Chapter 3 - The Adjustments

The Voice of your Heart

Again, you fiddled with your necklace as you waited to be picked up by the entrance of the hospital. You couldn't help but feel that the necklace was incredibly important to you, and you were almost confident that it was the key to regaining your memories. You sighed again as you sifted through the few memories that you had. Things were definitely going to be crazy for you from here on out. Hopefully you'd recover from the amnesia before anything too complicated happens. 

Beep beep!

You jerked out of your thoughts at the sound and realized that the car you had been been waiting for had finally arrived. You awkwardly stepped inside and took a seat in the back. Manager-nim was driving and Hongbin was riding shotgun.
Throughout the car ride, they were explaining how things would work from now until your memories returned. You would be living in a small company-issued apartment one floor under VIXX. It was hard to simply provide you with shelter and necessities without any payment, so the CEO decided on hiring you for the company (your actual job would be determined once you actually settled down and sorted things out enough to begin work). You would be provided with a company card as well as the apartment room as payment rather than a regular paycheck due to your special circumstances. 
Detail after detail was given, and soon your head was spinning with all the information you were trying to take in all at once. Once you arrived, the two men escorted you to your door and handed you the key. 
"I know that there's a lot going on for you right now, and I can't even begin to say how sorry I am for dragging you into all of this," Hongbin apologized for the millionth time. "Just go on in and relax, and we'll be here at 8AM tomorrow to pick you up and meet with the CEO."
You smiled faintly, extra tired because an intense headache was killing you. "Don't worry about it, you don't have to apologize so much. You're already doing so much for me just because I can't do anything on my own. Thank you very much for everything." 
After exchanging polite bows and smiles, you entered the apartment and heaved a sigh of relief. The day was finally over. You looked up and took in the simple arrangements. The walls were painted a simple white, and the only things present in the living room were the clock on the wall, a couch, a coffee table, and a large TV. The kitchen was just as simple, and seemed to be... Empty. 
That wasn't exactly good news because your stomach was rumbling with hunger. You stood in the hall for a moment contemplating what to do. You didn't have anything to cook with, and the company hadn't issued you a card for personal use yet since you had yet to officially receive a position. Your head started throbbing again, and you decided you were tired to think anymore, so you just decided to take a shower and perhaps go to bed after exploring and sorting through the place. 
You searched for some clothes and ended up grabbing a t-shirt and some comfy-looking shorts you found in a cabinet in your room. After a nice and toasty shower, you sorted out your thoughts a bit and stepped out refreshed. You had just begun to sort out the simple clothes you had been provided when you heard a knock on your door. 
You glanced at a clock in your room and noticed it was already 9PM. Who would be coming at this time? Nervously, you shuffled over to the door. 
There couldn't be anyone suspicious here, you tried to tell yourself. That's right, this is a company owned apartment. There's nothing to worry about. You peeked through the peephole in your door only to find that it was too dark to make out anything but several heads. Still unsure of what to do, your hand hovered over the handle when suddenly, you heard a phone ringing. 
You looked around and saw that there was a phone provided in the apartment next to the couch. You somehow missed that when you first walked in. You tentatively picked it up. "Hello?"
"Jin Kyeong?" You recognized that husky voice. "Hi, um, it's Hongbin. After I told my group mates what happened, they really wanted to come introduce themselves to you. And we brought food because we realized we forgot to fill up your kitchen."
You sighed in relief. It was only Hongbin and his friends. There was nothing to worry about after all. "Alright, let me get the door," you said and hung up. 
You opened the door to find five new faces and one familiar one greeting you. They chimed an awkward "Hi" in unison and filed into your apartment. You were about to offer then drinks because they were guests until you remembered you didn't have anything to serve them. 
You gathered around the coffee table and started introductions. With 7 bowls of jjajangmyeon and lots of snacks and drinks on the table, each person introduced themselves following the circle starting with Hongbin and ending with you. You all dug into your food, as it turned out that you weren't the only hungry one. Talking and eating at the same time, you got to know each and every one of them, and you and Hongbin explained what you could to the best of your abilities. By the end of the meal, you had already learned that Hakyeon was a sassy diva that was overflowing with amazing confidence, Taekwoon was a shy guy around strangers who had an intense love for food, Jaehwan was an adorable 4D dork that could bring a smile to anyone's face, Wonsik was a fluffy idiot who tried to act cool but was actually pretty clumsy, and Sanghyuk (who told you to just call him Hyuk) was a wolf in sheep's clothing, a total devil who enjoyed pranking his hyungs. You also learned a lot about Hongbin, like how he was indeed regarded as an artwork, and even though he looked angelic, he could also be a snarky devil. He was overly considerate of others, but couldn't take cheesy things.
The boys brightened up your night, and you knew that this would be a precious memory that you would never forget. After talking and snacking for a while, Hakyeon announced that they should be getting back to their dorm now if they wanted to wake up on time tomorrow (and gave an especially long look at Wonsik when he said that). After they helped clean up the food for a bit, you saw them off at your door and bade them goodnight. Things were going to be crazy for you, but at least you knew you had six handsome, dorky, yet sweet men that were willing to help you through it. 
Then again, maybe that would be what made everything all so crazy. 



Hey guys, sorry I took so long for the update. I wasn't sure how to continue bc of writer's block, but I somehow made the story go on. Hope it's to your liking :) The story is just beginning so please stay tuned! 

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