
Gangster Love.

~A few years back. Day of the incident.~

'You're stupid!' 'GAY!' 'Get out of here!' 'Go die!' 'You don't belong here!' 'Why don't you just kill yourself, the world would be better without you gays!' These words rang through Yoongi's head over and over again, especially that last one, he didn't mean to do that, he didn't mean for people to find out he was gay, (which they don't even know the truth at all) he had finally figured out his uality and then that incident had to happen.

"Hey Yoongi they caught you holding my hand and they just assumed things. Don't listen to them. It may be true but they don't know that. They can't just tell you those things so don't listen to them. I want to protect you." Taehyung hugged his friend. "Please tell your brother what has been going on with you. What these kids are telling you." Yoongi just sat there emotionless. Taehyung when to a private school and Yoongi went to a public school but the have been best friends for years, but Taehyung had to move to Korea in a few days, Yoongi almost died inside.

"What if it's true tae? What they said. That I really wasn't supposed to be alive?" Yoongi said emotionless. "What if it's better that I'm not here?"

"It's not true Yoongi and you know that! We love you! Me, Jin, and that lady!" Taehyung hugged his friend again.

"Can you go now tae? I want to be alone." Yoongi said.

"As long as you won't hurt yourself. Promise you won't hurt yourself." Taehyung held his pinky out.

"Promise." Yoongi did the same and he promised.

When Taehyung was gone Yoongi stared out the window, what if he was not meant to be in this world? Would the world be better without me? He kept thinking these thoughts. Yoongi left his room at night, he went to the rooftop and looked at the sky. It was beautiful, unlike himself.

"I wish..." Yoongi laid down. "I wish... I wish that people would accept me for who I am. But why don't they? Why don't they accept me for who I am? We are all the same, there are just a few differences, but we are all the same, so why do we judge? Why are people who suffer like me treated differently? Why can't we all be equal?" Yoongi stood up, and went outside.

He needed a walk, a walk could calm him down. He walked to the convenient store and bought some food, he sat down in one if the little tables. (He is only nine years old but the lady and her son know him well and he's pretty safe here.)

While he was eating the food he spotted a familiar face outside. It was that girl that had told him to go die, anger started to build up inside of him. The girl was with another girl, they were holding hands, the other girl had her face as red as a cherry. 'Are they in love? But why would she say that to me then.' Yoongi thought to himself. 'Why would she say that!'

Yoongi went outside and grabbed the girls shoulder. "Why did you say that to me?!"

"What?!" The girl looked confused and scared.

"You told me to go die!" Yoongi said a little louder than before. "Do you know how much that hurts?"

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I'm really sorry! They know that I am a lesbian, and they told me that I had to be rude to you or they would bully me and Yoori! That they would turn the whole school on us. I'm sorry!" She apologized.

"And so you HAD to be rude to me and turn the whole school on ME instead. Was that really the way to solve your problems? You should know how I feel getting all those death threats!" Yoongi was furious. She stayed silent. 'Yoori' also stayed silent. How could she do this?! He understood that she didn't want to be bullied but bullying others isn't the way to go, did she really have to turn the whole school on him instead.

"I have to go." Yoongi walked away. He walked away from his home, he walked away, far away.

Yoongi didn't want to go to school, he didn't want to go home. He didn't want to live... Maybe death is the answer.

Yoongi was walking he didn't know where but he knew it was far from his home and school. He finally started to realize he didn't realize where he was... Was that a good thing?
He asked an elder lady outside for the time.

"It's 10! What are you doing outside young man?" The elder lady asked.

"Oh I'm just walking around." Yoongi smiled at her.

"I haven't seen you around here before, did you move here?"

"I'm visiting!" Yoongi felt guilty for lying.

"Oh! Well I hope you have fun here!" The elderly lady went back to her business.

Yoongi walked farther.... 'Was this really the right choice?' He stopped. Something had made a noise. "Who's there?" He grabbed a rotten broken bat from the floor to cover himself. Someone came out of the shadows, he looked around his age just a little dirtier but he can't trust anyone so he got his bat ready to defend himself.

"Please don't hurt me! I won't hurt you! My mom.... She was killed.... I ran away and I need help. Please help me!" The boy looked hurt, physically and mentally, he realized he really did need help, so he helped the boy, he also realized that he was trying to defend himself and he really didn't want to die. He walked with the boy and they walked to the direction of his house, even if he didn't know exactly where he was he did know the direction he came, luckily on their way to his house Jin had came and taken them home, he was worried, his hair was a mess, an he had bags under his eyes, Yoongi felt guilty. When they got to their house they helped the boy in, Jin helped the boy with his wounds and ave him some of Yoongi's clothes to wear after he took a shower. While the boy was taking a shower Jin came close to Yoongi and hugged him.

