Chapter 2

Magical Adventure in Disneyland

A/N: Hello guys so I'm here with the second chapter of this story! I think it will be a three-shot story I'm not sure! I hope you guys are enjoying it! Comments will be much appreciated! ^^ Ok bye for now


After Splash Mountain we went on two more rides and we decided to take a break since the festival would start soon. Miyoung suggested to go into the Disney store to kill some time. There were so many cute plushies and I wanted all of them. If I had the money I would buy a lot of stuff from that store. I looked around and saw Minghao holding a Mickey plushie and walking towards me. He was even cuter at that moment and I couldn’t help but to smile. “Which one of us is cuter?” he asked while holding the plushie next to his face. Oh God please don’t do this to me. I wanted to ; however, I also wanted to let him know that I thought he was cute. “Well of course its Mi- of course it’s you!” I looked down shyly because I just called him cute out loud. “Well thank you!” I looked up seeing a satisfied Minghao. “Just so you know you are cuter than all these plushies combined!” My heart started beating faster and it felt like a fantasy at that moment.


We both walked to the section where they had cute little Mickey and Minnie ears. I really liked them and I wanted to buy one. He was looking at the ears and bows too. “You wanna buy one too?” I asked him. “Yeah..would it be too weird if I wear it?” he asked innocently. “No I think you will look even cuter!” he smiled back and started searching for something. He looked so concentrated and I kept staring at him. After a few minutes I found a red bow with white polka-dots on it. I put it on my head and was looking in the mirror when Minghao stood behind me. I looked at him through the mirror and said “You’re getting that one too?” “Yeah I think it’s cute!” he replied touching it.


We both walked towards the cashier to pay. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. I payed for mine and took of the tag off, putting the bow back on my head. I turned around and waited for Minghao to finish. We both had the same bow on our head and I think people would mistake us as a couple. Thinking about it made me all excited, but it was too soon for that. We came out of the store and saw our friends looking at us. “Couple items already huh?” Jun said while everyone else was giving us a sly smile. “No, not really!” we both argued. “Of course not!” they retorted with their unchanged expressions. “We both liked it. Besides we paid separately!” Minghao replied and I nodded. “Ok whatever you guys say!” Mingyu replied and started walking towards the crowd already gathering up for the festival.


I really wanted to take pictures to remember that amazing day. “Hey guys can we take a few group pictures?” I asked them. “With all of us?” I heard Joshua saying. “Of course!” I replied because I wanted to have pictures of Minghao on my phone. We stood in front of the merry-go-around while Joshua asked a very nice looking guy to take our pictures. I gave my phone to him and went to stand next to Minghao since he was in the corner. He then put his arm around my neck and I felt that my heart skipped a beat. We took a few pictures and I went up to the nice stranger and thanked him. Everyone gathered around me to see the pictures. “Aw we look so cute” said Hwayoung while focusing. “I’ll send it to you guys later if you want.” I replied and they nodded.


We went back to the crowd because the festival had already started. Even though everything was very beautiful, I still couldnt concentrate because Minghao was right behind me! Since there were so many people who came to watch the festival, everyone was squished together. I could feel my back on his chest and I couldn’t stop blushing! No matter how hard I tried for my body not to touch his, I still failed. Everyone kept pushing so I just gave up. I turned around and Minghao switched his focus from the festival to me. I went closer to his ear and said “I’m sorry!”. He figured what I was talking about so he replied “Don’t worry about it” with a reassuring smile. I turned around and I couldn’t stop smiling. To be honest that was the closest I had been ever with a guy physically. I decided to just focus on the show. All the Disney princess started showing up and waving to the people. Followed by Mickey, Minnie and all the other Disney characters. There was music playing and performers dancing. The last time I saw the festival was about six years ago, so it was fun seeing it after such a long time. Of course there were more Disney characters added to the show and everything was bigger.


After the festival we decided to go to Autopia, a car ride. The line for this ride was a little bit longer ;nonetheless, it was moving fast. We managed to talk about random stuff and have fun while waiting. The guys started talking about who was the fastest driver among them and arguing. They weren’t fighting, they just wanted to show off their skills in front of us. While we were in line we also talked about our interests and I found out more stuff about the guys, especially Minghao. I learned that Minghao had amazing bboying skills. I would love to see his skills. I told him that I was a dancer and I was interested in dancing as well. He looked so happy knowing that we had something little in common.


After a minute it was our turn to get in the cars and we decided to stick to our partners from earlier on. Minghao sat behind the steering wheel and I was right next to him. This was so cute; I always imagined doing this whith my boyfriend. Our whole group was seated and the person blew the whistle signaling us to start driving. I was kinda scared that Minghao would drive too fast, but I trusted him. The atmosphere felt really different. The boys got competitive and they wanted to know who would finish first. I was just laughing and screaming here and there while my three other friends were doing the same. I looked back and saw Miyoung and Mingyu. My friend waved at me and I waved back smiling. I turned around and focused on Minghao. “You okay? I’m not going too fast am I? Do you wanna ride it for a while?” he asked me cutely.  “No.. I mean well okay! Lets just both handle the steering wheel.” I put my hands on the steering wheel and he put his hands on mine. I was happy because he didn’t look so competitive anymore. He just wanted to enjoy his time! We were driving and it felt so amazing!


