Chapter 3

Magical Adventure in Disneyland

A/N: Ayoo Hello lovely people! So here it is! The last chapter of this story! Like I said before I was originally planning on doing a one shot but I wrote more than I expected so it turned out to be a three shot! I hope you guys enjoy the last chapter! Bye for now!! 


The next ride was a roller coaster, since the boys wanted to make things more fun and exciting! We stood in line and got in in no time. As we sat down I opened my mouth to tell him that I’m not so good with roller coasters. However he cut me off by saying “It’s okay. You can hold my hand.” I smiled and thanked him. We started moving and that roller coaster had more twists and turns than the last one. I held Minghao’s hand and he intertwined our fingers. They seemed to fit perfectly. His hands were extremely soft and I felt so happy whenever I was holding them. I was laughing at some parts and screaming at others. After that day, I kinda got over my fear of roller coasters. The roller coaster came to its stop and we got off.


It was 10:30 pm by then and we decided to go on one last ride for that day. Who knew? Maybe later on in the future we would come back here with all the eight of us again. I searched online and found out that the Indiana Jones Adventure was one of the best rides at Disneyland. We lined up and even though I knew there were going to be some scary things inside from its movies, I still forced myself to go in. I was sitting next to Minghao and just as we sat down, he grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers. The ride was quite long but still entertaining and thrilling. I was really scared at some points of the ride so I just shut my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder. He just patted my head and said “It’s okay!” I was really thankful to Minghao because he was next to me the whole day. I didn’t want him to think that I was scared and weak; however some rides were just too much for my ability. The ride finally finished but that meant that we had to separate very soon.


We walked towards the exit and it was around 11:30 pm. It was getting chilly so I put on my flannel that I had around my waist the whole day. “Are you cold?” asked Minghao looking concerned. “No, I’m fine now.” I replied smiling knowing that he cared. We exited the gate and it was time for us to bid our goodbyes since we all parked in different directions. “How are you guys getting home?” asked Mingyu. “I have to drop all of them off!” replied Minhee looking very tired. I felt so bad for her because it would take her forever to get home. “Hana, I can take you home if you Minhee can get home earlier.” I heard Minghao’s voice. “Oh as expected, our gentleman.” said Jun while everyone else was smiling. He looked shy! “Would it be okay for you?” I replied because I didn’t want Minhee to drop off three people. “Absolutely! I came here with my own car, I can drop you off!” Wow he drives and he has his own car! “Well that would be great!” I smiled at him. “Ok guys we are gonna get going now. I had such a great time today. Who knew I would meet Minhee here after five years?” said Joshua smiling cutely. “It was very great to meet you!” said Hwayoung and Miyoung nodded while she was holding Mingyu’s hand. “Let’s all exchange numbers so maybe we can hang out another time!” suggested Jun and I couldn’t be any happier. I saved everyone’s number and hugged everybody except Minghao. “Goodnight guys! Drive safely!” I said waving and we started walking towards Minghao’s car.


“Thank you for taking me home! I appreciate it!” “Sure, no problem.” “Today was one of the best days I’ve had in a while.” I said and his face brightened up. “Same for me! I had no idea I would meet such a sweet and pretty girl like you!” he said while looking down. I was trying to interpret the whole situation that I didn’t even have time to thank him for the compliment. He was an outstanding guy with a great personality. He was so kind and his smile warmed up my heart. He was just like how I imagined my Prince Charming would be. “You know you have such a cute smile?” I said getting shy. “Oh I do?..Well thank you!” he said while laughing slightly. I nodded at him. We walked for another minute, both of us silent. The atmosphere didn’t feel awkward at all like it was in the restaurant earlier on. We were both enjoying each other’s company.


When we got to his car he opened the door for me and closed it when I got in. He was such a gentleman. His car was a black Nissan Altima 2015. I usually have a thing for boys who drive. There is just something y about it. The first thing he did when he got in was take off his bow and so did I. He placed it down and the car. “So what’s your address?” I gave it to him and he started punching it on the GPS. “All set. Wait we actually live close to each other.” he replied. “Wow really? That’s great!” He put on his seatbelt and started coming out of the parking lot. Then he the radio and some song started playing. I was really tired and I could feel my eyelids getting heavier. I knocked myself out of it; there was no way I was gonna sleep in his car. I wanted to talk to him but had no idea what to say. “Do you live by yourself Hana?” he asked while I was looking outside the window. “Oh no I live with my parents and my younger brother. How about you?” “I actually live by myself. My parents live in China!” he said and I caught a glimpse of sadness in his tone. “Well do you see your parents often?” I asked trying to make him feel better. “Yeah I see them once every two months!” he replied. “That’s great! Do you go to China or do they come here to visit?” I asked curiously. “Well sometimes I go to China and stay for a while and sometimes they visit me, it depends.” “That should be fun! Going to China and staying for a vacation. I have always wanted to visit China. I heard it’s a beautiful country. I hope I can go there soon!” he smiled at my reply. “It would be fun if we went there together. I could show you around since I know all the places.” “That would be amazing!” I said smiling already daydreaming about how the trip would be like. Traveling with him would be such a romantic and an amazing experience.


