Days Pass By

Love triangle

        About a week has passed by and Gary and Ji Hyo still are ignoring each other. Gary is mad at Ji Hyo and Ji Hyo is afraid to approach him. Both of them still play their part and do well for the misions but there were no moments where Gary acted mushy.

        "You don't like Ji Hyo anymore?" Jae Suk asked jokingly after fliming. Gary just turned around and answered dully,"No." Jae Suk didn't know Gary really took it seriously. "Gary yah what do you mean? I thought you and Ji Hyo were a loving couple. Tell what happened." Jae Suk said. Gary then explained that Ji Hyo actually loved Jong Kook and just treated him like a friend. She was just acting part of the Monday Couple just for the show and not her real feelings towards Gary. After hearing it, Jae Suk comforted Gary and then went to fine Ji Hyo and Jong Kook. Jae Suk had always been close to both and they often hangged out with each other. Jae Suk knew that he could sort this out.

          The next day, Jae Suk met them at a restraunt and spoke to them." Jong Kook yah, Gary told me he heard Ji Hyo admiting that she likes you... I'm afraid he is really upset about this matter. I hope you three can resolve it. Especially you, Ji Hyo, since you caused this... and you know Jong Kook likes Eun Hye..." Ji Hyo sighed a little and then spoke." Oppa I told Jong Kook I decided to stop liking him because he already has someone in his heart." Jae Suk nooded and texted Gary what Ji Hyo had said. Although he knows that Jong Kook loves Eun Hye, Jae Suk still wished they would be a couple. They seemed like a match made in heaven...

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Chapter 2: any update spartace forever
Chapter 4: up date soon
more spartace scene let jong kook fall in love with ji hyo they should end up together