

Although Jungkook thought he was alone in this battle with his feelings, he wasn't. Jimin was struggling just like him, in fact Jimin liked Jungkook from the day they met. He still remembers the first time they walked home together, and he finally got Jungkook to smile, he felt this rush like he'd never felt before. That was all it took for Jimin to fall for him. But just like Jungkook, he was terrified to tell him, because he had no clue if Jungkook felt the same. As time went on, he definitely noticed some things that made it seem like Jungkook might like him. He considered telling him, but then he thought about what might happen if Jungkook rejected him, their friendship could be destroyed. Jimin doesn't think he could bare a life without Jungkook by his side, and little did he know, Jungkook felt the exact same way. But since there was no way he could know that, he felt the risk was too great. He decided to just live with the feelings, and suppress them as much as possible. But that was easier said than done. Especially when every time Jungkook smiled that goofy smile of his, Jimin felt like his heart was going to burst; and when Jungkook would break down in tears, he wanted to kiss every inch of him until he was okay. It was so hard to pretend like those feelings weren't there. Jimin prayed that Jungkook would just confess to him someday. In the mean time, even if it was painfully difficult, he would be waiting patiently for that day.

The day after the incident in music class, Jungkook and Jimin had dinner with Jimin's parents. They tried to have dinner together frequently, in hopes that Jungkook would feel like he was part of the family. Half way through the meal, Jimin's parents said they had something exciting to tell Jimin. He raised his eyebrows curiously.

"What would that be?" He asked.

"Someone is coming to visit this weekend." His mom replied.

"Who?" Jimin asked, however his parents just smiled at him and waited for him to figure it out on his own. When he did his whole face lit up. "JIN HYUNG?" 

His parents nodded. Jungkook had no idea who this Jin person was.....but judging by Jimin's reaction he must really like him.

"Who is that?" Jungkook asked shyly.

"Jin is my older brother." Jimin explained.

"You have an older brother?! Why am I just finding this out now?" Jungkook laughed.

"I don't just never came up I guess. He moved out years ago, so he's not around much." 

Jimin's parents still had more to tell them so they made the boys bring their attention back to them. 

"He's coming with his girlfriend on Friday and he wants to take you two on a camping trip." Jimin's dad informed them.

"Camping!? Are we going to the place we used to go when we were kids?" Jimin asked.

"Probably, since you guys liked it so much there." 

"Oh my god, this is so awesome." Jimin beamed, looking over at Jungkook who was just as thrilled.

"I haven't been camping since I was like 10 years old." Jungkook remarked.

"I love camping, especially at this place. There's a huge lake, a pool, and there's even this really cool spot where you can look at stars at night."

Hearing that Jungkook couldn't wait to go, this sounded like it was going to be the best weekend ever.

☁ ☁ ☁ ☁

Jungkook and Jimin spent most of Friday morning packing. Around noon the doorbell rang and Jimin's parents answered it. Jimin heard his brother's voice and took off running downstairs. Jungkook followed behind, laughing because he'd never seen Jimin run so fast.  Once they were down there Jimin pretty much leaped into his brother's arms, it was really cute.

"I missed you hyung." 

"Ah Jiminnie, I missed you too. but I think you're getting a little too big for this." He laughed, struggling to hold his younger brother up.

"Sorry, I got excited." Jimin replied before getting down.

"It's fine. So is this your friend?" Jin asked, motioning to Jungkook.

"Yes! This is Jungkook. Jungkook this is my brother Jin, and his girlfriend Junyool." 

Jungkook shook hands with both Jin and Junyool, bowing politely to them.  

"So are you guys ready to go?" Jin asked. 

"Yeah, we just need to grab our bags from upstairs. We'll meet you outside." Jimin replied, grabbing Jungkook and running back to their room. They gathered all their stuff and carried it downstairs and out to the car. Jimin's dad helped Jin load everything into the trunk. Jungkook ran back inside to go to the bathroom before they left. While he waited for Jungkook to come back, Jimin stood off to the side of the car thinking about how great the next two days would be. Since he seemed to be lost in thought, Jungkook snuck up behind Jimin and wrapped his arms around his waist, resting his chin on Jimin's shoulder. Jimin jumped out of surprise, not expecting the sudden back hug. 

