✧ layout thirteen

KRYSTAL CODING ! ㅡ code with me, in the process of creating new layouts!
Hello everyone! It's been awhile since I've last updated this thread. To be exact, it's been two months and  one week since I've released another layout which is kiinnnda sorttaaa maybe funny (?) since I worked on this one a day after Layout 12's release (the one before this). I just never had the time between school and work to actually finish or had the confidence to publish what was going to be the first draft but ended up being touched on through many many drafts. This is the last time I'll be editing this layout. It's a bit messy but I hope you get the IDEA of just late night tunes while chilling. It's meant to have a more adventure feel to it; idk what I'm saying. I'll stop talking. 

This lesson includes:
- borders
- overflow
- padding
- margin
- iframe

If you're having any trouble with one of those, then PM me. I advise you to try creating the layout beforehand. See how far you can go before you ask for help.

ending note + 
Hope everyone will have a great morning, pleasant afternoon, good night and don't forget to smile once in awhile!

Layout Info
» Colors:
 black #000 ; white #fff
» Font: calibri









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Haven't been myself
Lost you and then I lost myself (Yeah I know)
Said it's for the best
So why this feeling in my chest (Yeah I know)
Cause I've been, up late at night
You on my mind
Does that make it right
Yeah I've been, up all alone
Bed feeling cold
Still I don't know
Do I miss you
Or do I just miss the idea of you
Staring at a photo
Just to keep the feeling going
I know
Oh yeah yeah yeah
Should be moving on
But there's a chance I’m holding on

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis hendrerit mauris. Aliquam vel velit interdum, euismod sem at, vulputate ligula. Nam pretium nisl mauris. Nunc eget tempus nisi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas viverra convallis ipsum in tincidunt. Morbi finibus orci purus, molestie blandit orci tempus eget. Curabitur vel lacus nunc. Ut pellentesque, tortor sed interdum tincidunt, sapien lectus porta quam, a venenatis nisi mauris non lorem. Etiam varius erat finibus risus congue fringilla. Nullam convallis lacinia volutpat. Phasellus quis molestie tortor. Integer ac nisl ipsum. Nam gravida hendrerit turpis, sit amet sagittis ligula lobortis sed. Vivamus ac tortor odio. 

current fave song...

some things on my mind...

late night drives and what not...

miss you

the idea of you


15 april 2017 created and designed by krystalgiamusic owned by arty and eric nam


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Krystal Coding ⇨ Woah guys, thank you for 200 subscribers. I didn't think it would get this popular.


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Chapter 17: using layout 11! thank you
loving your layouts! <3 they’re all amazing~
plus, most of them are mobile-friendly.
gaaaah i hope i learn how to make one too.
stay amazing!
Chapter 3: Using Irene, thanks!
Chapter 33: i was never subscribed to this omf-
but your layouts have improved so much! proud, proud (':
Chapter 33: gosh your layouts are honestly so freaking pretty im crying
n i love kard i actually do some karaoke in voicechats and sing a lot of their songs <3 LOL
Oh wait! I get it now. This is really really creative~
Chapter 13: Quick question? Do we comment for the code or is there an archive?
Chapter 21: so prettyyyy