Emerald Eyes 05

Emerald Eyes
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Helping Woohyun learn his powers becomes an important task for Sunggyu. He needs to get inside in order for him to help Woohyun with his past he's still not told Sunggyu about; to help him get unchained; to get him free; to be his friend.


He finds himself at the same lonely street, facing the same window that separates him from Woohyun the very next day. With the same goal of trying to get Woohyun to control his powers outside his room, Sunggyu makes him try on the same flower pot, which Sunggyu has helped position so Woohyun can see. The first few tries fail to his and Woohyun's disappointment; but after a few more tries and they're about to call it a day, like a flicker of hope the flower pot flickers and disappears for a brief moment before his own eyes. It's back in its original opaque form not two seconds after, but it's undeniably a progress. He goes home smiling and sleeps with a light heart.


Myungsoo notices his energy the next day at school.


"Exited for exams?" he jokes, and Sunggyu laughs, slapping him on the arm.


"What? Are you?" He asks back rhetorically, nudging his friend's open book and they both laugh again.


Exams are coming up, and Sunggyu really ponders about it when the room grows silent.


After school, he contemplates if he should visit Woohyun again. It's his first time seeing Woohyun twice already in a week; if not actually seeing him face to face counts. His fingers linger over the bus' pull-over button, but he doesn't have to make a decision for it because the heavens seem to give him answer when at a particular hump on the road as he tries to catch himself from stumbling, his hand has already pressed on the button and the door opens to let him out. If it has turned out that way, Sunggyu doesn't think twice and follows.


Woohyun doesn't answer his call immediately when he gets there. He waits for a few moments because maybe someone has come up to give him food, or maybe the boy is resting- Sunggyu's breath stutters. Now that that thought reaches him, he's scared if he's being a pushover to Woohyun - rushing him to learn his powers and coming over for the third time consequently and all. He flinches when he hears Woohyun call him back.


"Are we learning again today?" Woohyun asks. Sunggyu tries to find Woohyun's emotion through his tone of voice, but fails.


"Y-yeah, d-do you have time?" he stumbles over his words. "It's okay if you don't, I can just go-"


Woohyun cuts him off with a rushed, "No! I-I'm glad you're h-here." Sunggyu stays quiet, thinking the boy's words over. There was silence, then Woohyun says, "I'm currently looking at you. Can you see me?"


"O-oh?" Sunggyu stutters a reply. Instinctively, he looks up at Woohyun's window. "Oh, no... Can you, o-open your window?"


"No, my window's not openable," Woohyun says sadly.


"Okay. We'll just try your power out for today, okay?"


Just like the first time the brief disappearance happens again. Sunggyu encourages Woohyun to try it a few more times because the occurence was still weak. Nonetheless that day's practice ends with a solid disappearance of the flower pot. 


"You're doing so well, Woohyun!" Sunggyu exclaims, smiling so brightly he wishes he can share the same expression with Woohyun on the other side of the window. He wishes they could be in each other's presence.


Then again he's afraid that he'd

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Simran20 #1
Chapter 6: Read it in one go ..sad that it's not complete. Woohyun with eMerald eyes is surreal. Thank you so much for such a beautiful fic author nim.
JoannWH #2
Chapter 6: Just recently found this story and it's really interesting. Hope u can continue to update this story pls~~
Chapter 6: Wow..this genre is new for me..
It's interesting..
And i unconsciously imagined woohyun's emerald eyes.. Gosh it must be so beautiful ♥♥

And please update soon please (・´з`・)
Geckokono8 #4
hakushinigami0 #5
Chapter 6: I love your story :) thanks so much for updating~!
hotterthanasummer #6
Chapter 6: Hee~ they got closer <3
Lol at Hoya's jokes though xD;;
oggifishy #7
Chapter 6: It become..more and more interesting...i like it..! >_<
Chapter 5: Daebakk authornimm!
Geckokono8 #9
Chapter 5: OOOOOOHHHH WHOA WHOAAA!!! This is epic! Transportation ftw!!!
Thanks for the great update authornim!! Hwaiting!
hotterthanasummer #10
Chapter 5: D: Woohyun pushed himself too hard, I guess ;;