Chapter 3 part 1

the young dragon prince

~(._.~) The next day ~(._.~)

Ji Young heard a knock from his door and quickly open it to reveal Seung Hyun smiling brightly to him.

"Ouh Hey hyung.come on in."

"thanks Ji"

Seung Hyun gets in Ji's house and asks him

"Have you eaten lucn Ji?"


"well then get ready cause we're gonna lunch toghether today"

"no no its okay.You dont have to."

"now now Ji need to listen to your hyung.You dont wanna be a bad dongsaeng dou you?"


"no buts now go to your room and change into some fine clothes cause i'll treat you lunch today"

says Seung Hyun with a cheeky grin.Then he push Ji Young ti his room and closed the door.After that Ji chuckles and says

"alright hyung.ill change."

"now thats a good dongsaeng."

After that Ji starts to change into a fine,trendy casual clothes while Seunghyun is in the living room sittiong on a sofa,watching tv while waiting for ji Young.Then Ji young gots the idea of jumscare-ing his hyung and thought it'll be he quietly gets out of his room and gets behind the sofa.





there goes



and the screams was followed by Ji youngs laughter.

"Oh my Satan. My heart."

Ji young laughs harder.Seunghyun then starts to laugh with Ji Young.

"why did yo have to jumpscare me?"

says Seunghyun while chuckling.

"i-i dont know... a-and your f-face back then was hilarious!"

says Ji young while still laughing.Hard.

"okay lets stop and lets search for a restaurant to eat lunch kay?'


Seunghyun and Ji young gets into senghyuns car and drove off to search for a restaurant to have their lunchs.After some moments they  found a restaurant that they could have their lunchs at.

---------------------- ~(._.~)Time Skip to at Ji's place after lunch.brought to you by Ji youngs cute face ~(._.~) ---------------------

"thanks hyung cause treat me lunch at a fancy restaurant today."

"its okay Ji.and later~ i want to return back home."

"later hyung."

Seunghyun gets to the front door and about to open the door when

"hyung wait..."

seunghyun turns so he could see Ji young and asks



"Ji? what is it?"

ask Seunghyun with a concern tone.Ji young bit his lips and says

"its nothing hyung and thanks again for the meal"

with a smile.

"well okay then,but if you have any problem contact me kay?"

"okay hyung bye"


After seunghyun gets out he falls on the floor kneels first.and he thought to himself

'ahh...what will he thinks of me if i say that"

--------------- ~(._.~) meanwhile ~(._.~)---------------

"what did he wanna say earlier?Maybe its something important.Is he trying to hide something?Ahh...why am i so frustrated about this and why did my heart thumps faster when he was gonna say something?am i expecting something from him?but what is it?"


"huh? yeah ri?"

"whats with you hyung?its been two days youre like this.did something happens?"

"no,nothing just stressed with work so dont worry to much kay?"

seungri sighs and nodded in agreement

"anything you say hyung."

Seungri gets out of seunghyuns room and head to the living room.After seungri gets out seunghyun melts to his chair and sighs.

"aish...what am i doing..."

he cupped his face with his hand and sigh again before he stands and start heading to the living room.

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okay so im sry abaou the long await cause im just kinda lazy to write bcoz all of those stress not gonna lie about it.and this is part one of chapter 3

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Forigneer #1
Chapter 2: wait, crowds? you mean like stalker or something? i don't get it... if i were him i'd freak out... o.0