Just As Much

My Love, Goodbye

In the midst of a crowded café, a young couple can be seen sitting across from each other engaging in what would seemed like an ordinary conversation, however upon listening closer one would see that this was no ordinary conversation and that they were not a couple.

“I’m getting married,” the girl said, a hint of sadness present in her voice however her face remained stoic. She had practiced several times in order not to break down in front of him, but why would she? It wasn’t like they were going out or anything relatively close to that. How she had somehow formed a friendship with the boy confused her as much as it confused everyone who saw them together. Yes they belonged to the same school, but he was a year older than her and although she had heard of him before, she was sure her existence was practically nonexistent to him. Then again, life worked in mysterious ways because here they were, engaging in what had become something of a tradition; enjoying coffee together on a Friday evening.

The boy choked on his drink, clearly not expecting those words to come out of her. A wave of emotion consumed him for a brief second, but it had happened so fast that he was sure she wouldn’t notice the sadness that had overcome his heart. Placing his cup down, he steadied his breathing before looking back up at the girl; all emotions void from his face.

“Hmm…,” was his response to something that had her crying for days.

She didn’t know what she was expecting when she had decided to tell him. Did she think he would protest? She knew she was being wishful, but she had hoped to catch some distress in his voices or see his eyes waver as he tried to think of a way to convince her not to get marry. Something, anything to tell her that she had not been the only one who felt her whole body go weak when they stared into each other’s eyes. That she had not been the only who felt sparks run through her body when their hands brushed across each other, or that she wasn’t the only one in love.

Her marriage had been final, her parents made that very clear the night they had told her. Tears were shed, words were said, but no matter what she did she knew the marriage would go on; with or without her consent.

“You’re still so young.” He continued.

She was well aware of that. Nineteen years old, and she was already contracted off into a marriage deemed perfect by higher authorities. But age wasn’t the issue here, and though nineteen was a young age to be marrying, she had thought if the person she was to wed was a person she was in love with, age would just merely be a number. If it had been him that she was marrying, she probably wouldn’t have cared how old she was.

“Who?” He finally asked.

“Yook Sungjae.”

“The kid who tried to break open a watermelon with his forehead?” He made a face and she didn’t know if he was feeling sympathetic towards her or making fun of her, but she inwardly groan.

Yes, her soon to be husband was none other than the kid who had tried to break open a watermelon with his forehead. Why did everyone feel the need to remind her of that? As if being forced into marriage wasn’t bad enough, she was forever going to be known as the girl who married the “boy who tried to break open a watermelon with his forehead.”

“When’s the wedding?”

“In two weeks.” Silence engulfed them, both lost in their own thoughts.

Her, thinking back on when her parents had told her of her marriage. The date had surprised her as well, thinking she would at least have a few months before the official “I dos.” The more she thought about it, the more it felt as if this had been planned from the very beginning with her being the last to know.

Him, thinking of how he was going to respond. He wondered how anyone else would respond when the girl of your dreams just announced her marriage to someone else. And to think he was about to confess his feelings for her today. It was a good thing she had spoken first, imagine the humiliation if he had confessed only to find out that she's a soon to be wife.

“Well I get an invitation?” Not that he particularly wanted to witness the union of his loved one to someone else, but the chance to see her a wedding dress was enough to brush aside his heartbreak and the thought of being able keep the image as a memory tempted him to ask.

Her eyes widened at man in front of her. Of all the things he could’ve have said.

“Of course,” she answered, but she didn’t want him there. How was she supposed to say “I do” if the man she had dreamt of marrying was going to be sitting in the audience instead of standing beside her?

A forced smile appeared on his lips, thankful she thought enough about him to invite him. Glancing at his watch he noticed the time, “it’s getting late. I should probably get going. Congratulations though.”

Her heart sank. So this was it. This was how their last day together would end. Her telling him that she was getting married and him, congratulating her on it. If he wasn’t standing in front of her now, she would have already busted into tears. The chance to tell him how she truly felt had long been gone and it wouldn’t even matter now for he had already accepted her marriage and was even asking for an invitation.

Nodding her head in agreement, she got up as well. It was best to end this quickly, before she did something she would regret.

“I guess I’ll see you later then?” He asked, but she could tell from the way he spoke that he wasn’t all too sure he would be seeing her later. After all, she was becoming a married woman soon, their tradition of getting coffee together would have to end here.

He would see her again, but she would probably be standing at the altar and the thought pained him.

A short farewell was said before they parted their separate ways and as he watched her walk away he felt his feet move.

“Sooyoung,” she heard him call and before she knew it she felt herself being pulled into his embrace. It was everything she had imagine it would be. The way she seemed to fit perfectly into his arms and how safe and warm it had made her feel in a matter of seconds.

“Sungjae’s a real lucky man to be marrying you,” he whispered, hoping it was enough to convey the feelings he had been harboring for her and though he knew it was wrong, he tighten his arms around her as if not wanting to let her go.

Tears welled up in her eyes, because as she stood in his embrace and heard his words, Sooyoung understood that Kim Taehyung had loved her just as much as she had loved him and saying goodbye had gotten a lot harder.



Comments are loved!

Sungjae seems to be quite the character. Anticipating their interactions in WGM. Hopefully WGM does them justice. Still, VJoy all the way...lol (and Joylo).

Oh and this is super, super late, but congrats to BTS on their first win with "I Need You." It's seriously a good song and I'm so happy for them.


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PenGwynsoo #1
I come from the future, Sungjoy was cute, Bbyu couole ?? but VJoy/TaeJoy raised in the end of 2017 ? and continues to flourish in 2018
yes,i end up shipping them and every cute interaction of them i start to "OMAYGAWD THEY'RE SO CUTE" and then i remember about vjoy and i start to "omg how about Taehyungie. WHY WGM CHOSE SUNGJAE WHY NOT TAEHYUNG".
is this called bipolar? lol.
I know right. And to think Taehyung is a close friend of Sungjae. Maybe Taehyung will be a guest of WGM as a friend of Sungjae and there you have it V and Joy interactions. I ship V and Joy.
Chapter 1: Awwww. VJoy :( my heaaaaart. Whatever happens, i'll never leave this ship. Besides, WGM's just a show. Pffft.. It's not even a real marriage(still dying inside even if it's not real) hahahaha. But i have nothing against SungjaexJoy tho. I like Sungjae but yeeeaaaaah. I like Taehyung more. No. I love Taehyung. And I love Joy :) sail sail sail sail hahahahaha
Chapter 1: awe my shipping heart ;;(
HufflepuffBaby #6
Chapter 1: i'm sobbing because this crackship is so precious to me
and the last scene was just :((( *heartbroken*
i'd admit that i like sungjae but still, taejoy all the way <3
Chapter 1: Omg my poor TaeJoy heart,, my freaking precious crackship :( /cries an ocean/
Although i don't think that i'll ship her with Sungjae, i'm happy we'll get to watch her alot <3
thankyou for sharing this, dear author!
Chapter 1: Omg.. This got me sad and tear up. How sad that they're in love but it was to late for their love. I love this short story. Now I'm having a hard time thinking about Joy being married to sungjae. Sigh.
Lol. I had a feeling it was joy from the moment I saw sungjae being in wgm and his bride is unknown. And boom my gut feeling was right, I'm just happy I'm see Joy a lot and even though I'm not a can of btob or sungjae I'll still watch just for joy. I do find her shippable too. Lol