✧ layout fifteen

KRYSTAL CODING ! ㅡ code with me, in the process of creating new layouts!


Hello everyone!

I am back with another layout I want to share with you guys! This layout is not technically 'new'. I coded this layout in the beginning of 2016 on January 10th. It was heavily inspired in many ways and I decided to give it a try. Here I am, a year and a half later reusing the same layout. I tweaked some parts so it was simple. No crazy overflow. Nothing out of the ordinary, just a tad out of the box (literally), but I believe you can do it. It's a little challenging but it's good practice.

My inspiration came from the coders around me when I had noticed the little trend going on with the thin dashed line in between titles and the body. I also noticed the semi-transparent background and when you put two together, you get magic this piece of art. 

Last but not least, THIS layout. In the last chapter (layout fourteen), I told you guys I was experimenting with the general layout of my note + the layout. So my little OCD came kicking at me to clean it up a bit and this is the result. Not bad, right? I'm satisfied with how it looks thus far and I may change it up again if I need to. If it's confusing to look/read, let me know so I can change it again. I do not mind if it helps you!

[fangirl corner] does anyone like kard? who is your bias? / my bias is the one and only color joker, jiwoo! but they're all wrecking my list. we have bm over here with his thicK and i mean, thick. arms and legs. j.seph, the funny, talented, cute, handsome, cinnamon roll. and the gorgeous somin who literally sounds the same for each stage. unbelievable.


- overflow
- opacity
/ picture: link
/ colors: black #000; white #fff 
/ font: arial










Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas blandit justo sed molestie maximus. Pellentesque elementum accumsan nulla, vitae aliquet lectus fringilla quis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed quis maximus tellus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus nec nibh vehicula justo volutpat semper. Nullam efficitur pellentesque urna vitae interdum. Sed id fringilla arcu, rhoncus suscipit metus. Proin auctor fermentum diam non laoreet. Proin ultrices felis sed vehicula aliquam. Nulla porttitor quam justo, nec varius augue dignissim id. Vestibulum a posuere est.

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Krystal Coding ⇨ Woah guys, thank you for 200 subscribers. I didn't think it would get this popular.


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Chapter 17: using layout 11! thank you
loving your layouts! <3 they’re all amazing~
plus, most of them are mobile-friendly.
gaaaah i hope i learn how to make one too.
stay amazing!
Chapter 3: Using Irene, thanks!
Chapter 33: i was never subscribed to this omf-
but your layouts have improved so much! proud, proud (':
Chapter 33: gosh your layouts are honestly so freaking pretty im crying
n i love kard i actually do some karaoke in voicechats and sing a lot of their songs <3 LOL
Oh wait! I get it now. This is really really creative~
Chapter 13: Quick question? Do we comment for the code or is there an archive?
Chapter 21: so prettyyyy