chapter three


I know I say mean things about my brother sometimes. I mean I called him a stupid vegan and Dumbo... What you didn't think Dumbo was is real name did you. No way his real name is.... Actually I've been calling him Dumbo ever since the day he was born. I don't really remember his name anymore...

Anyway I'm not heartless ok? I felt bad for the little guy. As soon as I saw that poop in the tissue I screamed and my mom came over to look. Then she quickly put on gloves, grabbed my brother keeping the tissue on his nose, and ran back to the car. 

"You two are lucky to have a mom like me," she said. "I was prepared for this exact moment." 

Then she pulled this roll of plastic wrap out of the trunk and literally wrapped it around Dumbo. I mean was she trying to kill him or????

But wait it gets worse. When we got home she taped him inside a cardboard box with a few snacks and air holes and shipped him off to some quarantine place. She's crazy!!!

Actually it turns out that a lot of other kids from Dumbo's school also got Reese's feces. Some kid with the disease pooped in the sandbox. We saw it on the news

I guess it might be a good idea to fill you in on all the information we had about the disease at that point. Ok so Reese's feces causes poop to come out of random holes in your body at random times. The way you get the disease is by touching the poop of someone who has it. Sounds pretty easy to avoid right I mean who would want to touch someone else's poop? 

I didn't go to school the next day. I stayed home and slept. I couldn't stop thinking about poor Dumbo. It's almost like I saw him die.

Wow this is really depressing... Let's talk about something else. Uhhhhh what about... Luhan! Did I mention that he was my boyfriend? hehehe yep that's right he asked me to go get bubble tea with him ;) yeah we hadn't kissed yet but still... 

Alright when I went back to school my coach was sooo furious since I missed two practices in a row. Whatever him. I really hate that guy but I guess I have to deal with him if I wanna be a football star. I'm the best on my team.... Well we've never won any games but I'm still the best. Doesn't that count for anything??

Anyway I guess it was ok for him to be mad. We had a big game coming up. Exo high vs our rival school B.A.P high. That stands for big angry .... Lol no it doesn't it stands for best absolute perfect. Stupid I know...

Anyway Luhan was coming to watch us play so I practiced really really hard. I wanted to impress him at the game. It turns out all that practice really paid off. It was the best game we ever had! 

I'm not going to get into ask those stupid little details but it was amazing. We actually won. At the end of the game the team picked me up and carried me around. And then we threw our drinks at the other team and did a dance xD

After the game Luhan met me in the parking lot, looked me in the eyes and said "I love you" and then we got on a plane to Costa Rica and we got married


OF COURSE THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN! WE LOST!!!! I told you we're the worst team in the country did you really think we could win a game? To be honest, I don't even remember the game at all. I got hit with the ball in the first five minutes

Anyway, after the game I woke up in the nurses office. Everything was a blur. I was like

Where am I?

Who am I?

What is life????

The nurse was laughing at me and saying that we lost 0 to 99,000 so I gave her the finger. Then she said she was gonna tell the principal... Whatever idgaf

Anywayyyyy then after that left to go to the office Luhan came in to check if I was alright. I had to pretend I didn't have a concussion to make him feel better. Anyway he gave me a big hug and then took me outside. 

We went out to the field and his under the bleachers. Nobody else was there. It was just me, Luhan, and the stars shining in the night sky.... Wowwww so cheesy. You know what stfu I'm trying to make it sound romantic

Where was I..... Oh yeah we were sitting all alone just staring into each other's eyes. It was the most magical moment of my life... Is what I would have said if I wasn't about to puke! Remember? I had a concussion!!

Anyway we kept staring and staring and getting closer and closer and then I realized he wasn't even looking at my eyes anymore. He was looking at my mouth. I didn't really have that much time to really process the situation before he just leaned in and KISSED ME








Then something happened that made me hate that moment for the rest of my life. 





A/n- Hi guys that took longer to write than expected. Sorry about that. I kinda forgot..... Anyway it's summer vacation so now I have more time to write! See u next chapter :)

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Markjacksonyounjae #1
Jsns Bysuibsuhbshui shg aghi
Chapter 4: Omfg bunch of idiots!!!!!!! ILUVIT!!!!!
Chapter 2: Gosh who doesn't know about Sebooty?!?! sure Luhan is sebooty's no.1 fan!!!! XD
Hehe your story is so funny!!!!
Destiney990 #6
Chapter 3: LMAO POOP
Chapter 2: oh oh wow i didn't expect that lol
This is the BEST THING I HAVE EVER READ (in terms of context that is) kekeke