Chapter 2

clinches of judging a book by its cover

You can still run away...

No you shouldn't, be brave Kim Jongin!

He might be a vampire and you might be his next victim!

Or maybe he is a (cute)zombie...

Wait wat...






While Jongin was still busy internally debating with himself for the sake of his survival (he didn't want to die yet,he still had yet to become the world's best dancer and kill Sehun for hogging all of his chocolate stock last week damnit ), he failed to notice that Kyungsoo had already opened the door 5 mins ago and was now staring at him.

Kyungsoo groaned when he discovered the name of his new roommate, this was going to be torture...

kyungsoo waited, talked to his pororo stuff toy, lied down on his back on his bed then on his stomach, sang nursery rhymes and waited and waited for his new roommate to show up so when he ran out of waiting activities, he decided it was enough and stood up to actually do something productive like bothering his giant (tch the height again) of a best friend Chanyeol.

So you could say that he was pretty surprised when he saw Kim Jongin standing outside his/their room with his face all scrunched up displaying all different types of emotions raging from fear to self pitying, he decided that Jongin didn't look so cool at the moment. He stood there for full 5 mins 20 secs (yes he counted) waiting for the younger male to acknowledge his presence before his thin line of patience finally snapped.

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areeCX #1
Chapter 2: clap clap!!!! *0* good job author-nim update soon BABLAMEHEL!!!!