Missing You

You Are Unbelievable
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"Rather than handsome I think the word beautiful fits you more."

The guy with blonde hair turned with a confused face, "sorry?"

"You're beautiful."

"Is that a praise because I preferred to be called handsome as a man?" he said a bit offended because he barely know the guy with a brown hair.

"Do you know why certain things called beautiful?" the black haired didn't mind the look that's being thrown to him.

The blonde jerked up an eyebrow questioningly.

"Because there's a sense of fragility in it no matter how strong and magnificent it might look."

"Are you trying to say that I look weak?" he obviously looked offended now but still holding himself back.

"No, but your eyes filled with sorrow and that’s beautiful at the sight of your whole being."


"-hae... Donghae."

He opens his eyes as he felt someone calling him from his deep slumber, groggily turned his face to see who was it.

"Hey, wake up it's ten already. I remember teaching you that early birds get the worms, so get your up."

He groaned at his mother waking him up, curling himself more into the blanket as he turned away, "I haven't sleep that long..."

"At what time did you came back? I waited till one AM and you're still not back."

"...about three AM?"

"Dear me, did you accompanied him to the airport?"

"No... He brought me here before he went there by taxi..."

"Well sleeping from three to ten are quite long enough, now wake up! You can sleep again after that later."

"Mom... I just fell asleep at five... Let me sleep a bit more..." he said refusing to open his eyes.

"Five? What were you doing until then?"

Donghae blinking tiredly, "I kinda stayed on the phone with him until the plane departing... "

Mrs. Lee shaking her head, "that's not good for your body, are you always handling his being away like this? For sure I know he often got business trip."

"...I guess... Yeah."

"Whatever it is, you need to wake up and have breakfast first before continuing your sleep. Hyukjae called me just now to make sure you have it no later."

Donghae finally opened his eyes, looking to his mother, "did he arrived there already?"

"Of course he is, he’s already at the office and working when he called me. Now wake up, you don't want him to worry, won't you?" at that Mrs. Lee walked out her son's room.

Donghae fished out his phone from beneath the pillow, checking it to found three messages from his husband telling him to wake up. He grumbled once before slowly sitting up and scratching his neck at the remembrance of his dream.

"Why did I dreamed of the first time we met...?"


At eleven AM Mrs. Lee walking through the dining room, eyeing her husband and the empty table.

"Where is the food that I put here?"

"Donghae ate it just now," his husband answered while turning the newspaper page without looking up.

"Where is he now?"

"Back to sleep I guess."

Mrs. Lee sighed, "I think it's a bad thing that Hyukjae spoils him too much."

"That just show how comfortable he's."

Mrs. Lee staring at her husband in understanding, "I still think it's bad, Hyukjae need to discipline him more."

Mr. Lee chuckled lightly, "he did, in his own way."




"...No, I usually gave him a fish for a day... Sometimes, but I prefer to avoid too many seafood as it have a higher risk of contamination... Yes, I always make sure he had milk everyday... Ah, okay... Thank you mom," he hang up the phone.

"Who was it?" Jongwoon asked eyeing him weirdly.

"My mother in law."

"You know what, from throughout the conversation I got a feeling that you're the one who cooks..."

"I am, he can't cook... Decently."

"Wow, did you go as far as keeping his diet?" his colleague asked in disbelief.

"Yeah..." Hyukjae shrugged, "is that wrong?"

"You're spoiling him too much mate..."

A thin smile formed on his lips, "yeah, I know. But I love spoiling him."

"Isn't it taking too much on you?"

"No, I’m just making sure he can't live without me, so a little bit of tiredness is nothing."

Jongwoon's face turned skeptical, "whipped."

"I suppose am," he laughed proudly.




At six PM the Lee’s residence filled with loud noise.

"What are you shouting about young man?!" Mrs. Lee asked raising her voice almost yelling to beat the loud shout.

"Mom..." Donghae turned to face his mother, whining after the frustrated shout he made.

"What is it?" She asked again still with a high tone.

"It's nothing..." he hung his head low as if ashamed.

"No, I’m don't accept that kind of behavior in my house and receive a nothing as an explanation!"

Donghae whimpered, answering in low mumbles, "Hyukjae haven't call me yet..."

"What?" Mrs. Lee bewildered at the answer, "you do know that he's away for work and not for vacation, don’t you?"

"B-but- he always called me within the day even when he's away!"

"Lee Donghae, your husband is busy working, you can't expect him to always have the time for you! And the day hasn't ended yet!"


Mrs. Lee raised a finger to shut her son, "no more shouting and yelling from you."

Donghae shut his mouth tightly at the menacing glare, his fingers dancing nervously at the hem of his shirt.

"Just be patient, if he always call you then he will."

He juts out his lips in pout, "what if something happen to him...?"

"Oh dear, do I do with you?" Mrs. Lee walked out the room with a sigh.


A message reached Donghae's phone an hour later, he opened it hastily.

From: Hyukkie

To: Haek

Hey sugar, sorry I'm busy right now I can't call you. I'll call you later tonight.


ps: stop yelling you'll disturb the neighbors.


Donghae's eyes grow wide at the message, fingers tapping the reply in a flash.


From: Haek

To: Hyukkie

How did you know I was yelling???


From: Hyukkie

To: Haek

I keep you in check through your mom and dad. Behave.


Donghae gulped at that. And the rest of the evening goes peacefully quiet.


“He’s not with you? I thought you were watching a movie with him.”

“No, he’s back to his room acting like a teenage girl in love calling on his Hyukjae,” Mr. Lee informed nonchalantly.

“What? He called Hyukjae?” she frowned thinking that his son might be bothering since Hyukjae is working.

“Ah no, it was Hyukjae who called him first, about time because that kid can’t stop squirming in his seat,” he laughed at the thought of his son behavior earlier on, it’s quite ridiculous.

Mrs. Lee sighed as she watched the door of Donghae’s room, noticing how her son didn’t make any ruckus after she messaged Hyukjae a few hours ago.

“Told you so,” her husband said with a smirk.

“Why do I get the feeling that he’s harder to handle now.”

“Funny how it seems like Hyukjae is the one who didn’t have the control when actually it’s the opposite. He’s good at keeping our son in check,” he chuckled while shaking his head.

Mrs. Lee cocked up an eyebrow, “more like they’re both pulling eac

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I'm trying to pick this up again... :')) sorry for being a jerk guys, I miss y'all ♥


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I'm reading this one like 3 times and still waiting for the update. I really want to know what happened to Donghae in the past. Please don't abandon this story author-nim. I really love it 🥺
luizty #2
Chapter 9: Waiting you to continue this story....
1455 streak #3
Chapter 21: Hello~~ hope you’ll update this nice story :))
Haehyukee #4
Chapter 21: Rly wish u could continue thisss. My second time here..
xChihaya #5
Chapter 21: Can you please update this story~? I'm waiting for Eunhae's baby!! ^_^
JulisBayona #6
Chapter 21: Hi, I'll love you if you will continue this story, pleaseeeeee
It would be amzing if you could finish this :)
Chapter 1: Ok. The way Donghae reacts about the situation is funny? I don't know.
sjlurves #9
Chapter 21: continue this please...☺️
Achichi #10
Chapter 21: This was really amazing story u know that TT
I wonder when u'll update again.
Please continue this story TT
I waiting eunhae's baby btw hehehe