The Answer

너여야만 해 (Need You)
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I just need you by my side.

I mean it, that's all I need.

Come back.

You're all I have.


          Each passing second was miserable. Dark eye bags added to the clouded thoughts of Namjoon's mind. Even his coworkers noticed the change; he had been stressed before, yes, but still easily approachable. Now, there was a dark aura surrounding him, and not even Seokjin would dare to come close. Namjoon's entire being was deteriorating from the inside-out.

          Every day, he would take the long route to work, just to pass by the small restaurant which Taehyung spent his hours working at. Sometimes, he was nowhere to be found. Other times, Namjoon could very briefly spot the shining smile of the younger boy, but he could tell it wasn't a smile of authenticity. He could practically feel the pain in Taehyung's heavy chest, with the way he smiled politely at customers, though his eyes showed no spark of happiness. But who could blame him? Namjoon had done the worst.

          Just two weeks had passed, and Namjoon had stopped walking that specific route. He didn't want to seem like a stalker. The last thing he needed was a restraining order. It's what he told himself, at least. In reality, he just couldn't deal with the pain of seeing his beloved so close, yet so out of reach. Namjoon just wants to escape it all.

          Namjoon drowns himself in his work, taking on projects his coworkers are scared to tackle. He just wanted anything that would help distract him from the regret attacking his heart. No matter what he did, however, his mind would wander off to that smiling, happy, bright-spirited boy; he didn't even feel like he deserved to call Taehyung his boyfriend anymore. Namjoon was plagued with thoughts of the younger, every miserable detail pointing back in his direction. Sitting at his desk, we was reminded of the way Taehyung would cling onto his back, begging for him to take a break so they could watch a move. He couldn't even listen to his favorite music, each song one he had shared with the other. Even when he tried to escape to a nearby park or coffee shop, he would think back to the countless dates they had together.

          The lack of response was killing him.

          Days went by, growing into weeks, and Namjoon hadn't heart from Taehyung at all (even Jimin stopped texting him to bother him about what had gone wrong). Namjoon felt so lonely. He knew that he deserved all the pain in the world and more, but he couldn't help but ache every time he laid in bed at night. His arms stretched outward towards his side, where his Taehyung usually slept, curled up against his chest, but now there was nothing but cold sheets and a cold pillow. Nothing but a reminder of what he had done.

          Letting out a lengthy sigh, Namjoon stared up at his ceiling. Lately, he had been trying to sleep earlier, but he was wide awake, his brain racing with flashbacks to that night. He was haunted by images of a shocked Taehyung, the look of hurt and disappointment evident in those deep eyes. Raindrops pattered at the glass doors leading out to the balcony. Even the sky was sad.

          Namjoon brought his hands up to slide over his face, tangling them within blonde locks of hair and tugging, hard. He would do anything to have him back in his arms. He slides himself into a seated position at the edge of the bed, sitting there with his shoulders slumped before he stands, pulling a pair of slacks over slim legs, tossing on a large t-shirt to cover his torso. He grabs a jacket before shoving his belongings into his pockets, leaving the apartment without a second thought.

          Since Taehyung clearly wasn't going to respond to any of his calls or texts, he had no choice but to confront him in person.



          When Taehyung's midnight snacking was interrupted with hefty knocks at the front door, he was irritated, to say the least. Who could possibly be coming over to bother him at such a time? Of course he knew the answer, but a part of him was hoping that, it's some old man asking for donations, or, maybe it's just the lady next door looking for her cat. Nonetheless, Taehyung peeked through the blinds of the window at the front, his heart dropping when he saw Namjoon, drenched in rain as he continuously rang at the bell to the gate outside. Taehyung very quickly took steps backward, wanting to just shrink back into a corner, and disappear off the face of the planet.

          Taehyung had always loathed confrontation. Even when he did nothing wrong, he hated the feeling of anxiety that came with needing to talk about something important. But Namjoon wasn't giving up, he could see the man standing outside in the downpour, and Taehyung was starting to feel guilty. No matter how mad he was, he didn't want Namjoon to be getting sick over something so stupid like standing out in the rain for too long. Nobody deserved that. So Taehyung grabbed a couple of the umbrellas by the door before stepping outside.

          Namjoon's breath caught in his throat. Even the dimly lit face of his Taehyung was so beautiful to him, as he walked over, umbrellas in hand. He could tell the boy was hesitant in opening the gate to let him in, so Namjoon stepped carefully, keeping his movements slow and gentle. When he finally met eyes with the younger, he could swear he felt his heart break all over again. The way his lips sagged into a permanent frown, creases between his eyebrows, dark circles formed under his eyes, and the combination of the oversized hoodie and baggy sweats to top it all off; Taehyung was sadness personified.

          Namjoon wasn't surprised by his appearance, but he was surprised when Taehyung extended an arm outward, offering an umbrella for cover. He gave a tender, warm-hearted smile, though he was met with nothing but the continuously unresponsive expression. He wasn't sure how to start the conversation, even after gathering so much courage to come to Taehyung's home in the first place. He very gently took the umbrella from the boy's hand, whispering a thank you while he brought it over his head.

          "Taehyung," he started, "I just- I'm so, so sorry. None of what happened was supposed to happen. It... it meant nothing, I promise."

          The glare that was sent his direction sent chills down his spine.

          " you. ."

          Namjoon swallowed. He did deserve to be called that, and worse. "Baby, Taehyung. I swear on my entire life that it was all just the alcohol. I promise you. I'll stop drinking. Whatever you want. . I regret going out that night, and yes I'm stupid and I deserve all of the hate that you're giving me and if you even want to hit me, I'll take it. There's no excuse for what I did. For what I did to you. I just. I need you back. And I will care for you and love you the way you deserve. God, you deserve so much. You deserve to be with somebody who can give you what you need, and I promise you I will do it all for you."

          The dark-haired boy had his one free arm wrapped around his own waist, almost as if he was shielding himself from Namjoon. He very visibly chewed at his lips while the blonde male spoke, his eyebrows knit tightly at the center. "No. Don't call me baby anymore." And Namjoon's heart broke for the fourth time that night.

          "I-I don't need you anymore. I'm fine on my own, I can take care of myself now, I don't need you for anything. I'm learning how to rely on myself and- and I don't need a cheater in my life!" Taehyung's hands were clenched tight, starting to sweat just slightly at the anger building inside of him. "I trusted you. I love

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Llamasandpandas #1
Chapter 2: I swear this is the most beautiful but heart wrenching story I ever read!!!
Chapter 2: This was so sad, but beautiful. Definitely could see the influence of '27' on the story! And you've definitely broken my heart, just to let you know, so shame on you! ;)
AndreeaRea #3
Chapter 2: nOOOOOOOOOOO Tae, come back to Namjoonie, give him a second chance (T^T) the proposing scene was so emotional; it's angst, but still it's so sad (> <) tho i really enjoyed, you put feelings in every sentence, great job!!
Chapter 2: no way. dont do this. namjoon ah TT
mongtae2 #5
Chapter 2: omg no????????
nooooo taehyung shouldve came back to namjoon noooooo ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

can this get a sequel huhu

but anw, this is such a beautiful heartbreaking story. nice ^^
ruccrys #6
Chapter 2: What the-

i dont need this jebal make tae back to namjoon(,: im crying right now and the end just make me even worst... Please gimme sequel abt tae and namjoon together please please pleaseee TT-TT