

                Taehyung had been having this weird feeling for a while now. It leaves him doubtful, insecure. But he shoves it all at the back of his mind. He thought to himself, Jungkook wouldn’t do that.


                It started when the maknae came home from school. He didn’t acknowledge anyone, his full attention on his phone. It remained that way for a few days. Taehyung shrugged it off. He thought that maybe, Jungkook just found something good to read online.


                Those days grew to months and the gnawing feeling it Taehyung’s gut only grew. So he decided to visit his Kookie in school. He was torn between being glad he did and wishing he didn’t.


                There he was Jungkook with a girl. They looked sweet and mushy—much like how they looked together a few months back. He looked at her with eyes he thought were only for him. Jungkook glanced his way and his eyed widened comically, swiftly leading the girl to the opposite direction of where Taehyung stood.


                Taehyung lost it then. He ran home, tears falling freely down his cheeks. He bust through the dorm doors, thanking God that no one was in the dorm. Or so he thought until he heard someone calling his name.




                Jimin stepped out of his shared bedroom with Yoongi upon hearing the door slam. On the sight of a broken Taehyung trying to hold back his tears, he rushed to him, taking him in his arms where the slightly younger male sobbed harder.


                Jimin led Taehyung to his room after he had calmed down enough.


                “He cheated on me, Jimin. He’s been cheating on me all this time and I was too stupid to believe it. So many signs pointed to this but I chose to ignore it because I wanted to believe I know him and that I know what he wouldn’t do to hurt me. And now I’m in pain. It hurts, Jimin. It hurts so much. And it hurts so much more knowing that even after all this, I still want him. I still love him. But I don’t want to anymore. It hurts. I hurts so much. I want it to stop. I want to stop feeling.”


                Taehyung fell asleep due to exhaustion as Jimin gently wiped the tears on his face. He was ready to murder someone. It hurts so so much to see his best friend broken. Taehyung rarely cried and he wanted to make the reason behind all the tears to suffer badly, 10 times worse than Taehyung suffered. But he doesn’t want to harm Jungkook physically because he knows Taehyung wouldn’t like it. The maknae was lucky it was him who witnessed Tae’s breakdown because he knows it won’t end well for all if Namjoon was in his place. He laid himself next to the heartbroken boy and pulled him closer to his chest, promising him to never let him cry again.




“Taehyung and I broke up.” Everyone in the table void of the 95 line stopped what they were doing.


                “I found someone better. A girl. She’s from my class. She’s pretty. She’s someone who can give me kids. Someone who I know I can have a future with.”


                Namjoon slammed his fist in the table. “So you’re saying you’re leaving Taehyung just because he is a boy? You little-“

                “Stop it, Namjoon.” Yoongi stopped him from physically hurting the younger, even if he himself wanted to give a punch or two. “You’ll hurt Tae by hurting him. And I know you wouldn’t want that.”

                “You knew about this?”

                “Jimin told me last night. He also asked if a change in room assignment would be possible. He needs to look after Tae, make sure he doesn’t do anything rash.”

                “Switch with Tae as soon as possible. I’ll help you move the things.” The leader answered, “And you,” he glared at Jungkook “Are not allowed to go near him unless our work calls for it.”




                The first month after the incident was difficult for Taehyung. He still had feelings for Jungkook but he was too afraid of getting hurt again. He noticed that their issue affected their group more than he thought it would. The maknae was pretty much shunned by everyone, only acknowledged when needed. So to pacify things, he did his best to move on. He focused on improving his skills. He helped Yoongi produce, Namjoon compose, and Jin cook. He spent most of the time with Jimin and Hoseok, dancing, playing, having fun, and trying to forget.




                The month after that, things started to get difficult for Jungkook. Sure, his hyungs somewhat forgave him and went back to treating him normally. But something is missing, or if he dares to admit, someone.


                He missed Taehyung. He missed how the elder would smile at him the same way he does to Hoseok now. He missed cuddling with him like how he and Jimin does now. He missed Taehyung being the first person he sees in the morning and the last he sees at night. He still loved Taehyung.




                Three months after the incident, Jungkook decided to talk to Taehyung. To get him back.

                “Don’t do it.” Yoongi warned him, eyes narrow. “You hurt him enough Jungkook. Stop it.”

                “I can’t let him get away again, hyung.” He said, voice firm.

                “You pushed him away, Kook. You pushed him hard enough to break him. You broke him. And he is trying his best to heal the wounds. To close them. To get over you. Let him go, Jungkook. Please. It’s for the best.”

                “No hyung,” he said, turning away, “this is for the best.”



                It was a week after his conversation with Yoongi when he got his chance to talk to Taehyung. They were left alone at the dorm. Taehyung was sitting far away from him, watching a movie.


“Hyung?” Taehyung stiffened visibly at the sound of Jungkook calling out his name. Jungkook cringed at how the elder responded.


“Hyung, I’m sorry. I’m so so so so sorry. I know that saying sorry is not enough but hyung, believe me when I tell this to you. I regret everything. I regret leaving you. I regret choosing her over you. I regret hurting you. Hyung I thought I made the right decision but it’s clear to me now that I didn’t because it hurts. It hurts seeing you smile at everyone at me. It hurts being addressed so formally by you. I can’t do this anymore hyung. I want you back. I need you. I love—“


“No” Taehyung cut off, tears streaming down his face while shaking his head. “Don’t say that. You don’t mean it.”


Jungkook stared at Taehyung in pain, wanting to wipe away the tears but knowing that he will be pushed away. “Hyung, I do. I mean it. I’ve never been so sure about anything until this. Hyung I lo—“


“STOP IT” Taehyung screamed. He sobbed and Jungkook wanted to stab himself for pushing Taehyung to this point. “What more do you want from me? I gave you everything I can give, Jungkook. EVERYTHING. And in the blink of an eye you chose her over me. Is it not enough? Did you not have enough? Did you not hurt me enough?”




“Why can’t you let me go, Jungkook- ah?” Taehyung sobbed out, voiced sounding tired, broken, done. “You did it so easily before. It should be easy for you now, should it not?”


Jungkook stared at the crying form in front of him, tears falling from his own eyes. He was so stupid to hurt Taehyung. So stupid to believe he didn’t need him in his life. And when he realized his mistake it was too late. He had broken the boy. And that knowledge tore him apart from the inside.


Taehyung tured around and he watched as we walked away. He wanted to go after him, wanted to beg on his knees for another chance. But his heart felt too heavy. It weighed him down, rooted him to where he was.


For the second time in his life, he let Taehyung slip out of his hands. And just like the first time, he can’t blame anyone but himself.


that's it. feel free to tell me what you think :)

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peggyw #1
Chapter 1: Oh wow, this was so good! I almost didn't read cuz I'm not a fan of angst; experience it enough personally. Definitely prefer unicorns and rainbows. However, I'm so glad I didn't skip your story. It seemed like an account of something that actually occurred. Well done!
Drakamon #2
Chapter 2: It's been like 2 years I need a sequel T~T
This was so angsty, broken Taekook always gets to me. This was an awesome oneshot.
shirio #4
Chapter 2: Please make a sequel!!
shirio #5
Chapter 2: Please make a sequel!!
shinshiro #6
Chapter 2: Pleaseeeeee make a sequel! Make kookie suffer muahahahahahaha! Okay ^^
Chapter 2: I'll wait....hope vkook at the end..... fighting