Chapter 2

the young dragon prince

 Ji Young's eyes widen.He never met another species from the myths world neither demon world but the weird thing is he feels that he need to trust and believe him..

"R -really?"

"You're not scared?"

"Why should I?"

"Well most people think im myths n some believe in im real but think im scary."

"I dont think you're scary at all and i want to see your fangs... can i?"


   Seunghyun shows Ji Young his fangs which is a rare sight for him.After a moment of staring he realise that his hand is reaching for the fangs while Seunghyun backs away.He quickly pulls his hand away and apologise to Seunghyun.

"S-sorry  i did that unconsiously."

"Its okay.All people did that when they see my fangs."


"because they feel acctracted to it and they will reach to it and try to grab it and when that happen thats when we vampires their blood."


"now are you scared of me?"

"no of course not."

"come on lets go into my house."

"Y-your house? (OwO)"

"well yeah or you want to stand here all day long like an idiot."

"of course no."

"well what are you waiting for come on."

Ji and Seunghyun get into Ji's house and walk straight to the sofa.

"coffee or tea?"

"I'll take coffee pls thanks."

the younger brew the coffe for his guest and make a tea for himself.after that he take the drinks to the living room and place it one the coffee table.

"so...what do yo do for a living?"

"nothing i guess..."

"then how'd you get all this fancy stuff and i must say your house is huge."

"well...thhere's this one guy...he wants me to bacome a star or something...then if i be a star hell be my manager but i dont want to.Then he say he'll give me money even after he becomes my manager and eventhough i already say i dont want to he still bank in the money to my account."

"when did he start to bank in the money?"

"A couple of months ago."

"ouh... how much mone does he give you a month?"

" half million US dollars."

"That Much?! (OwO)"

"I know right. (._.)"

"Lets watsch some movies."


   Halfway through the movie Seunghyun falls asleep with his head on the 'head part' of the sofa. and not long after that Ji fell asleep on Seunghyun's shoulder and because of that it make Seunghyun flinched and rest his head on Ji youngs head.

      ~(._.~)  time skip to evening ~(._.~)  

   Ji Young wakes up to the sound of a bomb.He opens his eyes with shock and terror.He unconsiously and quickly wakes Seunghyunfrom his slumber.Seunghyun wakes up because of the harse shaking and open his eyes just to see a panicked Ji young.

"why?what happend?"

"i-i heard a sound of an exploded bomb!!"


Seunghyun starts to panick with Ji Young.

"ok ok lets get out of this place and..."

"and? and what? Seunghyun?''

after that Seunghyun chuckles earning a frown from the younger.

"why are you chuckling?"

"Look at the tv Ji young."

Ji young do as orders and looks at the tv and he realise that its a documentary about world war.

"so the sound..."

"yes its probaly coming from the tv ji "

Ji youngs face turns red as the tomato.

"ok ok im sorry."

"yeah right your sorry." says ji young with a pout.

"aww looks like the baby dragon is mad."

" i wont talk to you."

"but you just did."

Ji young give SEunghyun a silent treatment.

"okay okay im sorry now really okay?


"thats my ji youngie.''

"yah i told you not to call me that."

seunghyun chuckles.

"no problem ji no problem."

Seunghyun phone vibrates and he picks it up.

"hello?yeah,ok ill be right there.""bye ji i gotta go"

"later seunghyun."

After seunghyun left ji space out at the sofa while muttering

"my pride...its ruined..."

Ji's phone vibrates signaling a message is in his inbox.its from daesung.

"meet me at the usuall cafe at noon tommorow."

"aish this kid he never gives up..."

~(._.~) the next morning ~(._.~)

   Ji young gets off his bed and did his routine.then he does some house work.After that he get ready to meet up with daesung.he wear casual slothes and skinny jeans.then he went to cafe that he usually meet with dae.

   ji goes into the cafe and immedietly notice dae at the same spot everytime they meet the same time dae also notices ji young so he immedietly wave his hand to ji young while smiling brightly.ji gets to the table and sits across daesung.

"so what do you want to talk about?"

"the same talk hyung."

" never give up do you?"

dae smiles brightly befor saying

"nope never hyung.."

Ji sighs

"my answer is still no dae."

"but hyunggggggg.~"

"no daeee~ i dont want tooo~."

daesung pouts before saying.

"aahh.. fine but i will never give up!"

ji chuckles while looking at his dongsaeng.

"now lets order some drinks."

they order what they want and enjoy the drinks.

