Chapter 1: Bonus Chapter

Bookstore Wars

Coming from China, Minghao had trouble fitting into a new country.

Luckily he had met Junhui who had helped him improve in the new language while becoming his first new friend.

They'd occasionally go out for some coffee together and it turns out Junhui works at another bookstore like him. 

Another surprising thing is that the bookstore is right across from the Shining Diamond.

It was called the Seventeen Bookstore.

Today had been an eventful day, the three guys that broke the front window of the shop ended up becoming employees.

Turns out one of them was his fellow morning dance classmate Soonyoung.

Soonyoung was a good friend of his, but his more hyperactive personality didn't really fit Minghao's calm one.

The guy was a very good dancer though and Minghao could always count on him to help with a move he had trouble with.

The other two new employees seemed nice too, the young half-american looking one looked like he could be troublesome though.

Two days ago when Minghao and Junhui were eating at the cafe they usually went to together, Minghao mentioned working at the Shining Diamond bookstore.

Junhui tensed up a little and seemed kind of odd after hearing this but later on he asked Minghao nicely if he wanted to visit him at his work someday.

Minghao then promised him that he would visit after his shift finished at 8pm today.

So that's where Minghao was going now.

It was a chilly night so he wore a jacket and had a scarf snuggled around his face while walking to the bookstore.

Once he reached there he looked at the building, it wasn't too big but definitely bigger then the Shining Diamond. It was probably more popular too.

Minghao reached out to open the door and stepped in the dark building.

"Hello?" He called out pulling his scarf down off his face a little.

The bookstore was pitch black, Minghao couldn't see anything a few feet infront of him.

He was responded with dead silence.

Minghao waited a few more seconds then turned around, deciding to leave and ask Junhui about it later.

The sound of footsteps stopped him in his tracks as he was about to reach for the door handle.

"Sorry Minghao." A voice said in the darkness.


Minghao turned around about to speak.

Before he could open his mouth a sharp pain hit him on his head.

Minghao tried to step forward but he fell trying to move his feet and hit the cold hard floor.

Then all he saw was black.


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Chapter 7: This whole chapter is jus- oh god- this book is great and needs to be updated more often
Chapter 6: Awww now I feel bad
Chapter 5: It's about to get lit
Chapter 4: What did I sign up for
Chapter 3: What excuse me
Chapter 2: I'm in for a roller coaster
Chapter 1: Great way to start a story, you up somebody's window, more importantly, Coups
Chapter 1: Great way to start a story, you up somebody's window, more importantly, Coups
Arashiarashiarashi #9
Chapter 7: How is that possible that your username is seventeencarrot but you made this account on july 2015? Unless you can change your username or maybe you are those people who can read future?
rosequartznserenity #10
Chapter 7: Heyyy, your fic is really really fun to read and I hope you would update soon because I'm dying to know how it all plays out!!xD
Ps: Jihoon in oversized CEO black chair with a cat to pet is just too good for words, hahaha!