"Ah! you scared me. You know how jumpy I am!" Jimin scolded.

"That's why I did it." Jungkook teased.

Why is he always like this? Jimin wondered.  He pretended to be annoyed, but deep down he was really enjoying this moment. But it didn't last long unfortunately, as it was time for them to leave. 

"Alright, the car is all packed. Let's head out!" Jin announced. Everyone said their goodbyes and the boys got in the backseat. The car ride to the campgrounds was about 40 minutes, and despite the fact that both of them were super pumped, they weren't talking much. Jungkook was feeling a bit nervous being around two new people, which Jimin figured was the case so he let it be. But after 10 minutes the silence felt awkward, so Jungkook decided to listen to music on his phone. Jimin noticed this and felt bummed that Jungkook wasn't paying any attention to him. He poked Jungkook a couple times until he stopped staring out the window and looked at him.

"What?" he asked.

"Whatcha listening to? Can I listen too? Pleaseeeee." Jimin asked, using his cuteness to get what he wanted. It worked. Jungkook chuckled as he grabbed the earphone he wasn't using and put it in Jimin's ear. Jimin smiled and rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder. He closed his eyes and enjoyed every second, they had similar taste in music, no surprise. After a few songs Jimin heard what sounded like snoring. He opened his eyes and looked up at Jungkook, sure enough he had dozed off. Jimin smiled and moved Jungkook's head onto his own shoulder. He wasn't surprised that Jungkook fell asleep, they got up a bit earlier than usual to pack so he must have been tired, and he falls asleep everywhere.....all the time. Jimin was nice enough to let Jungkook sleep the rest of the ride, he wanted him to be well rested so they could have lots of fun today. 

Once they arrived at the campgrounds and parked the car, Jimin nudged Jungkook until he woke up. He looked around, confused. "Oh...did I fall asleep?" He asked.

"Yep, but no worries. We're here now! Let's go!" Jimin replied excitedly. Jungkook nodded and followed him out of the car. They unloaded all their stuff from the trunk and headed over to their camping spot. They decided to go ahead and get set up right away, so that they didn't have to do it when they are tired later. Jungkook and Jimin put  their tent a good distance away from Jin's, so they could have some privacy. Once everyone was finsished setting up, Jin asked what they wanted to do first.

"SWIMMING!" Jimin answered almost instantly.

Everyone cracked up at his enthusiastic reply. "Sure we can go swim, go grab your swimsuits and we'll head down to the pool."  Jin replied. Jimin triumphantly marched over to his tent and got his swim shorts out of his bag, as did Jungkook, and they all started walking the path to the pool. It was just a few minutes away. Once they were there Jin went and got them a few chairs and stretched out on one of them. 

"Aren't you gonna change?" Jimin asked.

"I'm gonna relax here for a bit first, just go ahead without me." Jin replied. Junyool headed for the women's changing room, while Jungkook and Jimin went to the men's. They were basically just like gym locker rooms. Jimin was about to start changing when he noticed Jungkook just standing there awkwardly.

"What's wrong? Do you not like swimming?" Jimin asked.

"No I love swimming, It's just.....I'm a bit self-concious about my body." Jungkook answered. It's not like he doesn't have a nice body, it's just that he's suffered from 5 years of abuse and he's quite scarred up. He was afraid that Jimin would see all the scars and be disgusted. 

"Jungkook. There's no reason to be self-concious, especially around me. I don't judge, and besides I'm sure you look great in a swimsuit." Jimin assured him.

Jungkook wasn't sure how to respond to that, he could feel himself blushing slightly at the compliment. Jimin realized what he said may have been a bit much. He cleared his throat and attempted to end the awkward situation he created.

"....don't worry, okay? I'll turn around while you change." 