After a few minutes we were quiet again. Suddenly My Lady by EXO (A/N: I’m sorry! EXO is my ultimate bias group lol! I think it fits perfectly with their situation and the feelings that they have towards each other.Especially the way Minghao is feeling towards Hana!) started playing and I got a little bit shy. It was a y love song and I felt my cheeks getting red again. I didn’t wanna look at him but I also wanted to see his reaction towards the song. He was resting his head on his left hand by the side of the window while his right hand was on the steering wheel. He looked so y at that moment. He caught me staring at him and smiled at me while biting his lips. I didn’t expect the atmosphere to change so quickly. I just gave him a quick smirk and looked away taking my phone out of my bag. I started looking through the pictures we took earlier on. However I couldn’t concentrate because of the lyrics. I quickly looked at him and saw him quietly singing along.

"Not a friend

I want to be a man to you

Not just any person

The one person who will protect you”


“Not a friend

Starting from the first moment that I saw you

I’m not just saying this

Lady! I only love you!”

He was making me feel a special way and I didn’t know how to react. I went back to my phone and zoomed in on the photos. I noticed that Minghao was biting his lips in the pictures as well. Guys who do that sometimes become my weakness. It seemed like he did it unintentionally almost as if it was a habit of his. After a minute the song finished and another slow song came on. I was really starting to fall asleep when I heard his voice. “If you want you can sleep! I’ll wake you up when we get to your house.” he told me. “No it’s okay! I’ll just sleep when I get home.” The rest of the ride had a more cute and bubbly feel to it. We were laughing and talking. I couldn’t get enough of his laugh; it was so adorable.

After about a few minutes we got to my house. “Ok here we are.” he said smiling at me. I’m gonna miss that smile. “Thank you so much for giving me a ride. I had the best time with you today!” he looked happy with my response. “I had an amazing time with you as well.” “Also another thank you for making me feel better when I was scared.” “No need to thank me!” “Well I’m gonna go now.” I said opening my seatbelt. “Listen uhm since I have your number, can I text you so we can get a cup of coffee together sometime?”he asked nervously. “Sure, I would love that!” I replied happily because I knew I would get to see him and his beautiful smile again. “I will text you later!” he said with a shy smile. This time I was the one who hugged him but he didn’t look surprised at all. He just smiled and hugged me tighter. I could smell his cologne and it had a sweet but manly scent to it. “Hope to see you soon! Goodnight and be safe!” I said while getting out of the car. “I hope to see you soon too! Goodnight and have sweet dreams.” I smiled and closed the car door walking towards my house. I opened the front door with my key and looked back seeing Minghao still in his car waiting for me to get in. I waved at him and closed the door quietly while he drove away. That day was absolutely better than I imagined it would be. I couldn’t explain it in words anymore! It looked like that I had found my Prince Charming that I was searching for, for a long time!


A/N: Hiiiii so here it is! The ending of this story! I really hope that you guys enjoyed the whole story and the ending! Thank you for the subscribers even though I know I don't have that many! Writing this fanfic was so fun and hopefully I will have something else very soon! Thank you guys and I love you ♡

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misheri #1
Chapter 3: loved it omg Minghao is my UB <3
Chapter 3: Okay.
Let me just grab some glue for this fanfic has ruined my bias list again.
hyesong #3
Chapter 3: this is so good!!^^ it would be awesome if you make a sequel
Toffoja #4
Chapter 3: This is so good!! I would love you if you made a sequel that tells about their lives after they meet!!
Love you! <3
I JUST GOT TO KNOW SEVENTEEN AND NOW THIS BOY'S FACE IS ON MY LAPTOP LOCK SCREEN AND HOME SCREEN AND MY HANDPHONE TO LIKE WHAT THE HECK AND THERE WAS NO THE8 FANFICS AT ALL?!?! THIS BOY IS A TREASURE OMGGGGGGGG Sorry I had to let out all the feels for this wonderful dancer*coughs* author-nim fighting for your amazing fanfic!! I will follow this as I start following Seventeen and The8 <3