
The 6th and Last
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Why..........Why was a friend who recently passed away.His name is Jin.Kim SeokJin.

He was diagnosed with cancer and was on the last stage.I remembered it hurt me so much to see him smile and yet filled with pain inside.

SuMin choked on her words as the memories surfaced.Sehun opened his eyes and sat up.He grabbed her head softly before pushing it to his chest.

"It's okay,"His velvety voice soothed her that made her continue.

SuMin opened hospital door 205 to see Jin on his iPad."It's going to hurt your eyes."

Jin turned to the voice and instantly smiled.But the same always reminded her of the endurance to live.

Jin patted the spot next to him to tell her to sit.SuMin causiously sat beside him and looked over at his iPad where she saw a list.

"What's this?"

Jin smiled angelically before grabbing his iPad back and put it on her lap."Its a list."

SuMin swallowed the urge to cry in front of him or he will feel more pain.It was a bucket list.

A list of the things he wanted to do with her.

And now they can't.It hurt her.It hurt him.

"Why?"SuMin whispered and turned out shakier than she wanted.Jin let out a strangled sigh."I thought that if I put it on paper it would really feel like we achieved them.

"I-I'm sorry,"A tear slipped out of her eye and covered her face with her hands.She didn't want to lean on Jin because she felt as if she would break him.

Instead Jin grabbed her hands and pulled them away."Hey,don't cry in front of the person you love because the other person will feel more pain."

Jin wiped her tears away and laid his palm on her white hair where his fingers made a beat.

Those words stuck with me the most.

SuMin stopped a moment before she got out of Sehun's hold and went to their night counter.She opened the drawer to get out a folded piece of white decorative paper.

Her tears oeft freely again as her shaky fingers handed Sehun the paper.

"I-I stil kept i-it."Sehun grabbed the paper in his hands and opened it carefully.

Kim Seok Jin and Baek SuMin's Bucket List~

Sehun sighed and held onto her for dear life.He looked at the paper with sorrowful eyes feeling the same.*Don't worry Jin.I'll fulfill it*

Jin and SuMin laid

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ExoKungFuPandaTao #1
Chapter 7: I love this
Winnerikonab #2
Chapter 6: Its just the first chapters and here I am, sobbing at midnight, under the covers. TT
Chapter 5: I already am in love with this story. I can't wait for the future chapter.
HipsterBabe #4
What is it gonna be about?