
Gangster Love.

Jin refused. Of course he refused he couldn't let his brother be in danger, he wouldn't let his brother be in danger so he stood up and left, but he realized he didn't know where Yoongi was so he decided to try asking the least harmful looking people if they knew where that Hoseok kid went. He then asked a tall guy, brown hair, really handsome, and harmless looking if he knew where that Hoseok kid went, he said he knew but he wouldn't tell Jin.

"And why should I tell you where Hoseok is? What are you going to do?! Just leave him alone!" Jin flinched when he saw the guys hand go up ready to hit him.

"Because my brother is with him! And he's not experienced with this stuff! He's not strong enough to protect himself! He's in danger and I can't do a ing thing about it because I have no idea where he ing is! I can't protect him when he's not with me!" Jin felt hot tears in his eyes. He didn't want to cry, he wanted to be strong and protect his brother but he couldn't protect him because he had no clue where he was, he didn't know what to do, he couldn't do anything but cry, and so he fell to his knees and cried. Cried because he couldn't save Yoongi, cried because he was a horrible brother, cried because he couldn't even do a single thing right, he cried because he wasnt even strong enough to bare with it and find his brother, he cried and he cried. He felt someones hands on his wrists and they were picking his up.

"Don't cry, ill tell you where Hoseok and your brother are, but please stop crying." The guy said.

"Where are they!" Jin wiped his tears away. After the guy told him where Hoseok and Yoongi were he almost felt like crying again because he didn't ing know where that was. He was useless.

"I'll take you."


Yoongi felt like crying, not because of what he saw but because of all the stupid ugly fat bugs, he was clinging onto Hoseok and screaming like a little girl when they came close to him.

"Shut up already!" Hoseok yelled, Yoongi flinched and tears started to pool in his eyes.

"Don't cry! I hate crying kids! I especially don't like you! All you have done was stand there! You think thats very helpful?" Hoseok pushed Yoongi into the wall, Yoongi crashed into the pointy looking wall, he fell to his knees when he felt pain shoot through his whole body, he felt something wet on his back, he didn't care though he didn't care because Hoseok had just shown he won't ever like Yoongi, he didn't care about anything because his heart had just been broken.

"Yoongi!" Yelled Jin. Yoongi didn't even look up, he didn't move, his tears rolled down his cheeks. Jin hugged Yoongi, and then he felt something wet on Yoongi's back. "What the hell happened Yoongi, why are you ing bleeding! What the did you do!" Jin yelled pointing at Hoseok who had backed away. Hoseok didn't answer Jin, instead he scoffed.

"Lets go Namjoon." He grabbed the Namjoon guy and left with him, it was kind of funny since Hoseok a short young kid was bossing Namjoon a tall older guy around. But he couldn't think about that right now. His brother was bleeding and it was all his fault.

"I'm so sorry Yoongi," tears started falling down his cheeks. "I didn't mean to leave you with him, I shouldn't of left you with him, I should've fought against the guy, and Hoseok..... most trustworthy my ."


Yoongi was on his bed, he had bandages all over his back but the only pain he felt was the pain in his heart, he didn't know why he felt so heartbroken when he didn't even like that Hoseok guy that much, maybe it was because of how amazing Hoseok had looked when he was fighting those guys, maybe that's why he liked Hoseok so much.

"Hey Yoongi, I'm so sorry." Jin said for the millionth time entering Yoongi's room. Yoongi wouldn't respond back to him and he got worried, worried that he had failed and Yoongi was mad at him.

"Are you mad at me Yoongi? For leaving you with that guy and not looking for you?" Jin sat down on the edge of Yoongi's bed.

"Hyung, I'm not mad at you. It's just that I really like Hoseok but he told me he doesn't like me." Yoongi finally spoke.

"Don't worry about him." Jin hugged his brother.

"Hyung?" Jin hummed a yes.

"I want Hoseok to fall in love with me." Yoongi smiled.

"No Yoongi. He is a bad kid, he could make you be in danger." Jin held his brothers hand.

"No Hyung you don't know that. He could have a change of heart, like Jimin." Yoongi smiled again letting go of his Hyung's hand. "I don't think I ever told you this but I dated Jimin for a while."

"What?! Why didn't you tell me?" Jin asked his brother.

