chapter three

My Mistake

*Italics will be flashbacks*

Kim Joonmyeon's P.O.V

She wasn't looking well. Her body collapsed under her feet. I reached out to grab her before she fell. She looked at me with tears still b her eyes. Her eyes closed, she'd passed out, from an anxiety attack. I picked her up effortlessly, and walked back to the dorm with her in my arms. I placed her on the couch, all the boys were looking at me for an explanation as for why she flipped out on me before. "It's nothing." I said shaking my head at them. "No! No it's not nothing! Tell me!" Chanyeol said slamming his hand on the table. "Chanyeol, calm-" Baekhyun started to say patting his back. "No! Suho, tell me! What happened? Why doesn't she forgive you!" He said getting angrier at the moment. "I used to date Hyuna back before our debut. Two years before anything got serious, my training was getting more serious and I couldn't have any distractions." I said looking down not meeting any of there eyes. "What else happened?" Chanyeol seethed through gritted teeth. "Instead of my facing her and telling her. I kissed another women making sure she saw and said I didn't love her, and we wouldn't work out." The air was knocked out of me when I was pushed against the wall by Chanyeol. "Chanyeol! Get off Suho-hyung." Chen shouted lunging at Chanyeol pulling him back. Chen, Xiumin, and Lay had to hold him back, but that didn't stop his mouth from running. "That girl right there, she's practically my sister. She doesn't have any other siblings I'm her sibling. I may have lost contact for a bit with her after SM, but now she's back. She was the most happy and fragile girl I've ever met. She also had the most caring heart. I will not let her get hurt again. I've failed at that twice but not anymore. I should strangle you right now but I still have respect for you. You being the leader and my brother." He said and stopped trying to pry off the boys holding him back. "Now why were you crying?" He said finally noticing my red puffy eyes from minutes before in the hall. "I still love her. I never stopped loving her."

Hyuna's P.O.V

"Hyuna you look beautiful." Joonmyeon said. He had come to pick me up for a party him and a few friends were going to. I was just in high waisted shorts, a cropped hot pink shirt and sandals. "Thank you." I said looking at the porch floor hopefully my face wasn't as pink as my shirt. He then grabbed my hand and lead me into his car, opening the passenger side door for me to get in. The car ride was filled with laughing at corny jokes, and loud music. We arrived at the party and it was filled with sweaty bodies on the dance floor. Loud music was playing through the speakers filling the house with noise. I walked into the house and towards the kitchen that was less crowded. I looked around but I couldn't find anyone familiar and I lost Joonmyeon on the way to the kitchen. "He babe." An intoxicated boy d my while he stood behind me whispering in my ear ual things. He was pulled of of me by Joonmyeon and he lead me out of the house angrily. "Thank you." I said once we got outside looking into his eyes. He did reply but his face leaned closer to mine. My breath shortening and my heart speeding up. He leaned in fully putting his lips on mine. He pulled back. "Hyuna will you be my girlfriend?" He asked hands still on my face. "Of course." I said connecting our lips again.


"Hyuna come on it's down this way." Joonmyeon said leading me through the meadow of flower to something. I was jogging trying to keep up with him. He turned and grabbed my hand dragging me some place. "Cover your eyes." He said and placed his hand over my eyes just incase I peeked through mine. "Is this really necessary?" I asked a bit agitated at the fact he made me cover my eyes. "Okay now look." He said removing his hand from my eyes. I squinted from the light in my eyes. I looked around to see a beautiful waterfall. There were trees covering it making it look hidden. There was a very small pond around the waterfall. I was speechless this was beautiful. "Joonmyeon this-this is beautiful." I said still admiring the sight in front of me.

"Hyuna, I brought you here because this is very special to me. I used to come here with my grandfather." He said looking in my eyes. "What? Joonmyeon this should be for you and your grandfather as one of the memories you have together." I stared back into his caring eyes. "He told me to share this with a very special person in my life someone I love." He said his arm now wrapping around my waist. "W-what?" I said my eyes widing, did he just? "Park Hyuna I love you." He said leaning into my lips and putting mine on his. Love and passion could be felt in the kiss. He separated from the kiss leaning his forehead on mine. "I love you too Kim Joonmyeon." I said kissing him again.

I was falling out of my memories by voices. The voices were all fuzzy. There's only one thing I made out. "I still love her. I never stopped loving her." What are these boys watching? Was this a new k-drama? I opened my eyes, the light was blinding. I looked around at the tv to see it not on. Looking around I saw the boys all around at each other not noticing me. I laid back down the look like I was still knocked out. "Let's go and leave her alone to sleep." A deep voice known as Chanyeol said. I heard there footsteps leave the room. Now's my time. I opened my eyes and slid towards the door. I'm clumsy and don't know how to walk so, I tripped over shoes that thrown in the middle of the floor. I didn't fall but I stumbled to stay standing. I quickly opened the door, because I heard footsteps down the hall. I ran right out the exit door and into the streets. I was walking for a bit trying to clear my mind. My phone began buzzing non-stop.

Hyuna come back! Xx ~Chanyeol

This isn't funny

I had gotten many other texts from him worrying. I had just shut off my phone for the time being. I walked into a Starbucks and got a coffee. As I turned around I crashed into someone, my coffee spilling it on there white shirt. I looked up to see a boy with pinkish blonde hair with amazing brown eyes. "I'm so sorry! Oh gosh. Are you okay? Are you burned?" I said panicking that I hurt him. He stepped aside and pulled me out of the line. He got napkins and start wiping his stomach. "Don't worry I'm fine." He said looking at me wit an amused smile. "I'm still so sorry I wasn't looking, and was lost in my thoughts...." I started explaining. "Hey it's okay. I'm Min Yoongi." He said bringing his hand out for me to shake. "Park Hyuna." I said looking at the boy who was very friendly. "Since I bumped into you and you spilt coffee on my shirt, I believe I deserve your number." He said with a cheesy smile plastered on his face. "Sure." I said and was handed his phone. I punched my number and name in. "I'd love to stay but my friends are waiting for me." He said and walked off. "I'll text you." He said as he opened the door and let me out first. I nodded and went in the opposite direction of him. I entered the dorm door and all the heads turned to look at me. "Where were you?!" Chanyeol yelled leaping forward towards me. "I was seeing a friend." I said. Seeing how I made a new friend. "Say something instead of running of next time." Chanyeol said and pulled me to sit on the couch with him. I felt a bit awkward because I was sitting right near Suho. This is going to be a long awkward summer.

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iloveExo1 #1
Chapter 17: Take your time author_nim.
gabriela68 #2
Chapter 16: What....... so its only a dream?
Chapter 16: WHAT
Everything was a dream? wow...
Chapter 15: Lol Baek tried to make Xiuchen real. Poor Hyuna :(
Chapter 14: Omg so much fluff~
Thank you for update x
Chapter 14: Nawww how sweet.
Joonmyeon why you gotta be so sweet
Chapter 13: Yes!!! They confessed to each other <3
Chapter 12: Battle of the Exes ! Thank you for updating:)
Chapter 12: Oooooooh battle of the exes indeed.
I love your story ♥
gabriela68 #10
Chapter 11: i'm still reading it, pls update soon kk!:)