The Start

영원히 (Forever)



Taekwoon tried hummimng along to the tune he made up in his mind 10 minutes earlier. He was cooking Kimchi Stew for lunch when this random tune popped out of no where and it just had to bother him to the point where he almost ruined the whole stew by sprinkling salt instead of sugar. Luckily Hongbin was passing by and managed to stop him just in the nick of time.Taekwoon growled at the pot of boiling soup, making Hongbin giggle a little before clearing his throat when he saw the frustrated look in Taekwoon's eyes.

"Do you want me to take over, hyung?"

Taekwoon handed the wooden ladle over worldlessly as he sauntered over to his workspace under the stairs. He then got immersed and lost in his little world, alternating between drowning in the music and swimming in the memories of him and Hakyeon. It wasn't until he heard noises outside, panicky, annoyed voices outside did he removed his headphones. He sighed, realising that Jaehwan and Sanghyuk were back from their routine get together ( as usual the rapper was knocked out cold in the basement after working on yet another masterpiece through the night. ) But they weren't supposed to be home until 2.30, which would be more or less the same time he returned from fetching Hakyeon-

Wait. He glanced at the clock on his table. 

Well, .


His door was about to collapse with all the loud, consistent bangings and he panicked internally, weighing two options he had at the moment. He managed to convince himself to choose wisely thus opening the door only to be met with a super pissed ahjumma in front of the door.

"HYUNG! Damn it hyung,WE ARE ALL DEAD."


"Please go and persuade Hakyeon please, we really didn't mean to burst at him, we're just flustered after looking at his bruise. Hyung-"

"Whoa whoa. Bruise?"

"....Ooops. Aish stupid ahjumma mouth!" Jaehwan slapped his own mouth and shook his head a few times before scampering away.

Taekwoon raised an eyebrow. What bruise are they talking about? When he opened the door to Hakyeon's room, the boy was wrapped up in his favourite red blanket, sobbings audible even at the distance between him and Taekwoon. Taekwoon's heart clenched a little at the vulnerable state of the child. He slowly closed thed door with a click and tip-toed to the bed silently as to not alarm the shaking boy. He cautiously slung an arm around the boy, pulling the child into his embrace. Hakyeon tensed at first and relaxed when he realised that it was Taekwoon atfer all. His head popped out of the mini-cocoon and went straight into the broad muscular chest in front of him.

"Sshhh... It's alright Hakyeonie. Hyung's here." He caressed the boy's cheek gently and held his chin to meet his eyes and Taekwoon's surprised gasp bounced across the room.


There was a huge bruise the size of Taekwoon's own fist scaring Hakyeon's left cheek. Suddenly, anger filled his being and the devils took advantage, spreading bonfire wildly as he thought of one thousand reasons of what could have happened.

"JUNG HAKYEON! What the hell happened to your face?! Who told you to get into a fight?!"

Hakyeon who had stopped crying just a few moments ago hung his head low as tears began filling his eyes again. He started to fiddle with the rough ends of his sweatpants and rubbed his palms on them.

" sorry hyung."

Little droplets of tears fall slowly to the bedsheet underneath them and Taekwoon's heart softened at the sight. He exhaled loudly and took the boy into his arms again but Hakyeon resisted this time. Taekwoon looked down at the boy, puzzled.


"There was this little boy at school who had nothing but a banana milk for recess and luch break. A few sunbaes decided to pick on him, calling him names and tried to take away the bottle of milk from him. I know mo-mommy tld me I shouldn't be so nosy and that I should mind my own business but I couldn't help it. So I stood up and took away the bottle, givng it back to the boy and told him to run. Hyung-nimdeul beat me and told me that I will regret doing this forever. I am sorry if you think helping someone as helpless as the boy is wrong, hyung but I was just trying to help. Sorry, Leo hyung."

Taekwoon could do nothing but blink and stared open mouthed at the little boy walking away and locking the bathroom door behind him. Taekwoon gulped. This boy is on a whole new different level. s and him were in for a hell of a ride.



Sorry for the short update but I really want to try making a once in two days update possible so.. yeah, here you go ^^;

Thank you for subscribing and omg 2 votes for a chapter? Thanks guys, I appreciate this. I hope I won't dissappoint you! ><

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Chapter 5: Oooooh please update soon
Chapter 5: I would like if you can manage to make a story about vixx friendship ,,,can you?... sorry for the trouble.... but if you were busy , it okay.. i dont mind... but your story is ' daebak'
AnaNeo #3
Chapter 5: 'I hated to see mum get hurt . . .'

My mum met my step-dad when I was five. After he came into our lives, things changed. At times he could be ok, take us out as a family and stuff, but at other times he'd get into these nasty moods.
When he was in a mood and going at mum, I used to get between them, even though they both would yell at me to go to my room. Sometimes I got hit by him if I got in the way, but I hated to see mum get hurt.
One night I got home late and my little step-brother was crying, and my step-dad was screaming at my mum, she had a cut on her arm. He was really aggro and I saw him throw an ash-tray at her head. Mum said for me to take my brother and go next door, she looked so scared. The neighbours let us in and told me to call the police. I rang them and told them what was happening.

After about 10 minutes I heard the police drive up, and I could hear my step-dad yelling at them. One of the policemen came next door and told me that they had warned my step-dad that if it happened again he could get charged. They also told me that mum could go to the court for a protection order to stop him from coming near our house.
Chapter 5: Awww. I want more little hakyeon~~ and bean hyung so cute
Green_Bamboo #5
Chapter 4: omg!!! Hakyeon is so precious! My bias<3
And the teacher is so rude! X( And his real father... T^T I can't wait until Hakyeon grows into his teen years...... :')
mistressofsecrecy1 #6
Chapter 4: that Teacher is not supposed to be in that position!! D:
poor Yeonnie... :( at least he has Minhyuk with him...
this little family is really adorable ^^ <3 awe he is so attached to Leo ^_^ poor hyungs can't handle him lol

thanks for the update! now I'm caught up :D
mistressofsecrecy1 #7
Chapter 3: but ...aren't Hakyeon's parents dead now? they are right? this is just the aftermath...I hope nobody comes after him... :/ talk to your hyung Hakyeon-ah...
mistressofsecrecy1 #8
Chapter 2: woah Hakyeonnie's so smart and kind ^^ <3 haha I thought Leo was going to be scolded but you took a different turn...