The Mistake

너여야만 해 (Need You)
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I'm happy because I have you.

You don't have to say you love me, or that you'll protect me.

It's more than enough that you want to take care of me, and that you think of me.



          The two were resting comfortably in a chair on the balcony, wrapped up together in a blanket. Taehyung had his head nestled in the crook of Namjoon's neck, silly, sweet smiles plastered onto their faces. The cool air of the night juxtaposed with the heat of their bodies pressed so close, as Namjoon bent his head lower to press lips to the top of Taehyung's head.

          They had been together for just shy of a year, like a match made in heaven. Taehyung's bright spirit balanced out the stress Namjoon had from his job, and Namjoon's calm, supportive nature would help aid Taehyung through times of insecurity.

          "Beautiful, isn't it?" he whispered, eyes falling shut as the drowsiness began to build in his chest, too sleepy to be stargazing any longer. Namjoon hadn't been looking at the stars either, his eyes locked in on the heavy-eyed boy in his arms. His eyes turned to tiny crescents, only pressing his nose further into Taehyung's freshly showered hair.

          So beautiful. Namjoon was glad Taehyung was falling asleep now, he wouldn't be able to see the embarrassingly red flush of his cheeks. You're so beautiful.



          When Taehyung woke up the next morning, he was buried beneath a pile of plush, white blankets. He rolled over to his side, arms reaching across to grasp for his Namjoon. He frowned once fingers met nothing but cold cotton. Taehyung groggily pressed himself up from the warm, comforting embrace of the sheets below, rubbing at an eye with the back of his hand before glancing over to the clock. Only 8 am, but Namjoon was long gone; he was a busy man, working from almost the crack of dawn until just around dinner time.

          Taehyung had offered nothing but complaints early on in their relationship, for he was quite clingy and wanted nothing more than to be with the man of his dreams. But he had gotten used to it now, instead worrying about the health of the older male. His shifts had gone even later into the night as of late, sometimes not coming home until after Taehyung had already been asleep for hours.

          The boy lazily slid off the edge of the bed, dragging himself from the warmth of the sheets left behind. His mind was wandering, as it always did, while he went through his usual routine of getting ready for work. Things had been distant between them lately, but that was normal, given the circumstances. Namjoon had recently received a promotion at work, and Taehyung had begun to put in more hours just to help out a bit.

          Taehyung combed fingers through damp hair, his opposite hand carding through the closet full of their clothes. As he pulled out one of Namjoon's shirts, he began to think more deeply into their relationship. Things became very serious, once Taehyung had finally moved in to the older male's apartment. It finally felt real. Taehyung was young and inexperienced, and he vaguely remembered Namjoon mentioning how he could never find the right person to settle down with. Maybe... maybe it was finally time for them to settle down together.

          So the boy had a plan. He was feeling extra romantic, and wanted to help his Namjoon wind down from a busy day at work, to make him feel loved and appreciated. As soon as he had returned home from a day at work, he rushed around the apartment, cleaning like mad and straightening every last shelf. He had washed the dishes that had previously been left unattended for days on end, then slaved away in the tiny kitchen to prepare Namjoon's favorite meal. He had decorated the table extravagantly, the dishes all set out neatly on top. Now, the waiting game. He quickly checked his phone for the time, just past 7 pm. Perfect timing.

          Taehyung spread himself along the couch cushion, browsing various sites on his phone as he waited patiently for the return of his love. And when he woke up with his phone on his face, drool dribbling from the corner of his lips, he jolted up from the cushions below, frightened that his Namjoon would have walked in to him passed out in a precarious position on their couch. But alas, Taehyung was alone. The food had long since cooled off, and the room was only dimly lit by the dying lamp in the corner. He glanced over to the clock, just nearing 11 in the evening. Taehyung let out a lengthy sigh, as he picked himself up and began to wrap up everything to store in the fridge. Even taking his sweet time preparing for bed did no good; Namjoon had still yet to arrive. So Taehyung slept curled underneath heavy blankets, a tight frown on his face.

          The brunet startled awake, hearing the clang of something falling to the floor, followed by hushed whispers. In his sleepy state, Taehyung couldn't make out their owners, just pulling the blanket over his head. He slid an arm across the mattress, hoping to find comfort and protection in a sleeping Namjoon by his sicde. He could feel the disappointment fill his gut when he felt nothing but an empty bed next to him, with equal amounts of panic rising. Who was in their apartment? Were they robbers? Taehyung had nothing to offer, he was barely making his way through school. Maybe he would just let them take what they wanted, if it meant he could be left unharmed. Then Namjoon could take care of the rest, yes, he'd take care of it all.

          When a warm, heavy body fell onto his arm, Taehyung let out a yelp of surprise. He had to muster up the strength to pull his arm

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Llamasandpandas #1
Chapter 2: I swear this is the most beautiful but heart wrenching story I ever read!!!
Chapter 2: This was so sad, but beautiful. Definitely could see the influence of '27' on the story! And you've definitely broken my heart, just to let you know, so shame on you! ;)
AndreeaRea #3
Chapter 2: nOOOOOOOOOOO Tae, come back to Namjoonie, give him a second chance (T^T) the proposing scene was so emotional; it's angst, but still it's so sad (> <) tho i really enjoyed, you put feelings in every sentence, great job!!
Chapter 2: no way. dont do this. namjoon ah TT
mongtae2 #5
Chapter 2: omg no????????
nooooo taehyung shouldve came back to namjoon noooooo ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

can this get a sequel huhu

but anw, this is such a beautiful heartbreaking story. nice ^^
ruccrys #6
Chapter 2: What the-

i dont need this jebal make tae back to namjoon(,: im crying right now and the end just make me even worst... Please gimme sequel abt tae and namjoon together please please pleaseee TT-TT