chapter two


Ok so the next day- wait hold on let me tell you about my dream! 

So I dreamt that I was marrying the cutest guy in the whole school Luhan. Oh my god I've liked him ever since last year when my stupid ex girlfriend broke up with me. Something about loving chocolate more than her? Lol what is she talking about. There's no one I love more than chocolate not even my mom lol

Anyway about my dream... So everything was going great. I was all prepared for the wedding and stuff and then I got a chocolate stain on my suit. Right on the . At first I thought it would be okay because you know brown and black kinda look alike?? But no the tuxedo wasn't even black it was LIGHT BLUE LIKE WTF??? 

There wasn't enough time to get it washed so I had all the chocolate off the . Yeah

So then it was time for the wedding. Luhan was wearing a dress made out of bacon. He looked so beautiful I just wanted to... uh nevermind. He walked up to me, we listened to all that blah blah I do whatever , and then we kissed. On the lips. Like actually! For real! It was the best moment of my entire life

And then I pulled away to look at that cute perfect face but I didn't see it. I had literally just kissed




Just try to image it. Kissing your own mom on the lips. I can't think of anything more horrifying.

So yeah I woke up, did all that normal morning stuff, getting dressed, brushing your teeth, taking a shi- I mean a shower. And then I made some chocolate covered bacon and went to school.

I don't really like school that much but today was even more annoying than normal because everyone was talking about that stupid Reese's feces disease 

Oh and something really interesting happened. I was walking in the hallway and I saw Luhan and he was checkin me out. I mean I know I have a nice but I didn't know Luhan knew that xD

So yeah then after school I told my coach that I couldn't go to practice cause I had to get a disease vaccine and he got so mad. I hate that guy

I saw my best friend Lay and he asked me if I wanted to go over to his house to get high and I said no. Don't do drugs kids hahaha... But seriously that's all that guy ever cares about

My mom picked me and my brother up from our schools and took is to the pharmacy to get the vaccine. Dumbo looked sooo scared he looked like he was about to piss himself

"Alright kids," my mom said as we were getting out of the car. "Remember the most important thing here is not getting the sickness. Even if it hurts a lot would you rather be in pain or be dead??"

The needle was ing huge. It looked like one of those dentist needles that they use on you when you have a cavity. I was so scared that I almost peed but I know better than to pee in public

Dumbo on the other hand was screaming which makes sense since he's a little kid but seriously. He was so loud I almost wished he would get the disease so he would shut up. Almost ok? I'm not mean

So yeah my baby brother was crying so loudly afterwards. He really liked like a hot mess. I got him a tissue so he could blow his nose

But what came out wasn't snot

Guess what it was


It was









AN- so far nobody is reading my story but that's ok bc it's really fun to write. also if anybody does read this please tell me if there's typos because I wrote all the chapters on my phone xP

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Markjacksonyounjae #1
Jsns Bysuibsuhbshui shg aghi
Chapter 4: Omfg bunch of idiots!!!!!!! ILUVIT!!!!!
Chapter 2: Gosh who doesn't know about Sebooty?!?! sure Luhan is sebooty's no.1 fan!!!! XD
Hehe your story is so funny!!!!
Destiney990 #6
Chapter 3: LMAO POOP
Chapter 2: oh oh wow i didn't expect that lol
This is the BEST THING I HAVE EVER READ (in terms of context that is) kekeke