"I was worried sick, I thought my baby brother would be dead on the streets, I knew calling the police would make you panic, and so I didn't." Jin hugged and kissed his brother.

"Hyung I know I'm really sorry for leaving. It's just school, I hate it, I hate it so much, can't they just accept the fact that not everyone is the same! Hyung I'm scared!" Yoongi hugged his brother tight. "What if something happens to me, and you. What if I made the wrong choice and everything goes wrong. Hyung what if I never find the love of my life." Yoongi cried.

Jin hugged his brother. "It'll be okay. Just be strong. I promise you that you'll find that special someone one day. Whether it's a girl or a boy. And don't worry about them okay! Ill love you no matter what gender you like."

The boy came out and they learned a few things about him, his name was DaeSoo, he couldn't remember anything besides his name, his mom, and what happened.

"I remember that I was in the kitchen with my mom and she was cooking, we heard a knock and at that time I went to the bathroom, while I was in there I heard cries coming from her and I hurried out, I heard a gun shot, and I ran into the kitchen, but when I got there she was just barely alive and she was all beat up, I went outside and saw the man, he saw me and chased me out, he probably thought I wouldn't survive, cause he probably knew I didn't like the police, so he let me go. I don't feel sad cause I don't remember anything." He shrugged, Jin hugged the poor boy.

"You can stay here. Unless you want to go to the police?" Jin asked the boy after he pulled away.

"If I'm not a bother."

"Oh don't worry." Jin showed DaeSoo the house and told him to stay in the guest bedroom, they would tidy it up to his liking and they would live together.


Day after day DaeSoo and Yoongi became really good friends, Jin had found a job, and Hyun Ji was starting to calm her crazies down. DaeSoo couldn't remember his birthday so they decided to celebrate it on the day they met him, which never got to happen, because it turned out that DaeSoo had actually killed his mother and father, he went to them for safety.

Yoongi was heartbroken and hurt, he trusted him. But how he found out DaeSoo was a murderer was horrible.

Yoongi was coming home from school with DaeSoo, they went inside but Jin wasnt at the house, DaeSoo cornered Yoongi and grabbed a knife.

"What are you doing DaeSoo? What's wrong?" Yoongi gulped.

"You! I hate you! You ruined my life! That girl... She was going to like me if it wasnt for you and you telling her my name!" He came closer.

"I didn't know you hated your name. I'm sorry DaeSoo! I really am!" Yoongi gulped.

"I don't trust ugly s like you. He held the knife close to Yoongi's neck when the front door opened, startled DaeSoo accidentally cut Yoongi. The police came rushing in, Yoongi panicked.

"Don't worry." The police man handcuffed the kid and left. Another man came and explained everything to Yoongi while patching him up.

"I WAS SO WORRIED! MY BOSS WOULDN'T LET ME COME. I'm sorry Yoongi! I shouldn't have had today be Hyun Ji's day off." Jin protectively hugged Yoongi and later that night Yoongi told everything that had happened to Taehyung.

"Oh my god Yoongi I'm so glad you are okay! I wish I could hug you right now. I am really really happy. Did they put him to jail." The rest of the night Yoongi facetimed Taehyung about what had happened and they talked about other things too. They couldn't wait to see each other again!


Sorry I didn't update it's just school, homework, and I got caught up in watching Raising Hope, I also got writers block, I might have messed this up so sorry about that and if you see any mistakes like of the story and plot please let me know so I can fix them thank you~!


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Okay so I lost my wifi so I will not update very soon :( but to make up for it ill be posting a YoonSeok one shot, look out for it! ILYgsm!


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Chapter 8: Why are you so mean to my min suga! *cries but this is an interesting story. Hope to hear more from you soon!
Chapter 5: Namjoon knows his house? Howww
Chapter 6: duuuude hoseok why are you doing this to poor yoongi. istg if yoongi just got into an accident---
Chapter 6: hoseokie i will kill you and because of you something happen to yoongi can i brainwash yoongi mind of getting rid of hoseok and put jimin in his mind
Sugarsswag #6
I can translate this fic English to Vietnamese okay?
wow hoseok really? just wow.... wait what happen to yoongi? hope he ok.
continue write this amazing story heheheh...
Deansbabymomma #9
Chapter 5: OHMYGOD. My head was like spinning in this chapter xD in a good way.
Chapter 4: okay someone do something to the 95 liner and maknae jebal please make them be perfectly extremely fone together