Chapter 1

clinches of judging a book by its cover

Kyungsoo was a sophomore while Jongin was a freshmen. He majored in music while Jongin in dancing.

When Jongin first saw Kyungsoo he was actually intimidated by the shorter male( tell Oh Sehun this and you're dead) it was not the first time he experienced fear though, he was actually scared of a lot of things like ghosts, the darkness, his older sister(yep), the heat (he didn't want to become more darker than he naturally is, thank you) and now kyungsoo. He didn't know why though, maybe because he never saw kyungsoo smile or maybe because of his large doe eyes which made his stomach churn in weird ways whenever they met his accidently in the hallways. 


When Kyungsoo first saw Jongin his mind immediately by default jolted down two points

1. " I am too cool for you" (he was probably another playboy)

2. Fearless.

and an extra bonus

3. Yet another junior taller than him tch.... Kyungsoo unconciously pouted at this( curse his older brother for hogging all the height and leaving nothing for him !)


If only they knew how wrong they both were...


Jongin was now a sophomore while Kyungsoo was already in his third year.


The roommates were shuffled every year in their dorms because apparently their lovely principal thought that it would somehow promote brothership and love among the students( everyone rolled their eyes at this)

Jongin simply wanted to cry or cry or maybe both at the moment, the reasons of his despair being

1. He was going to have to part with his favourite senior Taemin who had been his roommate for the past one year.

2. His new roommate was D.O Kyungsoo...


A/N : there the first chapter is up !

please do correct me if there are any errors here and maybe leave a review?

Thank you for reading !

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areeCX #1
Chapter 2: clap clap!!!! *0* good job author-nim update soon BABLAMEHEL!!!!