Ot12 - red skys and royal cards

precious gems from aff (exo recommendations)

Author : Wynter

Characters : OC, Exo

Tags : Fantasy, Supernatural, Magic

Status : Ongoing


Description :

What happens when you are thrown into a world and a war you never knew existed?

The world isn’t the same as it once was. The blue sky I used to look up at with the fluffy white clouds floating past has vanished and was replaced with a sky so red, it looks like a sea of blood floating above our heads.

The people aren’t the same either. Our way of life has changed so much, but you only know that if you are one of the few who knows why it has changed. I used to be blissfully unaware of how much things have changed; my parents still don’t even know the extent of the changes like most of the population.

If you are curious as to how I was exposed to all this, I would have to tell you it’s a long story. So long that the people I tried to tell it to in the past would just brush me off and leave.

But if you want to know what really happened to the world and what so many are so oblivious to, I ask that you hear my whole story through and not just brush me off as some crazy person.

My story will shatter your views of the world and I apologize in advance but everyone should know of the war that is happening right in front of them even if they can’t see it.

I will tell you how I was shoved into this war without even knowing I was part of it.

A world of secrets and magic. A world of Cards.



me and my undying love with harem fantasy fic *giggles*

i like how the author explained every details of their power.


warning : a LOT of chapters waiting for you in this story

read here 

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sorry for not updating this recs recently ;;A;;


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Hello! I'd like to recommend my own fic: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1057902/reboot-romance-sliceoflife-exo-kyungsoo-tenderrose

Title: Reboot
Genres/Tags: Romance, highschool!au
Characters: Do Kyungsoo, Lee Gain (OC)

Lee Gain is the new rotten apple of her high school. As the news—or false accusation, as she insists—of her bullying a student spreads widely, the school takes initiative and puts her as the manager of a never-before-heard school band.

Gain has no plans to yield to the school’s order.

Unfortunately, Kyungsoo doesn’t appear to care about that.

It's still in the beginning phase and there's not much in it but I hope that the current chapters will be enough to give you the insight on my writing style.

I hope that you'll enjoy it!
Chapter 9: I never know why i never bother to read this story. Could it be because of the oc name? Yeah never a big fan of that kind of name. She could be name haneul really instead of sky. Hehe but yeah its not my story. And you said this story is a harem story? You mean she ended up with all of them? Ha just added up my reason not to read this. But anyhow authornim, ill read this. Because the plot sounds very promising and all
Chapter 2: Ot9? Isnt it ot10? Or tao decided to quit too? Or was it lay? Omo
Eyo, I've got a few pretty solid one shots, and two chaptered stories, with Chen and D.O respectively as main characters . Let me know if I can leave my stuff for you to read! Do you feature mature content as well?