Making Her Happy Is The Least I Can Do For Her Now

Maybe You Deserve Someone Else

*Yesung's POV*

I was deeply engrossed in my own world until I felt her stirring a little on the bed.

"Are you feeling alright?"

I asked in concern as soon as she opened her eyes and looked in my direction.

"Where am I?"

She asked weakly and tried to sit up with the help of me.

"You are in the hospital. You fainted earlier on and I sent you here."

I explained and sat back onto the chair.

I stared at her unknowingly for some time, not knowing how I should ask her about her condition.

"You know about it, don't you?"

She broke the awkward silence after a while and looked back at me.

I avoided her eyes instantly, not admitting nor denying to her question.

"You don't have to feel sorry for me. I don't need any pity."

She stated and stared in front blankly.

"I...I don't mean anything like this. But why don't you just go for the operation? The doctor says you cannot drag any longer."

I informed her seriously.

"I just want to do something before I am gone."

She said rather calmly.

"Let me call Jongjin."

I stated and took out my handphone from the side pocket.

"No, don't call him."

She stopped me and grabbed my hands anxiously.

"I don't want him to know about this. You know, what you said is right. I know that Jin won't love me right from the start. I always know, just that I refuse to face the truth. I just wanted some time from him, but then, I guess it's still too much of a request."

She added on before she released my hands.

“Min Jung-ah! We are talking about your life here. You need to do the operation not for anyone else but for yourself. Think of how your loved one will feel if they know you are hurting yourself like this. Think about your family and your friends.”

I said, trying to talk her around.

"My whole family die in a plane crash two years back. You still remember you asked me what attracted me to Jin? He is the only friend who helped me though that hardest period of time. I will not have the strength to hold on until now if not for him."

She continued.

God! How pathetic this lady in front of me can get to be?

I did not know how to carry on with my words, because each and every of the untold stories she revealed just made me more and more overwhelmed with sadness.

"You know what, it’s not that I don’t want to go for the operation because I am not afraid to lose my life. Death means nothinng to me because it’s the only time when I get to reunite with my family. But I just, I just hope that I can see a second more of him before my time is up."

She added on softly, and forced out a weak smile.

I saw her tears flowing down as she talked, and I did not know that my tears had fallen as well until they hit my hands.


*Yesung's POV*

 I did not know why but I began to visit her in the hospital ever since that day.

All the members were questioning why I always disappeared during my free time, but then, I guessed that it is still not the right time to let them know about Min Jung yet.

Things started from being awkward between us to now where we are able to talk about anything under the sun.

I began to see another side of her where she could be just as cheerful as any other girls of her age outside.

She ought to be enjoying her young life now, but then, it’s a pity that God seemed to treat her a little harsher than anyone else.

I sneaked her out a few times, bringing her to the amusement park, beach and even to my performances.

I did not know that she was so easily contented, as the smallest things I had done would just bring a smile to her face.

I must say she looked beautiful, even under the shadows of that sickening illness.

But then, her health was deteriorating so much lately that she needed to be bed-ridden.


I brought my tortoises to her ward secretly, hoping to cure a little of her loneliness when I was not around to accompany her.

“You got to take care of my precious sons here.”

 I said and looked at my pets with love.

"I got it, Oppa! You had said so many times. I will remember to feed them."

She replied with an annoyed tone but neverthless looked at the little ones moving around slowly in the box with great interest.

“Alright, time to switch off the lights now.”

I reminded before I took my pets away from her.

"You leaving now, Oppa?"

She asked suddenly just before I off the main lights.

“Yea, soon. But after you fall asleep.”

I answered.

"Sing me a song Oppa. It had been a long time since I last slept well.”

She requested and took hold of my hands, sending a sudden jerk in my heart.


P/S: Last chappie next.

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jo-anne #1
authornim you make me feel too much
Yesuuuung is sooooo freaking sweeeeet *U*
oh yesung..
Lol... how can Yesung be so dense???<br />
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of coz anyone will mistaken that..haha..<br />
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anyways I'm happy that they were finally happy together.
That was the cutest ending ever >.< I am fully satisfied. I love how the misunderstanding got cleared in such a sweet way :) That was just adorable. You definitely ended it well this time :)
I'm soooooo happy it has such an ending!!! I loved it:D I'm waiting for other fics too:D Please keep writing^^