~(._.~) 12:45 p.m. ~(._.~)

   ji young gets back to his house with a box of pizza.he walk straight to his living room to and opens the tv.he puts the pizza on th coffee table and search for a movie he desires to watch.after that he reach for a slice of pizza but before he could take it suddenly his doorbell rings.

"aish who could that be?"

ji opens the door only to reveal seunghyun that's smiling brightly at him.there's also something he got at his hands.

"hey there ji youngie."

"aish i told you to not call me that."

"ok okay."

"welp what are you standing there for?come on in and head straight to the living room akay?you can place the food you brought at the coffee table and thanks for buying me some food."


obeying ji young's orders seunghyun goes straight to the living room and place the food on the coffee table.

"now can i get a permission to go to your bathroom?"

"of course yes. you dont need to ask me permission to walk freely in my house when im here just dont steal and dont get into private rooms and thats it."

says ji with a chuckle.then seunghyun chuckles before saying

"well thank you my lovely charming prince."

ji young blush at the new nickname.

"aigoo...already giving me new nick names aigoo..."

seunghyun serves the food on plates and tell ji to dig in.

~(._.~) time skip to after lunch ~(._.~)


Seunghyun is washing all the plates after they eat.

"want me to help you with that?"

"nah,its okay."

ji young shrugg his shoulder.

"suits you then."

Ji young walks to the living room and flops on the couch.Ji young switch on the tv and theres running man show.Ji young decides to play his phone while the runningman shows is still on.moments later seunghyun come to the living room and flops besides ji young.

"what are they doing?"

"they're...well actually i dont know."

seunghyun chuckles.

"then lets watch the whole show shall we?"

"okay lets watch it."

~(._.~) time skip to after they watch running man ~(._.~)

"well that was interesting.who taught that running man lose easily to big bang and jong kook."

"yeah its kinda funny when they play the...whats the name of the game?ahh..water basketball."

"thats the most funny part to me but i also like the part they get throught the cuckoo clock game."

"yeah but another part was when they fight to get inside the car."

"i like that part."

"yeah its funny but it can beat the water basketball.its ten times funnier."

"cant argue with that."

the silence take over them but its not the akward silen its more to the comfortable silence where they think of funny moments in running man thay just watched erliear.then seunghyun broke the silence.

"how old are you?"

"huh?im 19 years old."

"ouh so im your hyung then."

"ouh?how old are you?"

"im 21 yrs old."

"so should i call you seunghyun - sshi?"

"nah call me hyung."

"okay then hyung it is."

seunghyun then looks at his watch.

"i should go now its getting late."

seunghyun stands and heads to the front door.Ji just stares at that figure at the front door.

"good bye princess."

says seunghyun while smirking and he gets out of the house.


ji stands and head to his bedroom.he flops onto the bed and stares at the ceiling blankly.

"aish why does my heart beat quickens when he's around."

ji young sighs heavilly.

"aish i hope he dosent hear my heart beat erliear."

~(._.~) meanwhile ~(._.~)

seunghyun sighs.

"my heart is going crazy.Why did it beat so fast erliear?"

seunghyun sighs again but this time more deeper than the first one.seunghyun gets into his car and poofs himself with his car to his parking lot at his home.seunghyun grabs a bag of deer blood and the blood till the last drop of it in a minute.

"i hope he didnt hear my heart beat erliear."

seunghyun just stares at his ceiling room.

"aish... ri how long are you planning to stare at me and why do you like to sneak in?"

moments later seunghyun hears the sound of chuckling followed by a "poof" like sound.

"how long did you know i was here?"

"from the start."

"they why didnt you say something."

says seungri with a whine.

"because i dont want to."

   seungri pouts.seunghyun goes to the living room and opens the tv then he goes to the kitchen to make some popcorn and some drinks for him and seungri because they'll watch a movie and he thought he can enjoy watching a movie alone but nooo.... seungri must bother him.

   he walks back to the living room just to see seungri picking a movie from the tv.seunghyun puts the food on the coffee table and they start the movie.halfway through the movie,seunghyun starts to drift into his own world.

"tommorow i must see him again."

~(._.~)   ~(._.~)   ~(._.~)   ~(._.~) about that? i make all the parts of chapter two become one and add the last sry for the inconvenience.and sry for the grammatical errors and spelling errors my first language isnt english language. ah...and this chapter has 1727 words.

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Forigneer #1
Chapter 2: wait, crowds? you mean like stalker or something? i don't get it... if i were him i'd freak out... o.0