✧ layout six

KRYSTAL CODING ! ㅡ code with me, in the process of creating new layouts!
Hello everyone! Enjoy this bright and summery layout before summer ends! Remember if you are recreating this layout in public, please credit me as your layout designer! ALSO THANK YOU FOR 27 SUBS! C:

This lesson includes:
- creating a box
- margin and direction
- overflow
- borders
- line-height
- para format

If you're having any trouble with one of those, then PM me. I advise you to try creating the layout beforehand. See how far you can go before you ask for help.

P.S: I am not completely finished with this layout. There are things I want to add to this but for now, I figured it'd be a nice litle practice for everyone to do. You will see the full layout at Ethereal!
Layout Info
» Icon: 55x55
» Pic: 500x420
» Colors: hover the three boxes on the left side

» Pic: here & here
» Font: Verdana; Helvetica Neue





Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin dapibus venenatis elit, sit amet euismod diam auctor in. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean at ligula risus. Ut lobortis nisi nisl, ac imperdiet neque consectetur sed. Nunc semper et mi in elementum. Curabitur et elit metus. Cras mattis neque elit.

Etiam volutpat sollicitudin lacinia. Nulla sodales lectus placerat eros fermentum eleifend. Fusce sed mauris ac erat elementum hendrerit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris ut ipsum posuere, ornare eros ac, hendrerit ante. Cras sed suscipit odio. Nullam nunc ipsum, tempus nec lorem eget, maximus lobortis tellus. Nulla venenatis ex et leo consequat, et laoreet turpis fringilla. Aenean scelerisque velit vel magna posuere, vitae fringilla mi tristique. Quisque in viverra augue, eu finibus erat. Nullam ac mi gravida, elementum turpis quis, eleifend lectus. Nullam nec urna at justo tempus feugiat sit amet nec purus. Fusce pretium leo id faucibus consequat. Etiam eleifend vel diam at congue. Etiam tempus efficitur mauris nec lacinia.

Nulla sodales lectus placerat eros fermentum eleifend. Fusce sed mauris ac erat elementum hendrerit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris ut ipsum posuere, ornare eros ac, hendrerit ante. Cras sed suscipit odio.

Mauris ut ipsum posuere, ornare eros ac, hendrerit ante. Cras sed suscipit odio. Nullam nunc ipsum, tempus nec lorem eget, maximus lobortis tellus. Nulla venenatis ex et leo consequat, et laoreet turpis fringilla. Aenean scelerisque velit vel magna posuere, vitae fringilla mi tristique. 
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Krystal Coding ⇨ Woah guys, thank you for 200 subscribers. I didn't think it would get this popular.


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Chapter 17: using layout 11! thank you
loving your layouts! <3 they’re all amazing~
plus, most of them are mobile-friendly.
gaaaah i hope i learn how to make one too.
stay amazing!
Chapter 3: Using Irene, thanks!
Chapter 33: i was never subscribed to this omf-
but your layouts have improved so much! proud, proud (':
Chapter 33: gosh your layouts are honestly so freaking pretty im crying
n i love kard i actually do some karaoke in voicechats and sing a lot of their songs <3 LOL
Oh wait! I get it now. This is really really creative~
Chapter 13: Quick question? Do we comment for the code or is there an archive?
Chapter 21: so prettyyyy