
영원히 (Forever)



"Leo hyung!"

Taekwoon smiled as he watched Hakyeon catching the ball thrown by Jaehwan, with the older man screeching in frustration.

It had only been a few months back since they moved here, a huge double storey in Jeju Island, finally deciding that they had enough of the seven years of blood, sweat and tears. The three years they spent without.... without their deceased leader were hard times and the most painful times throuhout their career. Perhaps even life. And during that era of depression after their disbandment announcement did this tiny ball of sunshine invaded their life.

On that day of fateful meeting between Taekwoon and little Hakyeon, Taekwoon had brought Hakyeon down to the cafeteria for a meal, noticing the colours that finally return to his face after two servings of Kimbap. Taekwoon had smiled bitterly, thinking of how Hakyeon was the complete opposite when he was... stil there, stil... alive. Hakyeon treasures meals and savages every single beads of rice only after dating Taekwoon. Before they happened, Hakyeon always finds a way to bluff and twist the fact that he hadn't eat for at least 36 hours. He always thought that no one would evr know. no one would ever find out. But he forgets that Taekwoon was always there. Thus, when they dated, Taekwoon make sure that nothing is left in his bowl after each and every meal. Finally, Hakyeon grew attached to food and Taekwoon finds amusement in watching his cute boyfriend stuffing his puffy cheeks away.

He snapped out of his little daydream when a doctor come and approached their table.

"I am so sorry Hakyeonnie. We can't save your mother."

It took a whole team of nurses and Taekwoon bribing the child with sweets to get Hakyeon out of the bathroom stall he locked himself in. When he got out, he just launched himself into Taekwoon's arms and latched himself onto them for several hours. Somehow, Taekwoon succesfully adopted the child and brought him home one day.

It was as if all the other VIXX members were dead for five minutes straight, blood freezing in their veins and the color drained from their face.The members had to blink several times to clear the thin sheen of unshed tears in their eyes when little Hakyeon introduced himself in a timid voice, rubbing the zipper of his hoodie on his palms until those tiny palms were red and hurt.

They were already reluctant enough to let go of Hakyeon, to accept reality, to move on  and suddenly this imposer of Hakyeon just popped out of no where and barreled into their lives? No. Unacceptable. It does not seem to help the fact that this 'Hakyeon' is an orphan, one without a mom and a dad whom hadn't return home for a year already. However, let's just say Hakyeon is still Hakyeon even when reborned as a child thus easily winning their hearts, gaining trust, love and care in less than a month.


Taekwoon chuckled softly as he watched Jaehwan stomping away, screaming how its unfair that Wonshik, his very own boyfriend betrayed him and helped Hakyeon to cheat instead.

"That's enough play for today guys. The sun is setting. Come inside and clean up while I fire up dinner."

Taekwoon does not want to admit it openly but he acknowledged the fact that not only he, himself but the other members too had changed. They had all changed in a way after Hakyeon's... departure. Taekwoon started talking a bit more, started joking around and became more attentive towards the people surrounding him. He easily took over Hakyeon's role of a mother and tried his best to fill in the gaps, empty spaces Hakyeon left them with. Jaehwan became a bit less talkative but is still very much the same ahjumma 7 years ago. Wonshik became more melancholic and clingy, Hongbin has mini trust an attachment issues, believing that everyone would leave at the end of the day, and Sanghyuk became more bulky. Standing straight and hard while everyone else was crumbling and became the official pillar of support to the group.

They all vary in attitude and personalities but they compliment each other best by being with each other. Thus the decision to still stay in a house even after disbanding.

"Thank you for the meal!"

"Hakyeonnie, you have to sleep well, school starts early tomorrow."

"Awww... But I don't want to go to school!"

"Sorry kid. That ain't a choice you get to make."

"Wonshik hyung is mean!"

Wonshik laughed, his deep voice filling the living room.

"Alright, alright. Come on Hakyeon. Bed time."

Taekwoon had to drag Hakyeon to bed and tug him in, staying right beside him in case the sly fox cub tried to pull something off.

"Can you sing me to sleep Leo hyung?"

Taekwoon nodded, unable to resist the hooded eyes that peeked through thick lashes. As his soft voice began to lull Hakyeon to sleep, his voice cracked in the middle of the serenade as he thought of how Hakyeon loved it when he sings this particular song during those times he felt burdened by the responsibilities of a leader. To be honest, Taekwoon never got over Hakyeon's death. Are you trying to tell a man that had been clutching to a thin piece of straw called love for 3 years in secret to forget that his finally reciprocrated love had left him alone in this cruel world? NO, its not easy. Not at all.

Taekwoon wiped the silent tears he shed on the sleeve of his sweater and bend down to kiss the peacefully sleeping boy's forehead gently before pulling the blankets up to cover Hakyeon's chest. He embraced himself, took a last look at Hakyeon and exited the room, joining the members for a movie in the living room.



So, here you go. This is pretty much the opening and foundation of the story. I'm sorry for the long wait! ^^;

Thank you to the 21 subscribers that had subscribed even before the first chapter is up, thank you! Also to those who had commented and expecting this fanfic, I hope I won't disappoint you! Thank you for reading, do subscribe and leave a comment ! Thank you! ^^


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Chapter 5: Oooooh please update soon
Chapter 5: I would like if you can manage to make a story about vixx friendship ,,,can you?... sorry for the trouble.... but if you were busy , it okay.. i dont mind... but your story is ' daebak'
AnaNeo #3
Chapter 5: 'I hated to see mum get hurt . . .'

My mum met my step-dad when I was five. After he came into our lives, things changed. At times he could be ok, take us out as a family and stuff, but at other times he'd get into these nasty moods.
When he was in a mood and going at mum, I used to get between them, even though they both would yell at me to go to my room. Sometimes I got hit by him if I got in the way, but I hated to see mum get hurt.
One night I got home late and my little step-brother was crying, and my step-dad was screaming at my mum, she had a cut on her arm. He was really aggro and I saw him throw an ash-tray at her head. Mum said for me to take my brother and go next door, she looked so scared. The neighbours let us in and told me to call the police. I rang them and told them what was happening.

After about 10 minutes I heard the police drive up, and I could hear my step-dad yelling at them. One of the policemen came next door and told me that they had warned my step-dad that if it happened again he could get charged. They also told me that mum could go to the court for a protection order to stop him from coming near our house.
Chapter 5: Awww. I want more little hakyeon~~ and bean hyung so cute
Green_Bamboo #5
Chapter 4: omg!!! Hakyeon is so precious! My bias<3
And the teacher is so rude! X( And his real father... T^T I can't wait until Hakyeon grows into his teen years...... :')
mistressofsecrecy1 #6
Chapter 4: that Teacher is not supposed to be in that position!! D:
poor Yeonnie... :( at least he has Minhyuk with him...
this little family is really adorable ^^ <3 awe he is so attached to Leo ^_^ poor hyungs can't handle him lol

thanks for the update! now I'm caught up :D
mistressofsecrecy1 #7
Chapter 3: but ...aren't Hakyeon's parents dead now? they are right? this is just the aftermath...I hope nobody comes after him... :/ talk to your hyung Hakyeon-ah...
mistressofsecrecy1 #8
Chapter 2: woah Hakyeonnie's so smart and kind ^^ <3 haha I thought Leo was going to be scolded but you took a different turn...