Chapter Two

We Destroy Ourselves


    “Son, it’s only for your last year of high school, please stop resisting! In order for you to become a good leader for our Guild, you must experience the other people around us and their cultures.” The King of Necromancers grumbled.


    “Sir, I understand that but we practically live with the other Guilds anyways, why would I need to go to Sekang? They say there is only one class there because no one wants to go. How am I supposed to learn different cultures in a classroom with only around twenty students?” Baekhyun persisted. “I don’t want to leave all my friends here for some rundown school with Mundanes running around the place!”


    The King chuckled.


    “You know you must experience the vileness of the Mundanes one day, Baekhyun, and the sooner the better.”


    “Yeah, the sooner they tie me to a cross and burn me alive, the better!”


    “Baekhyun, you are the future king for our Guild. You will be dealing with Mundanes almost everyday and I want you to be educated on them. There is no other choice for you. You will go to Sekang High School, whether I have to force the dead to drag you there or not. This conversation is finished.” With that, His Majesty shooed his fuming son out of his office.


    Baekhyun stomped through the mansion, his head trying to grasp the idea of mingling with those savage beasts fueled with years of hatred.


    I have to sit in a room with the people I hate the most. That’s just wonderful.


    He stomped his way out the door to who knows where, his anger increasing the more he thought of attending Sekang High School.

    He heard a crunch under his feet. Breaking from his thoughts, he looked down. He had stepped on a skull. Glancing up, he found he was in the middle of the Necromancer Practice Cemetery. Every person here had volunteered to be used for students to practice their powers on when they died. He smirked.


    Closing his eyes, he began to search for the souls tied down to the bodies under his feet. There were probably hundreds, buried centuries before the cemetery was even built. Concentrating on their life energy, he willed them to come from the ground.


    Come… come to me… take a body and come to me…


    He could feel the ground rumble underneath him, the presence of ancient spirits surrounding him.


    Take a body… come from the ground and come forth to me…


    Several body parts rammed through the earth. Decayed hands, feet, and heads poked from the ground, making garbled and screeching noises incoherent to non-necromancers.


    Do as I command… come forth spirits… I summon you all…


    Rotten bodies slowly make their way from the dirt and begin to crawl to their master.


    Come… come…


    Hundreds of bodies crawl free from the ground and grovel at Baekhyun’s feet. A terrible stench taints the air but Baekhyun sniffs it in delight. His lovely minions.


    Rise, rise and-




    A voice snaps through his mind and he looks up to face the person who dared to interrupt him. The bodies shifted around to face the person as well.


    “Uh, could you tell them not to stare at me like that, it’s kind of freaking me out.” It was his best friend, Oh Sehun, an Air Controller. After a pause, Baekhyun lifted the tie he had on the bodies and they all fell in unison. He felt the life energy of the spirits vanish into the ground and instantly regretted the act.


    “So…” Sehun stared at him. “Bad day?”


    “The worst.” Baekhyun sighed. “My dad’s making me go to Sekang.”


    “No way, I’m going there too!” Sehun grinned.


    “Wait, what?”


    “My mom wants me to ‘experience the Mundanes’ or whatever.” He shrugged. “Probably just wants me to be burned at the stake.”


    Baekhyun laughed and felt relief flood him. He walked up to Sehun and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.


    “Exactly what my old man said. But I guess it’s not so bad now, I have a shield to protect me from the big, bad Mundanes.”


    “Hey! I’m not going to protect you, okay, you have plenty of dead people at your disposal. I’m the one who needs to be protected.” Sehun huffed.


    “You can protect yourself just fine, one blow of wind and they’re flying out the door!”


    “But you’re a damn Prince, nobody will dare touch you!”


    “How ‘bout we just both combine our powers and protect each other? Sounds like a plan, love?” Baekhyun winked. Sehun looked at him in disgust.


    “As long as you don’t call me love, you piece of fried lettuce.”



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Chapter 7: Update soon baekzy moments
Haven't read this yet, and it seems to be very interesting!
Hoping to see some BaekZy (?)(!)
Chapter 3: I seriously can't wait for the update. hehe <3