Boy in Love


The next morning Jimin discovered just how difficult it is to wake Jungkook up for school. Jungkook really liked sleeping, and usually got up about a half hour before school started. However Jimin gets up much earlier than that, because unlike Jungkook he does more than just throw on some clothes and leave. 

"Come on Jungkook it's time to get up."

Jungkook only groaned in response, turning over so he was facing away from Jimin.

"Jeon Jungkook! Don't make me do something I know you hate."

Jungkook stil refused to get up. Jimin got onto the bed and started tickling Jungkook's sides. Jungkook, being extremely ticklish, began giggling like crazy. He turned over and started swatting at Jimin, trying to stop him. After about a minute of this Jimin stopped and Jungkook sat up, glaring at him. 

"I warned you." Jimin said, with that devious grin of his. Jungkook was a bit annoyed, but he just couldn't stay mad at Jimin. His angry glare quickly turned into a goofy smile. Jimin was relieved to see Jungkook smile. He was pretty worried about the boy's mental state yesterday, but he seemed to be alright. 

"You seem to be in good spirits today." Jimin pointed out. "Feeling better I hope?"

"Yeah....I am. I'm just trying to look at things positively, so far it's working."

"Good. Why don't we go have some breakfast."

Jungkook made a displeased face, he hates eating in the morning, but for Jimin he will. He followed Jimin downstairs and sat at the table. Jimin made eggs and toast for the two of them. He brought the plates of food to the table and sat down. He glanced over at Jungkook who was just sort of staring at his food. 

"I know you aren't fond of eating in the morning, but it's not good to skip breakfast. So can you just try and eat a little bit?" 

Jungkook couldn't say no when Jimin asked him so nicely, so he was just going to have to it up. He ate slowly and managed to finish about 3/4 of the food on his plate, which was good enough. It kind of made him feel like throwing up but if it made Jimin happy he didn't care. After breakfast they both went upstairs and got ready for school. Jungkook had to borrow clothes from Jimin again, which was a bit difficult since he's much bigger than Jimin. But luckily Jimin had some loose fitting clothes that worked out okay. Jungkook's hair was a mess, probably from sleeping with it wet, so he slipped on a beanie. Jimin copied him and wore a beanie too, he also happened to have the same boots. 

"We match." Jimin pointed out with a cute little smirk. 

"We are so going to get made fun of...." Jungkook grumbled, earning him a punch in the arm. Apparently Jimin liked that they matched and insisted they take a selfie of their "couple outfit." Jungkook went along with it, but only because Jimin seemed so excited. He even made it his phone wallpaper.

"Now everytime I turn on my phone I'll see us!" He announced happily. Jungkook couldn't help but laugh, Jimin was so weird, but it was actually kind of sweet that he wanted a picture of the two of them as his wallpaper. 

They were about to head out the door when Jimin remembered something. He ran off to the kitchen and came back with two paper bags. "I almost forgot our lunches."

"Oh, I didn't know I was getting a lunch, thanks!" Jungkook replied. 

"Of course you get one! Do you think my mom would just make me a lunch and let you starve?" 

"No, not exactly, it's just home if I didn't make myself a lunch then I didn't get one." Jungkook admitted.  Jimin felt bad for asking, he forgot that Jungkook didn't have all the "luxuries" that he took for granted.

"Well things are different now. You will always have something to eat. Now come on, let's go." 

Jimin locked the door behind them and they headed off to school. The school day seemed to fly by today. Jungkook had never been able to focus so well before, he got all of his work done in class. When they were walking home he thanked Jimin for both breakfast and lunch, he didn't realize how much of a difference it made.

"I told will do much better in school if you eat a good breakfast." Jimin said, smiling brightly at him. Jungkook felt his face heating up. Jimin was always looking out for him and it really warmed his heart. That afternoon he felt a strange feeling, one he couldn't explain. When the sun was shining down on Jimin's smiling face, he swore he never saw anything more perfect. It almost took his breath away. But he couldn't help but feel troubled by this strange feeling, because he couldn't identify it; Or maybe he was afraid of what it might be.