So they both turned and faced away from each other and started to strip off their clothes. Once they finished changing they turned around, but Jungkook felt too embarassed to look at Jimin, so he kept his eyes glued to the floor. He was attempting to cover himself with his arms, but it wasn't really working. Jimin smiled at how cute and shy Jungkook was being. Truthfully, he thought Jungkook had nothing to be shy about. He actually had a really nice body; muscular, broad shoulders, and a cute stomach. He barely even noticed the scars.

He reached over and put his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, who still wouldn't look up at him.

"You look great Jungkook, really. Now come on, let's go!" Jimin said, grabbing Jungkook's hand and dragging him outside. He wasn't taking no for an answer. He ran up to the pool and jumped in, making a big splash. Jungkook was mesmorized when Jimin came up out of the water, pushing his wet hair back in a way that could only be described as majestic. Jimin noticed Jungkook staring and burst out laughing.

"Would you stop gawking at me and get in the pool." Jimin yelled, a teasing smirk on his face. Although Jungkook was slightly embarassed he hopped in the pool anyways and made his way over to Jimin, playfully smacking him a few times . "I wasn't gawking, I spaced out." 

"Yeah....sure you did." Jimin replied, still grinning just to irritate the other. It was working. Jungkook started splashing Jimin and it quickly became an all out splash war. Jin and his girlfriend were just watching from their chairs, laughing their asses off. If Jin didn't know them he would have thought they were about twelve years old. But Jungkook and Jimin didn't care how silly they looked, they were having the time of their lives. Eventually they got bored of splashing eachother and decided they wanted to play volleyball since there was a net in the pool. Jimin called Jin and Junyool over to come play against them. It turns out that Junyool used to play on a volleyball team in school, and she whooped their asses. It was still a lot of fun, especially with Jimin accusing Junyool of cheating by not telling them beforehand that she was so good. He's such a sore loser. Jungkook thought to himself as he watched Jimin jump on his brother's back, now yelling at him because he knew as well.  It didn't end well for Jimin, as he ended up getting thrown backwards into the water. Jungkook almost fell over he was laughing so hard. Jimin got out of the pool and started heading for the locker room, looking back at Jungkook and pouting. Jungkook climbed up the ladder and ran after him, trying to stop himself from laughing more. He soon discovered that Jimin wasn't actually upset and was just messing with him. The two of them took quick showers and changed out of their swimsuits. They left the locker room, meeting up with Jin and Junyool  before heading back to camp.

When they got back they were all pretty exhausted from goofing around in the pool, and their stomachs were growling from hunger. Since it was about 5:30 they decided to have dinner. Jin cooked hamburgers on the grill, while the boys set the picnic table for everyone. As they waited for their food to be ready they were practically drooling at the smell. There was nothing like the smell of grilling meat.  Jin soon came over with a plate of burgers and everyone started digging in. Jungkook took his first bite and made the same face he did that one time they had pizza at Jimin's. It was a face of absolute bliss. Jin took it as a compliment. Jimin nearly choked on his food because it was so hilarious.

"Dang it Jungkook! Not the face again!" He yelled, banging on the table as he struggled to laugh and chew at the same time. Jungkook flashed him a toothy grin, pleased that he succeeded in making Jimin laugh. He loved making him laugh more than anything, it made his heart swell with joy. Jimin was just happy that Jungkook was feeling comfortable enough to be his goofy self  around people he just met this morning.Things were really going better than Jimin had expected. After dinner they decided to have a campire, because Jimin said "It's not a true camping trip without roasting marshmallows." 

They all gathered around the fire, which was glowing brightly now that the sun was going down.  It had cooled off quite a bit outside, so the warmth of the fire felt pleseant.  Jimin came over with a bag of marshmallows, as well as graham crackers and chocolate, in case anyone wanted to make smores.  He handed Jungkook a stick with a marshmallow and then grabbed one for himself. Somehow Jungkook managed to burn his and he just looked over at Jimin, sulking as he showed him the black marshmallow. Jimin chuckled and pinched Jungkook's cheek, it was unusual for him to act cute like this. Jungkook felt embarassed and decided to just watch how Jimin does it. Once Jimin's Marshmallow was cooked to perfection he blew on it to cool it off and then held it in front of Jungkook's face. "Here, you can have this one." 

