Chapter 9

Small Steps

Jongin yawned as he walked into the classroom. He spotted Sehun at his desk and grinned. Hurrying over, he noticed that the blind boy seemed to be sketching in a book. Jongin sneaked a glance over Sehun’s shoulder and blinked in surprise. There was a beautiful shaded landscape of the lake that Jongin takes Sehun to on several of their dates. It wasn’t completely identical but it was extremely similar. Jongin couldn’t help but to be amazed all over again on Sehun’s art skills.

“Does it look like it?”

The older jumped slightly at the sudden question. Then again, he should have been used to Sehun knowing his presence.

“It really does.” Jongin said. “Your drawings always amaze me, Sehun…”

The younger smiled. “Thanks. I tried my best to remember everything you described to me and put it down on paper. I really couldn’t have done it without you.”

Jongin laughed. “Of course you had to say that and give me credit too.”

“That’s just how I roll.”

Jongin swooped down and gave Sehun a light peck on the lips. “Then I guess we should roll together.”

“Shut up.”


Jongin was washing up in preparation to go to bed when his phone buzzed. He yawned and glanced at the device. When he saw Sehun’s name flashing on the screen, he immediately snatched the phone up to check the message.

Hey, can you come by my place tomorrow? Luhan and Minseok are going to be out for the whole day.

The teen laughed. Sehun was always one to be very daring when he put his mind into it. Though, Sehun would usually tell Jongin in person and not over the phone.

Probably just found out.

Jongin typed out a quick message in agreement and told the time he would arrive before tossing his phone to the side and plopping himself onto the bed.


It was late morning when Jongin knocked on Sehun's door. He didn't bring much but he was hoping to just cuddle and have a nice time with his boyfriend. However, what he didn't expect was to be greeted with was a stoic faced Luhan. He froze up when he saw the older man but he felt like his life wasn't in danger. Yet.

“Kim Jongin.” Luhan muttered.

“L-Luhan...” He stuttered.

To his surprise, Luhan stepped aside to allow Jongin to enter the house. The younger cautiously stepped in. Luhan started walking ahead, giving Jongin a look to follow him. The two entered the kitchen, where two cups were already set, one with coffee and the other with banana milk. Luhan gestured for Jongin to sit in front of the cup with banana milk while he took a seat across from him.

The two sat staring at each other for a moment. Jongin was trying to look anywhere than at Luhan but the older was burning holes into his head. Jongin decided to sneak a glance towards the older and almost immediately regretted it. Luhan had a blank look but his eyes were filled with flames.

“S-So...” Jongin tried to start.

“Sehun and Minseok are out buying groceries and then they'll be going out shopping so they won't be around until the late afternoon.” Luhan didn't stop looking at Jongin. “I took Sehun's phone to text you to come over. You must be wondering why I did.” Jongin nodded slowly. “I wanted to talk, Kim Jongin. My precious little cousin isn't the same before. I assumed you're the reason why he's changing so much.”

Jongin nervously took a sip of his drink. “Is... That a bad thing?”

Luhan didn't say a word and stared at Jongin, slowly drinking his coffee. Jongin could hear the ticking of the clock from the living room. The older man sighed heavily, breaking the silence and making Jongin jump.

“No, it's not. Actually, it's a really good thing. Sehun has been happier and showing bigger smiles. It makes me so happy to see him change and I'm sure you're the reason. Even though I'm the one who told Sehun to go out and make friends, I didn't want him to be set up for hurt again. I really didn't want him to get his feelings crushed and, you being his first friend in a long time, I didn't want things to get ruined.” Luhan gave Jongin a small smile. “Sorry for how I've been treating you but I guess with everything Sehun's been through...”

Jongin let out a sigh of relief. He gave Luhan a reassuring smile and reached over to pat Luhan's hand.

“I understand your protectiveness. Sehun told me everything and even though he always sneaks out and plans things against you, he's super thankful for you always being there for him. I could never imagine going through all that and he's still trying. I really want to be there for him. I want him to feel better about himself and everything.” Jongin nodded.

Luhan smiled but that smile was soon wiped away as he got serious again. “However Jongin, even though I've said that, I still need to give you approval.”

Jongin nodded. “I understand. No matter what, it's still not going to stop me from being with Sehun.”

Luhan raised a brow. “No matter what?”

“No matter what.”

“What if we were to move back to China?”

“Endless of calls and texts. I still have family here and I have to stay with them but I will always make time for Sehun. If anything, if he wanted, I would offer him a place to stay at my house. It all comes back to getting permission from you, though.”

“Okay, good enough. Let me ask some more questions… If you were to see Sehun getting bullied, what would you do?”

“I would obviously go in and defend him. I really don't care if I get a few hits and bruises along the way, as long as Sehun is safe and sound, it'll be okay.”

“Sounds good. How far are you willing to go for Sehun?”

“To the ends of the earth if I have to. I will try to the best of my ability to be by his side for everything. Sehun will be safe with me.”

“How would you call your relationship now? How much do you guys trust each other?”

“Considering that Sehun told me everything, about his family, how he got his blindness, about how cruel his school life was, I say that he trusts me a lot. I also trust him. I try not to keep any secrets from him. I'm sure we're very open to each other. I mean, Sehun is fine with physical contact with me and our friends now. He even initiates some physical contact himself. I would call our relationship very stable right now.”