☁ ☁ ☁ ☁

As the week went on, Jungkook felt more and more comfortable in Jimin's home. He seemed to be handling everything pretty well. The only exception being when a couple bags of his stuff was dropped off at Jimin's, and CPS informed them that Jungkook would be there for awhile. Apparently his father was getting sent to rehab, and even though his mother never hurt him, she didn't do anything to protect him either. Therefore it was decided his home was not a safe enviroment, and until it was deemed as such he would be staying with Jimin's family. The news hit him hard. That evening after dinner, Jungkook snuck outside to get some alone time. He figured it was going to be awhile before he could go home, but it was still hard to accept. As he stared up at the dark sky he felt the sting of tears trying to fall. He wanted so badly to stop them as he hadn't cried in days. But as usual he lost the battle to his emotions. He closed his eyes and put his head down as he began to cry. After a few minutes of silence he heard footsteps coming towards him. He looked out of the corner of his eye and saw Jimin sit down next to him. 

"Jungkook? You okay?" Jimin asked. Jungkook could hear the concern in his voice and he tried to collect himself.

"I'm fine." He aswered. But Jimin knew that wasn't the case as he could hear the boy sniffling. He gently brushed some of the hair that was hiding Jungkook's face aside. His heart sank a little when he saw the tears rolling down Jungkook's cheeks. 

"You're not fine, you don't have to hide it from me. What's going on?" 

Jungkook took a moment to steady his breathing and then spoke. "When I saw my stuff sitting in your living just hit me so hard. Like I knew this was going to happen, but somehow I still wasn't prepared mentally."

Jimin debated what to say, he understood why Jungkook was upset, but at the same time he was failing to see the positives. "But aren't you glad you don't have to be scared anymore? You are finally safe, there's no one to hurt you or yell at you. I know it's hard to be taken from your home, but things are better this way."

Jungkook looked up at Jimin, with desperation in his eyes. "Please don't misunderstand! I'm extremely thankful to be here with you, I couldn't ask for a better place to stay. It's just finally sinking in that things will never be 'normal' for me...."

"You've got to stop thinking that way. There's no such thing as normal. You have to try and look at the bright side; you have a safe place to live and even though you aren't a blood-relative we all love you like one."

Jungkook knew that Jimin was right, but he was still sad and he just couldn't seem to shake it off. "I know...I just wish my own family loved me like you guys do." He replied, his voice cracking slightly.

"I'm sure they do." Jimin assured him, taking Jungkook's hand in his. 

Jungkook just shook his head. He really didn't feel like his parents loved him, and it hurt him deeply. Jimin could feel Jungkook's hand tremble as he tried to stop himself from breaking down again.

"It's okay, you can cry all you want. Don't hold it in."

So he did, he let it out. Jimin hated seeing him cry, but he knew it was better for him to get it out of his system. 

"Do you want to come sit with me?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook looked at Jimin through teary eyes. He was holding his arms wide open, so Jungkook came over. There was barely enough room for the two of them, but they made it work. Jimin wrapped his arms around Jungkook as he rested his head on Jimin's chest. Their bodies were so close, but it wasn't even awkward, both of them felt at ease. Jimin moved one of his hands up to Jungkook's head and began running his fingers through his hair. He hoped that would soothe him a bit. Slowly but surely he felt Jungkook's body relax.To Jungkook there was nothing more comforting than someone touching his hair, it always did the trick, and Jimin knew that. After about 15 minutes of cuddling Jungkook moved his face away from Jimin's chest. He sniffed a few times and then laughed.

"I think I might have gotten snot on your shirt....sorry."

"It's fine. I'll get you some tissues." Jimin replied before heading inside. He came back quickly and squeezed himself back into the chair. He took a tissue and wiped Jungkook's nose.

"You don't have to do it for me! I'm not a little kid...." Jungkook protested.

Jimin laughed. "I know...I just have this instict to take care of you." 

