Chapter nineteen

Far From Being Perfect

Jessica's POV 

For the past half an hour Jessica spent thinking of the right words she could use to end her relationship with her soon to be ex-boyfriend without hurting him. ' I'm sorry Kris but I think its the best if we end this relationships...its not you it me.' Jessica thought, ' only if  goodbyes are easier then saying hellos'. but she had to say goodbye to Kris, there was no point carrying on a relationship when her heart is calling out of Yuri. 

Whilst staring at the now cold coffee placed in front of her from the conner of her eyes she could see a  snow white sports car park up in the cafes parking lot, she nervously waited for the owner of the car to step inside the cafe, once Kris entered through the door she waved him over to the table.  

" Whats up babe." Kris said as he took a seat opposite his girlfriend.  As soon as Jessica eyes met Kris's eyes  everything she prepared suddenly erased from her mind. 

" I have something important to tell you which might upset you." 

" Just tell my baby." Kris motioned his girlfriend to say what she wanted, but regretted it when he heard what she wanted to say next. 

" I want to end us.....its just that I have fallen in love in another person and don't want to cheat on you so its better if we just end this relationship ." Jessica forced herself to say, each word that came out of made her feel horrible inside, she never intended to hurt Kris, but they were never meant to be. ".....I'm sorry but you will find another girl who would love you just as must as I loved you." Jessica tired to convice Kris that she is not the one and there are plently of fish in the sea. 

" Your breaking up with please tell me what I did wrong, I don't want us to end, I love you baby please re-think your decision."  Kris pleaded but there is nothing he can do or say that will make her change her mind because she love Yuri and wants to start a relationship with the girl. 

" I---" Before Jessica could finish her sentence the ringing of Kris's phone interrupted her, Kris ignored the call at first but the constant ringing was getting annoying, excusing himself from the table he made his way outside. Because Kris had his back turned to the door he did notice who came in and out of the cafe. 


Tao POV 

" Yuri can we just go home I'm not hungry." Tao wined, right now all he wants to do is cry over his first heartbreak under his covers and just pretend that everthing was like how it was three years ago when him and Kris where  newly a couple and when Kris treated him like a priceless jewel. 

" Come on Tao you need something to help you distract you from Kris and like I said there is no point crying over him." 

" But it hurts so much." Everytime Ta thinks back to his cheating boyfriend his heart starts crying in pain again, why did he have to be in thos situation, why did Kris have to be the person to break his heart....expecially since he trusted the boy with his heart and soul. 

As Yuri and Tao entered the cafe a feminine voice could be heard calling out Yuri's name, both turned their attention to the voice until there eyes landed on a blond girl who Kris called cousin, Yuri held onto Tao's hand and once again dragged him over to the girl. 

" Hey Yuri what a suprise to see you here." Jessica began , " Oh and you must be Kris's cousin, he told me so much about you." 

" Cousin, no I'm his boyfriend.....wait he told me you were his cousin." Tao replied he couldn't believe Kris used the same lie on both of them. 

As Jessica and Yuri where busy discussing about Kris and everything he lied about to them Yuri stayed quit the whole time and observed the conversation, she knew that these two will eventually meet and all secrets will be reveled but she never knew they would meet this soon, but on the other hand its better to know the truth now then later. 

" I can't believe Kris has been playing both of us that bastard." Jessica cursed, she is not one of those people who curses often but this time she was beyond angry, part of her was angry because Kris cheated, but the other part of was angry at her self for putting all of her trust into Kris and not noticing that he was cheating on her for two years. 

" I'm sorry he cheated on you." Tao apologised he knows how hard it is to suffer from a broken heart, expecially being heart broken by the person that told you he would not break your heart. 

" Don't be....its Kris who is going to be sorry." Jessica said as she looked at the tall blond that has just walked in through the door with so much hatred. 


As soon as Kris re-entered the cafe he froze when his eyes landed on the two people he hoped would never cross paths . Once regaining from the shock he made his way over to his girlfriend and boyfriend, from the outside he might look cool and calm, but inside he was shaking with nerves. 

Before Kris could get close to there table Jessica quickly stood up and stood in front of Kris. 

" Is this true Kris....are you dating him as well." She asked, her voice full hurt and anger, when Kris stood still and she was replied with silence it confirmed that he was indeed cheating. Unable to control her anger she reached for the jug on one of the near by tables and spilled the liquid all over Kris, her actions caused the whole of the cafe to go in a dead silence, some people watched with pity as they know it feels to be cheated on, but for many the scene in front of them was entertainment. 

" Baby I----" 

" I'm not your baby anymore Kris, just----just never call me again because we are over." With that said Jessica walked out of the cafe, she just needed to be somewhere far away from cafe, somewhere far far away from that jerk. 

" Yuri you should go see if she is okay before she does something stupid." Tao said to his friend, Yuri gave Tao an encouraging look beacuse she knew whatever Tao is going to do is for the best before leaving the cafe to find Jessica and tell her how much she loves her. 

Meanwhile in the cafe now it was Kris and Tao left, Tao stepped foreward so now he was in front of Kris.

" I knew you cheated on me a few days ago but I did not want to believe it because I trusted you Kris....but now you broke the trust." taking a breath of encouragement. " And now its time to say goodbye Kris because we too are over." Tao said before turning a heel and making is way out of the door. 

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mymh_bee #1
Chapter 23: Even tho I supported kaitao in this story but why did I feel disappointed when the story ended with kaitao not taoris. Good job author {^_^}
Chapter 23: Hm..... It seems Suho is Kris's new love..... And a bold confession from Tao....and it's a happy endings....
Aw...!!!! I will miss this story and any any epilouge next author nim...???
Shutup98 #3
Chapter 23: Wow tao is so brave to say that but what about Kris now what he will do I think I am sad now for him that he will be without anyone I hate this feeling
Chapter 22: Wow....!!!! Everything is all been cleared out...and for the first time,I should thanks to Kris,because he's acting like a person that he should be.... a big brother... And Kai,keep your promise and makes Tao happy and loved .. .
Update soon author nim....!!!! ^_^
Shutup98 #5
Chapter 22: I hate when my parents involved between me and my brother or sister but in this chapter I like it
Chapter 21: Wow.....!!!! Kai is really determined to love and treats Tao right.... hmm.... Poor Kris but it's your fault ....Update soon author nim...!!!!!!
Shutup98 #7
Chapter 21: Yes Kris you was stupid to do this to tao and tao should never forgive you but now I don't know is this story taoris or what ?!
I really loved this chapter and all the story
Chapter 20: Hi! New reader! Gawwwd this is sooo good. I love it now all we need is kai and kris will go crazy! Hahaha
Chapter 20: Kai.....!!!! Help Tao........!!!!! Fast.....!!!!!
Update soon author nim.....!!!!!! ^o^