"I liked him and he liked me so we dated for a while, but then we decided we didn't work out so we decided to stay friends instead, I still like him a little but not as much as I used to." Yoongi remembered the times when he was dating Jimin, they were fun but they just didn't work out together. Taehyung (Yoongi's best friend for the longest time) told them they looked great together but then Jimin said they didn't work out and so they broke up, Yoongi later found out it was because Jimin liked someone else, he felt a little heartbroken but not as much as he would've been when he thought he really liked Jimin. Jimin used to be a bad kid but Yoongi helped him and now he's a good kid too.

"When did this happen Yoongi?!" Jin asked a little angrily.

"When we were 12." Yooni responded back.

"Yoongi, I thought you said..... Nevermind." Jin stood up.

"Hyung I am determined to make Hoseok mine, I might also help you in your love life." Yoongi winked.

"No Yoongi. No. Tommorow ill walk with you to school since I'm not going to work, and today we are going to go to the neighbors to say hi." Jin grabbed his brothers hand and stood him up. "I made them some cookies."


Jin knocked on their neighbors door twice before there was finally an answer.

"Oh hey SUGA, nice to see you again! And is this your brother?" Jungkook waved at Yoongi and then led them inside.

"Yeah I'm Seokjin or Jin, Yoongi's older brother. Nice to meet you." Jin smiled and all three of them bowed.

"So we brought you guys some cookies." Jin smiled and Jungkook took the cookies and set them on the table.

"Isn't it the other way around? Aren't we the ones that are supposed to give you guys something?" Jungkook asked with a confused look on his face.

"It's just that Jin is too nice." Yoongi whispered. And Jungkook mouthed am oh at him.

"I'll go get my mom. Be right back." Jungkook left.

"Hyung, it's 6:37, can I go to Taehyung's house after this?" Yoongi asked.

"Take Jungkook with you, so all four of you can be friends." Jin smiled like he will only let him go if he takes Jungkook.

"Fine, but what if he doesn't...." Yoongi was cut of when Jungkook's mom entered. They both bowed and said hello.

"I'm Mrs. Jeon, Jungkook's mom, nice to meet the both of you." She smiled.

"I'm Seokjin, and this is my brother Yoongi." Jin smiled and so did Yoongi.

"Um, I have to go somewhere. Can I take Jungkook with me?" Yoongi asked Mrs. Jeon.

"As long as it's not dangerous." She said smiling.

"Lets go Jungkook." Jungkook followed Yoongi.

"Where are we going?" Jungkook asked after a while.

"We are going to my friends house." Yoongi answered. They kept walking in silence until Jungkook broke the silence.

"Who's your friend?"


"Taehyung? Where have I heard that name before."

"You know him?"

"Oh yeah! I remember now, It's that one kid that told me..... Nevermind." Jungkook shut his mouth looking a little mad.

"Told you what?" Yoongi raised his eyebrows an halted to a stop.

"He told me really mean things, I don't really know why." Jungkook said finally and they kept on walking.

After a while they finally got to his house and knocked on the door. Taehyung's mom opened the door.

"Hello Yoongi, are you here to see tae?" She asked.

"Yeah. Can we come in? I brought a friend." Yoongi smiled.

"Yes come on in." She led them in and Yoongi went to Taehyung's room, Jungkook followed.

"Hey guys." Yoongi waved at Jimin and Taehyung. They waved back until they saw the person Yoongi brought.

"What the are YOU doing here?" Taehyung yelled.

"Jungkook." Jimin said almost whispering.


I don't know if this is confusing but if it is tell me, I don't even know what I am writing. Wtf is this? I would love it if you subscribed and upvote this, please comment too. Tell me what you think :)

Thanks for reading :)


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Okay so I lost my wifi so I will not update very soon :( but to make up for it ill be posting a YoonSeok one shot, look out for it! ILYgsm!


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Chapter 8: Why are you so mean to my min suga! *cries but this is an interesting story. Hope to hear more from you soon!
Chapter 5: Namjoon knows his house? Howww
Chapter 6: duuuude hoseok why are you doing this to poor yoongi. istg if yoongi just got into an accident---
Chapter 6: hoseokie i will kill you and because of you something happen to yoongi can i brainwash yoongi mind of getting rid of hoseok and put jimin in his mind
Sugarsswag #6
I can translate this fic English to Vietnamese okay?
wow hoseok really? just wow.... wait what happen to yoongi? hope he ok.
continue write this amazing story heheheh...
Deansbabymomma #9
Chapter 5: OHMYGOD. My head was like spinning in this chapter xD in a good way.
Chapter 4: okay someone do something to the 95 liner and maknae jebal please make them be perfectly extremely fone together