"Is that what you call it?" Jungkook teased.

"Oh shush......are you gonna be okay now?"

"Yeah, I'm okay, just needed a good cry I guess." 

"Alright, why don't we head to bed then." 

Today was a tough day, and they were glad to put it behind them.

☁ ☁ ☁ ☁

During the next few days, Jungkook was becoming increasingly aware of the strange feelings Jimin was causing him. He noticed just how much his heart races when they're close to eachother, and how easily Jimin can make him blush. It was becoming very evident what those feelings were. He didn't just like Jimin as a friend, it was much more than that. Jimin was his world, his everything, and that was exactly why these feelings terrified him. Jungkook was so afraid that the way he felt was going to ruin their friendship. He had no idea if Jimin felt the same way or not. He certainly didn't mind cuddling with Jungkook or anything touchy-feely for that matter. But Jungkook worried that maybe that's just how Jimin is with his friends. He didn't know what was normal and what wasn't, he never had friends before Jimin. This whole thing was incredibly stressful, he wished he could just ask Jimin how he felt, but he knew it wouldn't be that easy. He couldn't risk losing everything. 

But it was getting harder and harder to deal with. Every little thing Jimin does makes his heart flutter. Like the morning where Jimin insisted Jungkook let him fix his hair before school, because apparently it's always a mess and it drives Jimin crazy. He remembers how it started small, how nice it felt as Jimin combed his hair. But Jungkook's heart started beating faster as Jimin carefully arranged each and every strand, his fingers repeatedly brushing against Jungkook's face. Once he was finished Jimin just stood there admiring Jungkook. "You look really handsome with your hair out of your face."  He said, with the most captivating smile. Jungkook thought he was going to die, He kept replaying that moment in his head all day.

And then there were the times when Jimin would be overly fussy about Jungkook's health. Some people might find it annoying, but Jungkook liked that Jimin was looking out for him. Jungkook struggles with bad allergies, his nose is always stuffy and sometimes he often has a hard time breathing. Everytime Jungkook would get a headache from the congestion or have a random sneezing fit, Jimin would go into mom mode; asking him a hundred times if he felt okay. Jungkook would tell him it was just allergies, but Jimin would always be suspicious. One time he got right in Jungkook's face and stared at him intently, making sure he wasn't lying. Jungkook was caught off guard by the closeness of their faces and started blushing. Jimin's eyes widened.

"Are you sure you're okay? Your face is all red." He asked, bringing his hand to Jungkook's forehead, thinking he might have a fever. 

"I'm fine. I'm just embarassed because you're so close."  Jungkook explained, his face even redder now.

"Oh.....sorry." Jimin said, backing away, now feeling embarassed himself.

Even if Jungkook wasn't sick, Jimin insisted he take a bunch of Vitamin C and other supplements to stay healthy. Jungkook would just laugh and take whatever Jimin gave him. But truthfully it meant so much to him that Jimin cared. It made him feel like he actually mattered for once.

Jungkook couldn't possibly forget how Jimin wakes him up in the morning. Jungkook is a heavy sleeper and he would most likely sleep until 3 in the afternoon if someone didn't wake him up. As a result, Jimin had to find special methods, such as tickling him or messing with his hair. When Jungkook would wake up Jimin would just be smiling at him like he was the most precious thing in the world. Jungkook used to wake up every morning wishing he hadn't, but now he's glad to wake up next to that smiling face. Jimin is like a ray of sunshine, he gives Jungkook the energy he needs to get up everyday and take on life. Even if there are days where he struggles, Jimin is always there to keep him going. This whole Jimin thing was consuming him and the uncertainty of their future was driving him crazy. It wasn't long before he reached his breaking point.

