
Gangster Love.

I seriously don't know what to out if it has curse words. Anyways it has cruse words.


Yoongi signaled Taehyung to follow him.

"Where the hell are we going Yoongi?!" Taehyung whisper-yelled.

"Shut up! You'll know when we get there, or maybe you won't. I don't know." Yoongi whispered.

"Oh Yoongi this bette---" Yoongi hushed Taehyung.

"Shut up. Okay so I didn't tell you this but Hoseok is a gangster, but that's not important."

"Oh hell yes it's important!" Yoongi shushed Taehyung again. "This is dangerous Yoongi, we can't be..." Taehyung eyes followed someone else.

"What?!" Yoongi whisper yelled.

"What the hell is your brother doing here?!" Yoongi turned to look at who his best friend is looking at.

"What the ! Hide TaeTae hide!" Yoongi whisper yelled pushing Taehyung behind a trash can and hiding himself too.

"What is he doing here?!" Yoongi whisper-yelled.

"How would I know? I'm going to ask him." Taehyung stood up and was ready to yell Jin's name when he was yanked to the ground "OW."

"Sorry but you can't tell Jin we are here. He doesn't like the idea of me liking Hoseok."

"Then don't like Hoseok." Taehyung sarcastically said.

"I can't there is just something about him that attracts me to him. He also seems like a person who would change if he fell in love. AND he's really hot."

"Yoongi, you met him ONE time and you are already assuming things. What if he's some type of murderer and he tries to kill you." Taehyung started panicking. "What if you go and then you never come back to me or Jin or Jimin. What if we find you dead in an alley." Taehyung eyes started watering.

"Don't worry TaeTae." Yoongi hugged his friend. "I'm not that dumb."

"Don't lie to me!" Taehyung tears rolled down his eyes. "You are still too young to die, you can't do this Yoongi, we love you. You can't abandon us."

"I won't tae," he wiped away Taehyung's tears with his thmbs. "I promise ill be careful." Yoongi hugged his friend again but tighter.

"Promise? Promise you won't leave us?Like how you almost left us when we were 9?" Taehyung said wiping his tears away.

"I promise." Yoongi smiled.

Jin walked behind Namjoon. He got scared, what if he wanted him to do bad stuff. What if he threatened him and his brother and his almost like a brother Taehyung. What if....

"Hey. I'm sure he won't threaten your family." Namjoon said almost like reading his thoughts. Jin thanked him.

"Umm hey can I ask you a question about Hoseok?" Jin asked.

"Sure. Go ahead." Namjoon smiled, dimple showing making Jin blush, and man why did he realize just now how handsome and breathtaking this man was unlike last time he didn't get to see him smile, and it wasn't for this long.

"So why did he hurt Yoongi?" Jin finally said after taking his time to look at Namjoon.

"The boy he was with?" Jin nodded, "well Hoseok gets mad easily since he lost his parents at a young age and nobody took his hand to help him, he only trusts the boss and me, he doesn't really open himself up to anyone else easily. It was hard for me to make him trust me. He doesn't like weak people because they remind him of his past self, that's why he has the job of beating up people, he believes that that's what makes him strong, I believe that him already going through all those things makes him stronger because he survived them. I've tried telling him but he doesn't believe me."

"Why is he here?"

"The boss helped him. I don't know how but he did."

"And why are you here? You don't seem like a bad person."

"I'm not I was just kind of forced to do this. And I can't back out. Oh we are here. Please come in." Namjoon knocked and when he heard a come in he opened the door signaling for Jin to go inside. Namjoon closed the door when Jin was inside and waited outside.

"I hope he will reject the offer." Namjoon whispered to himself.


After Jin had disappeared into the building Yoongi and Taehyung got up.

"He's right there." Yoongi pointed at someone. Taehyung followed.

"Damn. He really is hot." Taehyung said.

"Told you. Should we go talk to him?" Yoongi asked very nervously.

"WE! Oh hell no! Go by yourself. As if I would go with you." Taehyung scoffed.

"Tae~ please just this once~ please!" Yoongi begged.

"Fine just this once." Taehyung said with one finger up.

They walked closer and closer to Hoseok, every step they took Yoongi got more and more nervous. 'Dont worry.' Taehyun whispered to him ever few seconds.

"Sup Seok!" Taehyung said loudly and proudly.

"What the tae?!?!" Yoongi looked mad and turned around before Hoseok could see him.

"Who are you? Do I know you?" Hoseok said trying to remember if he had seen Taehyung's face before.

"No but you know my friend here." Taehyung grabbed Yoongi's shoulders and turned him around. "Yoongi."

"What the fu--- oh hi Hoseok." Yoongi tried to smile but he was too nervous.

"Hey it's that crybaby who I punished by pushing him into the wall." Hoseok laughed. Taehyung's mouth hung open. Did he just here that right?

"What the did you just say!?" Taehyung yelled. "You ing hurt my baby!"

"What the you talking about?" Hoseok laughed again.

"Tae calm down." Yoongi begged.

"Why didn't you tell me this Yoongi?" Taehyung looked mad, like not the normal kind of mad, the I'm gonna ing kill you mad. And he also felt like he was going to ing kill Hoseok right now.

"I didn't have the time." Yoongi hoped Taehyung would stop.

"What are you going to do to me?" Hoseok smirked.

"Stop Hoseok don't provoke him, he's worse than you when someone hurts me. And don't say I don't know nothing cause I saw you fighting that day." Yoongi said hoping it would help.

"This little can't do---oomph!" Hoseok fell to the floor holding on to his stomach.

"TAE!" Yoongi yelled going to the ground to help Hoseok up.

"Get the hell away from me!" Hoseok yelled and cursed under his breath. Yoongi backed away tears pooling in his eyes.

"I did nothing." The hot tears fell down his cheeks. Tae noticed and moved a little closer to Yoongi he knew this would trigger something if it continued.

"Really?! You did nothing?" Hoseok laughed evilly. "You're an annoying little brat and you still come bother me but with a little ."

"Stop Hoseok!" Taehyung regretted ever starting it, he moved closer to Yoongi little by little.

"I-- I-- I-- didn't do anything, I--" Yoongi broke down and the hot tears fell down his cheeks like a waterfall, he turned and ran. He heard a faint Yoongi! from tae and a faint Yoongi! From his brother? He ran because he was afraid it would happen again and he ran and ran and ran, he heard a BAM! And everything went dark after that.


okay I'm sorry that my updates are so short and that they take FOREVER to update, I apologize it just that school. That's all you need to know. Anyways I hope you like it. :D


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Okay so I lost my wifi so I will not update very soon :( but to make up for it ill be posting a YoonSeok one shot, look out for it! ILYgsm!


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Chapter 8: Why are you so mean to my min suga! *cries but this is an interesting story. Hope to hear more from you soon!
Chapter 5: Namjoon knows his house? Howww
Chapter 6: duuuude hoseok why are you doing this to poor yoongi. istg if yoongi just got into an accident---
Chapter 6: hoseokie i will kill you and because of you something happen to yoongi can i brainwash yoongi mind of getting rid of hoseok and put jimin in his mind
Sugarsswag #6
I can translate this fic English to Vietnamese okay?
wow hoseok really? just wow.... wait what happen to yoongi? hope he ok.
continue write this amazing story heheheh...
Deansbabymomma #9
Chapter 5: OHMYGOD. My head was like spinning in this chapter xD in a good way.
Chapter 4: okay someone do something to the 95 liner and maknae jebal please make them be perfectly extremely fone together