Hoseok Targaryen

Seven Sons

All the money in the world won’t buy you an army loyal enough to make you king, but no money at all and you’ll never have the chance to find that out. Hoseok steps up to the Iron Bank and when he holds out his beggar’s cup ,remembers that asking for loans gets you further than asking for gifts.

“What do you want with Westeros?” they laugh, and Hoseok doesn’t let his smile slip.

“It’s my home,” he says. It is his birthright, it is his destiny, these people couldn’t understand.

Hoseok has never set foot on Westerosi shores save the rocky floor of a Dragonstone basement on which he was born. His mother liked to tell him stories of the stone dragons on the island bursting into life during times of war and buring a trail of glory across the continent.

The dragons didn’t breathe fire on the night they killed Hoseok’s father and drove him out of his kingdom forever, but Hoseok never really believed the stories.

He isn’t surprised when they deny him, nor is he surprised when the Golden Company refuse his offer of ‘riches untold’ when they arrive in King’s Landing. But under his cloak, his fingers tighten over the hard shell of a dragon egg biding it’s time, and he smiles at an unseen western shore with fire in his blood.

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