
Hello everyone!!! I'm back from the ashes! 

Anyway, I'm very sorry for the long, long, long, infinity long wait for this story. This isn't over yet. There's still a long way to go (I think?) before this comes to an end. I hope you will still find it in your time to continue reading this. 

In any case, I'm posting this note to inform everyone that I'll be uploading the next chapter very soon. I've actually had it since last year but it just remained incomplete and untouched ever since. I also got busy with uni life (thesis) and work for about a month (after I graduated last april) and had little time to roast my brain to oblivion for any additional content to add for the next chapter. 

Again, I apologize for the long wait but I am back now but updates will still probably have long intervals in between so I'm asking for your patience and understanding again for this. I'm not discontinuing this story and I hope you'll still read this even after a long time has passed since my last update. See you in the next chapters everyone! 




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Chapter 8: Omo an update!! Thank you ♡ btw author-ssi, is taeyeon and yoona a grim reaper here? XD I honestly don't have any clue/guess on what was going on between taeny like AT ALL. and its frustrating sobss. I hope you will let us find out soon ^^ and its been a long time since i've read such a heavy, feels wrecking story bc its really affecting on my studies lol. I've been avoiding those kinds but i guess this story will be an exception. Gonna wait for your next update!!
i love this story like a lot T^T
nelle147 #3
Thank you again to everyone who has been reading this fic since I started writing it. Kindly wait a little longer and thank you for your support ~ :)
Chapter 6: nelle, is it over or ended just like this? XD
anyway nice writing, i love it :))
Chapter 6: This story is really promising, i hope you will continue this author-ssi :'(
iamout #6
Chapter 3: "Sobs and whimpers echoed throughout the room – a sad, deafening muffled cry that would leave a heart broken if heard, even if one doesn’t know the reason." DUDE WTHECK OHMYGOD NO WHY UGH

even though I know it's full-blown angst from start to now, it still hurts my heart ;; this is so sad oh godddd
tnyrain #7
Chapter 3: What? Whaaat? Whaaaattt??? Taeyeon, why?? This made me tear up :'(
iamout #8
Chapter 2: the way you write is great, I can seriously feel sympathy for the girl (still not sure if taeyeon or tiffany haha).
Chapter 1: Looking forward to the story author shi :)