"Oh, thank you" Jungkook murmered before eating the whole thing in one bite. Jungkook gave him a thumbs up of approval as he finished it. Jimin laughed because Jungkook looked like a chimpunk when they stuff their cheeks with food. Why is everything he does so dang cute? Jimin thought as he watched Jungkook eat. He had to force himself to stop staring so he could roast a marshmallow for himself. Both of them stuffed themselves until they were ready to burst. Jin had to take the bag of marshmallows away from them so they would stop, he forgot how much teenage boys can eat. He probably should have taken it away sooner.

Jungkook groaned and held his stomach. "I regret everything." 

"Do you need me to rub your tummy?" Jimin asked, placing his hand on Jungkook's stomach.

Jungkook looked at him with an expression that just screamed What the ? "No thanks.....I'm good." He replied, trying his absolute hardest not to laugh. But as soon as he saw the corners of Jimin's mouth start to creep up into a smile they both started cracking up, leaving the couple across from them totally lost. "You guys are weird....." Jin complained. But the boys didn't care, they were in their own little usual. 

"Oh! I almost forgot, I brought my guitar!" Jin announced suddenly. "I was hoping you could sing something for us Jimin. Junyool really wants to hear you sing."

"Sure, I could sing something I guess." Jimin replied, taking the guitar from his brother. He pondered what song he could sing for a moment before an idea came to him.  He's been really into a certain song lately and he knew that Jungkook liked it as well. He fumbled a bit trying to figure out the right chords, as he hasn't played guitar in quite awhile, but it didn't take him long to get it right. He cleared his throat and began singing softly;

When your legs don't work like they used to before
And I can't sweep you off of your feet

Jungkook listened intently, the song sounded so familiar but he couldn't seem to remember what it was.  

Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks

Jungkook thinks it's cute how Jimin is too shy to look at him while he sings, but even so, his voice gradually sounds more confident with every word.

And darling I will be loving you 'til we're 70
And baby my heart could still fall as hard at 23

There's so much passion in Jimin's voice, almost like he means every single thing he sings. Jungkook knows he's heard these lyrics before.

And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just the touch of a hand

He remembers now, it's one of his favorite songs. Jungkook wonders if that's why Jimin chose it. The thought itself warms his heart and he bites his lip, fighting the grin that's spreading over his face. 

Oh me I fall in love with you every single day
And I just wanna tell you I am

Jungkook smiles because that's exactly how he feels about Jimin. He falls for him every day, and he wants to tell him so badly.

So honey now
Take me into your loving arms

Jimin actually made eye contact for a second when he sang the word 'honey', and Jungkook's stomach flips at the thought of Jimin calling him honey.

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart

Oh how he wishes he could kiss Jimin, over and over. His heart flutters just thinking about it and he can feel his cheeks heating up.

I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are

Jimin ended the song there and looked up to see his brother and Junyool smiling brightly, applauding his outstanding performance.

"Wowww! Jimin that was great! You have a wonderful voice." Junyool praised him. He bowed and thanked her for the compliment. He then turned to look at Jungkook, who was just glowing, smiling from ear to ear. 

"Did you like it?" Jimin asked, 

"I loved it. You never fail to impress me Jimin." Jungkook marveled. Jimin just giggled and ran a hand through his hair, one of his many nervous habits. He was feeling shy and he couldn't seem to maintain eye contact with Jungkook.

However Jungkook couldn't take his eyes off of Jimin. Everything he did just made Jungkook yearn for him even more. He needed to be alone with Jimin, he needed to tell him how he felt. 

"Hey, did you want to show me that place you were talking about earlier? Where we can look at the stars." he asked. Jimin smiled and looked up at the sky, checking to see if it was dark enough, it was. He turned to his brother.

"Would you mind if Jungkook and I took off for a bit?" Jimin asked.

