but does long distance work? When will we see each other again?" I was ranting off on him running my hands through my hair. 

"Hyuna, listen it'll work out. Trust me maybe you should try talking to him. Does he even know your leaving?" He asked. I shook my head no looking down to the carpeted floor. 

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair as well. "Talk to him." He suggested. 


"Hey Joonmyeon can I talk to you?" I asked as I caught him in the hall as I was coming out of my room. He nodded and I pulled him into my room, closing the door behind him. 

"I'm leaving in a week." I let out falling on the neatly made, bed right beside him. 

"What do you mean you're leaving in a week?" He asked confused and placed his hand in my thigh. 

"I mean I was only sent to Korea for the summer. Summer is over in a week. I have to go back to California and to my university." I sighed placing my head on his shoulder. 

"This isn't your way of breaking up with me is it? Because I wouldn't want to lose you again Jagia." He said his eyes getting glossy from thought. 

"No, no I'm not saying that," I shook my head in reassurance. "I'm just saying, or trying to, is can we keep a long distance relationship? You mean so much to me, I love you." 

"No we can make this work, I love you too Jagia forever and always." He said kissing my head lightly. 


Then everything went black. A hazy black as if I was dreaming. What's happening? Wasn't I just with Suho a moment ago? Am I dreaming? 

A blaring noise was heard through out, wherever I was, making my head hurt. Then I could here voices talking around me, sounding as to be rushing around the room. 

My eyes fluttered open to be met with a white. Shutting my eyes right after due towards the brightness. Voices were talking around me. I caught some words out of the muttered scents vest that were being sputtered around the room. 

"She's awake?" A voice that sounded painful had spoken with love and relief. Wait where they talking about me? 

Fluttering my eyes open once again I stiffed my eyes to register the lighting of the room. I was now staring at a white ceiling. Picking my head up slightly I looked around at the all bare white room. Machines were all around the room and there were needles and tubes in my arms making me confused. 

It only took me a few moments to realize I was in a hospital. Where's the boys? Where's Joonmyeon? Why am I in a hospital? 

Suddenly a boy came up to me and grabbed my hand. "Hyuna thank god that you're awake." He said as tears slowly poured out of his eyes, that were filled with sadness. Who is he? Wait Jimin? What's he doing here?

"Jimin? What are you doing here? We broke up, why are you still holding my hand?" I asked him as his face turned confused and tears came down his face more. 

Before he could answer, a man in a white coat came in. I assumed he was the doctor, as seeing he had a clipboard and pen with him. 

"Dr. Lee why can't she remember me? She thinks we're broken up." The boy on my side, Jimin, had said crying and let go of my hand slightly. 

"I'm sorry young man, but I'm afraid she might have gotten amnesia from the accident. While she was in a coma she might've been dreaming her own fantasy world which is leading her to be confused at the moment." He said walking over to the left side of my bed checking the machines and writing things down. 

"Accident what are you talking about?" I asked trying to sit up using the strength in my elbow to lift my upper body up. That lead to me falling back down do to lack of strength. 

"Ms. Park, you were in a terrible car crash that lead you to be rushed to the emergency room. You've been in a coma for about a month." As the doctor finished his sentence I was more confused than I ever was. 

Out of nowhere the door opens and in comes my cousin Chanyeol. Wait am I being pranked? Or did I really get in to an accident? 

He ran over to me and carefully embraces me in a hug. "You're awake! Oh I hopped I could come sooner, but I finally had a brake and could see you. I hope you don't mind, Suho hyung had to come with me because apparently I was too emotionally unstable to be on a plane on my own." He uttered out releasing me from his grasp. 

"You mean Joonmyeon Oppa is here?" I asked chirping up at the sound of my boyfriends name. 

"What?" Chanyeol asked curiously looking at Jimin in question. 

Jimin stifled and wiped away the rest of his falling tears. "She has amnesia," he replied letting out more tears that kept falling. "She only remembers what she made up in her dreams, while she was in a coma." He said now fully letting go of my hand. 

Chanyeol gave a sympathetic look towards Jimin as if he himself was feeling the pain. What do it was true? I was dreaming that whole thing? 

Warm tears started streaming down my face making, a warm puddle at the bottom of chin. 

"Why are you crying?" Jimin asked in a soft tone taking my hand softly. 

"Because I can't remember anything, I can't remember my boyfriend, I thought I was dating someone else, I have no memory of us." I cried heavily now, making Chanyeol grab my other hand. 

"It's okay, I'll help you remember because I love you." He said kissing my cheek wiping my tears. Making a smile appear on my face. 

At the doorway stood the man I mistook from my boyfriend. Kim Joonmyeon, but the way my feelings hit me when I saw him, shouldn't have been like that. Seeing how he wasn't my boyfriend, nor ever was. 


Don't kill me! I know this isn't the way you had planned the ending to be but I'll post a chapter explaining something later on during the week! But if you have any questions or anything you can comment and I'll back to you. Also thank you to everyone who actually liked this horrible written story!

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iloveExo1 #1
Chapter 17: Take your time author_nim.
gabriela68 #2
Chapter 16: What....... so its only a dream?
Chapter 16: WHAT
Everything was a dream? wow...
Chapter 15: Lol Baek tried to make Xiuchen real. Poor Hyuna :(
Chapter 14: Omg so much fluff~
Thank you for update x
Chapter 14: Nawww how sweet.
Joonmyeon why you gotta be so sweet
Chapter 13: Yes!!! They confessed to each other <3
Chapter 12: Battle of the Exes ! Thank you for updating:)
Chapter 12: Oooooooh battle of the exes indeed.
I love your story ♥
gabriela68 #10
Chapter 11: i'm still reading it, pls update soon kk!:)