He and Jimin had signed up for this music class at school a little while back and it started this week. The first thing they worked on was singing. Jungkook didn't think he could fall any harder for Jimin but the moment he heard his voice he realized he was wrong. He was totally unaware that Jimin could sing. One day they were put in groups and given a song to work on. Since it was discovered that Jungkook could also sing pretty decently, he and Jimin were chosen to do the main vocal parts. All was going well until Jimin thought it would be funny to pretend like he was serenading Jungkook during his solo part. From the combination of the way Jimin was looking at him and the how romantic the lyrics to the song were, Jungkook turned bright red. Taehyung burst out laughing and so did Jimin. Jungkook was mortified. He stood up and fled from the room. Jimin and Taehyung instantly regretted pulling that stunt on him. They decided one of them should probably go look for him. Jimin was worried Jungkook might be mad at him so he thought it would be better for Taehyung to go.Taehyung agreed and ran off in search of Jungkook. He looked up and down the hall and didn't see him, so he decided to check the nearest restroom. When he got inside he heard someone sniffling in one of the stalls.

"Jungkook?" He called out.

Jungkook froze. He didn't think he'd be found so easily, he should have picked a bathroom further away.

"Who's there?" 

"It's Taehyung. Are you okay?"

"No.....not at all."

"Can you please come out? Let's talk."

Jungkook didn't want to come out, but he did anyways. After all. this was his chance to get the whole Jimin thing off his chest. Taehyung put his arm around Jungkook and walked him to an empty classroom.  They sat down across from eachother and Taehyung grabbed Jungkook a tissue. 

"Thanks." Jungkook said, wiping his teary eyes.

"What's going on Jungkook? We were just goofing off, why are you so upset?"

"Because.....I.....I like Jimin, and it's killing me not knowing whether I should tell him or not. He keeps doing things like this and confusing me. I just don't know what to do."

Taehyung was unsure what to say, he wasn't expecting this confession.

"Do you have any idea if Jimin might like me as well? Please.....I need to know." Jungkook begged.

"I don't know his exact feelings towards you, but....he is gay. I know that much."

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah, he came out two years ago."

"How come he never told me?"

"I think he was afraid of what you would think. But I guess he had nothing to worry about."

"I'm just so lost, he's really never said anything about me?"

"Listen, I've know Jimin for three years now and the one thing I can tell you is that when he's around you.....he acts different."

"Different? Like how?"

"He just seems to have a soft spot for you, I don't know if that means he likes you necessarily, but I wouldn't be surprised if he did."

Jungkook was just about to thank Taehyung for the information when the door to the classroom swung open. Jimin ran over to Jungkook and scooped him up in his arms.

"Jungkook, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to embarass you like that. I thought it would be funny, but sometimes I forget how shy you are. I'm such an idiot." 

Jungkook laughed. "It's okay, I'm not upset anymore." 

"Oh thank god." Jimin replied, squeezing Jungkook even tighter. He then smiled brightly at Jungkook, the kind of smile that is so full of love it made Jungkook weak. He decided he was going to confess to JImin. Not now, but soon, because his life would never be complete unless Jimin was his.

Sorry for the wait! Things are getting slightly brighter right? I think I'm bad at writing non-angst XD but I'm trying. I'm sure you are all dying for Jikook to actually happen and I promise it will soon! Be patient! Thanks for reading and once again please subscribe and comment what you thought!




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Update ;-;
Zelyaaa #3
Chapter 7: Update pleaseeee T_T its been a monthhh :(
Chapter 7: I luv u author-nim!!!
luvarin #5
Chapter 7: Author-nim.. so sweet.. i will patiently waiting for your next update and story.. :) keep fighting friend.. (n_n)/
Chapter 7: Omg the Jikook fluff ~~~~~~~~~~ ❤❤ Can't wait for more :D
Chapter 7: I thought you weren't going to update adhdhsjhsgs IM NOT OKAY THE FEELS ARE KILLING ME ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ, thank you for updating really I loved it !!! The best part was jimin singing im in tears that was prfct, can't waiit for the next update, ♡♡♡
Chapter 7: omg!!!!!!!! yes!!! omg!!! I know that happy moment not gonna stay forever as when they get back who knows what happen?~ but!!! lets just enjoy that sweet moment!!!! omg!!!!! more fluffy jikook kissing please!!!!!!