Emerald Eyes 01

Emerald Eyes
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When he reaches the gate Sunggyu makes sure he has the right address. He marvels at the expanse of the house, no, mansion, even from outside, and he can't wait to get in. He remembers his teacher telling the classroom they should show their student card to the guards at the gate and they'll allow them inside. He does so and smiles proudly when he steps his foot on the wide compound and unconsciously breathes in the air inside. It smells...rich. He should have figured with the range of expensive looking coats his teacher wears at school. 



His eyes land on a few pair of shoes already at the porch and he shakes away from his thoughts and hurries to ring the bell. A few seconds later the door opens and he is invited in by a kind looking maid. She leads him into a room where he hears dulled chatters from outside, and when the door opens, he sees two of his friends Myungsoo and Hoya wave at him to come sit with them. Their teacher isn't in the room so they have time to talk about things outside studies.



"Sir's house is super awesome!" Hoya marvels out loud, and Sunggyu wonders if everyone had the same first impression when they got there. Sunggyu laughs and agrees totally.



The teaching session eventually starts after almost everyone from their class has arrived. Two hours later their teacher calls for a break and the room becomes loud again. Someone even shouts, "Sir, can we tour your house? Seriously daebak!"



He only responses with a chuckle, then tells the class that he will have food come shortly. Then the room roars with excitement. 




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Simran20 #1
Chapter 6: Read it in one go ..sad that it's not complete. Woohyun with eMerald eyes is surreal. Thank you so much for such a beautiful fic author nim.
JoannWH #2
Chapter 6: Just recently found this story and it's really interesting. Hope u can continue to update this story pls~~
Chapter 6: Wow..this genre is new for me..
It's interesting..
And i unconsciously imagined woohyun's emerald eyes.. Gosh it must be so beautiful ♥♥

And please update soon please (・´з`・)
Geckokono8 #4
hakushinigami0 #5
Chapter 6: I love your story :) thanks so much for updating~!
hotterthanasummer #6
Chapter 6: Hee~ they got closer <3
Lol at Hoya's jokes though xD;;
oggifishy #7
Chapter 6: It become..more and more interesting...i like it..! >_<
Chapter 5: Daebakk authornimm!
Geckokono8 #9
Chapter 5: OOOOOOHHHH WHOA WHOAAA!!! This is epic! Transportation ftw!!!
Thanks for the great update authornim!! Hwaiting!
hotterthanasummer #10
Chapter 5: D: Woohyun pushed himself too hard, I guess ;;