After a few minutes Mingyu and Miyoung passed us. We both looked each other and I nodded and he started going faster! For some reason I got competitive as well! We reached a turn and I unintentionally screamed “Minghao please be careful! Please!” he looked at me laughing. “It’s okay I’m not gonna let anything happen to you!” I returned his smile and we both focused on the road. After a few seconds we passed Miyoung and Mingyu and reached the end. We were the first ones to get there and Minghao said almost screaming. “Yay we did it! We got first place! High-five!” I high-fived him and he quickly pulled me in for a hug. He saw my startled face and said “Oh I’m sorry!” “No No it’s okay!” Then we both got out of the car and after a few minutes found our group.


Since we were a little bit tired we started walking towards a place to sit. We found a few benches in this small garden, so we went and sat down. The sun already went down and it was dark. Everything looked more beautiful.I was sitting between Minghao and Minhee. I admired the beautiful place that was lit by pretty lights all around. I took a few pictures of the stunning view and walked towards the famous Slepping Beauty's castle. I didn’t know the whole group decided to follow me since they wanted to take pictures as well. We took group pictures in front of the castle and it looked so much prettier at night. I was looking through them when I heard Minghao’s voice. “Uhm do you by any chance wanna take a picture with me...alone in front of the castle? I kinda wanna remember this special day! ” he asked looking nervous while rubbing the back of his nape. I smiled and said “Of course, I was just kinda going to ask you that as well.” We both gave our phones to Miyoung. He put his arm around my neck again but this time I was used to the skinship. I smiled with a peace sign while he did the same. We took a few pictures and went to look at them.


Mingyu and Joshua looked at each other and then Joshua spoke up. “You know you guys really act like a couple? Did we miss something?” “No I don't think so!” I said and looked at Minghao. He looked flustered by all those comments. “It’s okay guys! Let’s go buy something to eat! We can go watch World of Color (A/N: It’s a light show at Disneyland.) if you want! It starts in fifteen minutes.” suggested Minhee trying to get us out of the boys’ little investigation. “Sure let’s go I’m hungry!” said Jun. We spotted the closest food cart and got corn dogs and churros. Since I got both, my hands were full so I couldn’t pay. “I’ll pay for it! Don’t worry!” Minghao gave me a cute smile and his eyes were focused on me. “I’ll pay you back!” “It’s fine!” "Okay then thanks!" Then he got the same things and I held them in my hands. He payed for both of us and I gave his food back to him. “Thank you!” I nodded in return. Everyone else got their food and we started walking towards the area where the show was going to take place.


We stood there and found the perfect place for the best view. We were standing in a line; I was next to Minghao. The show started in a few minutes and everyone started clapping happily. The Disney characters were made out of colors and lights in the water. Everything was absolutely breathtaking. After a while I turned to my right to look at Minghao and his face was lit by all the lights. He looked so amazed, just like a little baby smiling and clapping in front of the T.V while watching his favorite show. I was really grateful for that day. I had such an amazing time and I met such great people. I had no idea my day would turn out like that. I had a magical adventure next to Minghao, my three best friends, and three other guys who would hopefully become my close friends.


I looked at Minghao again and he was eating his corn dog. He caught me staring at him and smiled. Since the music was so loud he came closer to my ear and whispered with his somehow husky but cute voice, giving me goosebumps. “You’re missing the show!” I smiled and went close to his ear. “It’s okay, I’ve seen this show many times before. Besides I rather watch you because you have the cutest reactions..” Realizing what I said I looked away embarrassed. I was blushing and I quickly glanced at him. It seemed that he was blushing too. I thought it was official that he was the cutest guy I had ever seen. I resumed to watching the show after our little cute conversation. We got so into the show and were so disappointed when it came an end. It was about 9:30 pm at that time so we thought we should go on a few more rides. While thinking about what ride to go on next I suggested the Peter Pan’s Flight. It had been my favorite ride ever since I was a little girl.


Thankfully the line was very short so we got in quickly. It was such a magical ride; I can never get tired of it. I was sitting next to Minghao and it was just the two of us. It really felt like were flying. You could see a small town underneath us sparkling with the city lights. I looked to see Minghao’s reaction and he said “Wow so pretty!” with a fascinated expression. He looked like a little baby again. “I know!” I replied smiling, glad he was enjoying the ride. After seeing more of Peter Pan's journey the ride came to an end! We got out and found our group talking happily. They were asking each other if they saw certain parts of the ride. I had the same reaction when I went on the ride the first time.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed it! Next chapter will be up soon! In the meantime have some cute Minghao in a bow! Lol it was cuz of this gif that I decided to write a Disney themed fanfic for Minghao! Look how adorable he looks! I love this boy so much! Ok byeee now! :)

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misheri #1
Chapter 3: loved it omg Minghao is my UB <3
Chapter 3: Okay.
Let me just grab some glue for this fanfic has ruined my bias list again.
hyesong #3
Chapter 3: this is so good!!^^ it would be awesome if you make a sequel
Toffoja #4
Chapter 3: This is so good!! I would love you if you made a sequel that tells about their lives after they meet!!
Love you! <3
I JUST GOT TO KNOW SEVENTEEN AND NOW THIS BOY'S FACE IS ON MY LAPTOP LOCK SCREEN AND HOME SCREEN AND MY HANDPHONE TO LIKE WHAT THE HECK AND THERE WAS NO THE8 FANFICS AT ALL?!?! THIS BOY IS A TREASURE OMGGGGGGGG Sorry I had to let out all the feels for this wonderful dancer*coughs* author-nim fighting for your amazing fanfic!! I will follow this as I start following Seventeen and The8 <3