Author's note



So there are quite a number of people who are asking for a sequel. And I honestly have been thinking of making one since before.

However, i still haven't found the inspiration to write. I don't want to write when i'm not in my mojo because it would turn out crappy and you guys deserve nothing but the best (or at least the best i can give). That and the fact that we are having exams around 3x a week every week for the next 6 months (im not even exaggerating) would be a reason for the sequel to be delayed.

But dont worry. Once inspiration hit me, i really will write the sequel immediately (even if there are exams). So i hope you guys can wait for me? 😁😁

Love you guys loads. 

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peggyw #1
Chapter 1: Oh wow, this was so good! I almost didn't read cuz I'm not a fan of angst; experience it enough personally. Definitely prefer unicorns and rainbows. However, I'm so glad I didn't skip your story. It seemed like an account of something that actually occurred. Well done!
Drakamon #2
Chapter 2: It's been like 2 years I need a sequel T~T
This was so angsty, broken Taekook always gets to me. This was an awesome oneshot.
shirio #4
Chapter 2: Please make a sequel!!
shirio #5
Chapter 2: Please make a sequel!!
shinshiro #6
Chapter 2: Pleaseeeeee make a sequel! Make kookie suffer muahahahahahaha! Okay ^^
Chapter 2: I'll wait....hope vkook at the end..... fighting