"Not at all, go have fun." Jin replied. He wouldn't mind a little alone time with his girlfriend by the fire anyways. Jimin thanked him and grabbed Jungkook by the wrist, leading him to a path through the forest. It was only a five, ten minute walk at the most to get to the little hilltop at the end of the path. They took a seat in the grass, careful not to get too close to the edge. They laid back and looked up, in an almost synchronized motion. They lucked out because there was not a cloud in the sky, a perfect night to see the stars. 

"It's beautiful. I can see why you like this spot so much." Jungkook remarked. It was honestly breathtaking. There were so many stars, he tried to count them....but it was impossible. After a good 10 minutes of silently staring at the vast sky above them, Jungkook sat up abrubtly. 

"Jimin....there's something I've been wanting to tell you." 

Jimin sat up as well, eyeing Jungkook curiously. "Yeah?" 

Jungkook struggled to find the right words to say. How could he possibly convey these feelings; the overwhelming happiness, the utter desperation, the mixture of fear and giddy excitement. How could he explain everything Jimin makes him feel in a simple sentence. He couldn't, he just couldn't. 

Jimin was still watching him, his head cocked to the side like a curious puppy, not understanding the situation at all. Jungkook forced himself to speak again, not wanting things to become awkward.

"Honestly, I'm terrible with words, so I'm going to show you instead. Close your eyes." 

Jimin did as he was told, even though he was totally lost. Jungkook's actions were strange, but he was trying to just go with it because it's Jungkook; His best friend, his everything, his love.

Jungkook leaned in closer to Jimin before reaching his hand towards his face, brushing his fingertips across Jimin's sharp jawline. Jimin shivered at the touch. Jungkook found a comfortable place for his hand, his thumb resting on Jimin's cheek bone. Their faces were merely an inch apart and Jimin almost couldn't take it.  His heart was pounding in his ears and he was worried it was loud enough that Jungkook would hear it. He wanted to scream because every second that passed was torture. But before he could do anything he felt a pair of soft lips on his own. His whole body relaxed, the tension gone instantly when their lips met. The kiss was short and gentle, but it was perfect, better than he could have ever imagined. Jungkook slowly backed away and waited for Jimin to do something, anything. Jimin's eyes were still shut tightly, his lips slighly parted, his expression unreadable.

When his eyes finally opened, the tears he had been fighting back escaped and ran down his face. 

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Jungkook asked, panicked as this wasn't the reaction he expected.

Jimin sniffed and then smiled. "Do you know how long I've waited for this?" he replied, his voice practically a whimper. 

Jungkook smiled back, relieved that it was tears of happiness. "How long?" 

"Since the day we met." Jimin confessed, before lunging forward, taking Jungkook's face in his hands and connecting their lips once again. They started off with soft pecks but as they got more comfortable with the feeling their lips began to crash together frantically, as if they were afraid of forgetting eachother's taste. Eventually they were both gasping for air and Jungkook pulled back. He rested his forehead against Jimin's, gazing into his deep brown eyes, grinning wildly. 

"I love you Jimin." 

The words he couldn't seem to find earlier finally came to him, and nothing ever felt more right.


"I love you too baby" 

I am so sorry for going over a month without updating, I feel terrible T__T But hopefully this was worth the wait! As always thanks for reading, please subscribe and comment what you thought!


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Update ;-;
Zelyaaa #3
Chapter 7: Update pleaseeee T_T its been a monthhh :(
Chapter 7: I luv u author-nim!!!
luvarin #5
Chapter 7: Author-nim.. so sweet.. i will patiently waiting for your next update and story.. :) keep fighting friend.. (n_n)/
Chapter 7: Omg the Jikook fluff ~~~~~~~~~~ ❤❤ Can't wait for more :D
Chapter 7: I thought you weren't going to update adhdhsjhsgs IM NOT OKAY THE FEELS ARE KILLING ME ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ, thank you for updating really I loved it !!! The best part was jimin singing im in tears that was prfct, can't waiit for the next update, ♡♡♡
Chapter 7: omg!!!!!!!! yes!!! omg!!! I know that happy moment not gonna stay forever as when they get back who knows what happen?~ but!!! lets just enjoy that sweet moment!!!! omg!!!!! more fluffy jikook kissing please!!!!!!