“And what if things don't work out?”

Jongin opened his mouth and then closed it again. He never really thought about it. What if things didn't work out? How would Jongin deal with it? The younger stared at his cup.

“If things don't work out, I will still be there for him. I know his past and many of his secrets. If things don't work out, I want him to know that I still want to be his friend. I want to be a close friend that he can still go to for anything. It might not be the same and maybe even a little broken, but I would still be there. I, personally, don't want to end things but if Sehun wants to, I would go with it. As long as he's happy, I will be happy, even if it means he finds someone else. But, even if I said all that, I will still fight for him and protect him. I won't ever stop because I take this title of being his first true friend seriously.”

There was a moment of silence. Jongin was no longer scared as he stared straight into Luhan's eyes. He felt confident. Even if Luhan were to refuse him at that very moment, it would not stop Jongin at all. Sehun and Jongin found a way to work it out without Luhan's approval. They already got Minseok on their side so everything would work out. At least, that’s what he hoped.

Luhan broke into a smile. “I see. If that's so, then I guess I can't stop you, can I?”

Jongin smiled in return and shook his head. “No, you can't.”

“Thank you, Jongin.”


“Thank you for being there for my cousin.” Luhan sipped his quickly cooling coffee. “I know I can't always be there for him and some of my actions can really make him angry so I'm glad he has someone to go to when these things happen.” He nodded and reached over to grab one of Jongin's hands. “I really appreciate it. I'm so thankful that you're there for him. But...”


“Did Sehun really tell you everything?”

Jongin was confused. “I mean, I guess he did?”

Luhan's smile flattened out. “Tell me, what did he tell you?”

The younger retold everything that Sehun had told him during their break together and then some. Luhan let out a heavy sigh when Jongin finished. Jongin was confused. Were there other parts to the story? Did Sehun not tell him everything? Or did he lie about something? Jongin watched Luhan intensely, his cup of banana milk long forgotten.

“Of course he would leave that out.”

“Leave what out?”

Luhan shook his head. “It's not in my right to say. I'm sure Sehun didn't tell you because he didn't want you to worry. I think he didn't tell you because he really didn't want someone to be over protective of him like me.” Luhan glanced back at Jongin. “There's a reason why I'm so protective and watchful of him, Jongin. I'm sure he'll tell you, though. You guys are very close and if Sehun told you that much, I'm sure he'll tell you everything else.”

Jongin nodded. It was true. He had nothing to worry about. Their relationship wasn't even a year old. Sehun must have trusted him and felt safe around him if Sehun told him all of that in the previous winter.  There was nothing to worry about. Jongin was sure that Sehun would tell him.

“I'm putting my trust in you, too, Jongin.” Luhan said. “Sehun is getting better and I'm happy that he is. Please keep looking out for him.”

“There's no need to tell me, Luhan. I will do it even if you didn't say so.” Jongin smiled.

Luhan laughed. “That's good.” His expression turned serious once more. “But still, if you were to hurt my little Sehunnie's feelings, I will destroy you, Jongin. I will wipe you from this existence.”

Jongin stiffened. “Y-Yes, sir!” Even though he felt more confident than before, Luhan’s serious side would always scare him.

The older let out a chuckle and patted Jongin on the shoulder, “Thank you, Jonginnie.”

The younger relaxed at the nickname.

Everything will be fine, he's sure of it.


Jongin ended up staying until Sehun returned home. Luhan and Jongin had talked endlessly and made up. Luhan was happily calling Jongin nicknames again. When Sehun and Minseok returned home, the two didn't even notice, too busy talking about football. Minseok and Sehun were confused at first but decided to play along.

Currently, Jongin and Sehun were in Sehun's room, cuddling close on Sehun's bed. Jongin explained the situation that had happened.

“So, Luhan took my phone, texted you to come over, and you guys just talked?”

Jongin hummed in affirmation. “Yeah, it was weird. I thought it was you being very daring again.”

Sehun laughed. “It could have been.”

The two continued to snuggle close, resting in peaceful silence. Jongin was petting Sehun's hair, staring down at the younger's face. He would never get tired of just observing Sehun. He would always find something new. He trailed his fingers down to Sehun's face and gently brushed over Sehun's cheek scar. Sehun had told him that he got that cheek scar back in elementary school, when he was still trying to get used to being blind and still had trouble walking. Sehun had tripped and fell on the edge of a table, causing the scar.

Jongin continued trailing his fingers down to Sehun's jawline and hovered over the mole on his neck. He smiled at the beauty mark. He always loved finding these sort of treasures on Sehun's body. Jongin continued to trace down to Sehun's arm and followed the arm to his hand. The older than interlocked their fingers, earning a giggle to erupt past Sehun's lips.

“You're so beautiful.” Jongin whispered. “I could stare at you all day.”

“Don't you already do that?” Sehun teased.

“Shut up. I don't need your sass.”

Sehun laughed, bright and cheerful and so free. Jongin smiled and listened to Sehun's laugh. It was music to his ears. He would do anything to listen to it over and over. Jongin couldn't help himself as he reached up and cupped Sehun's cheek, causing the younger to stop laughing but the smile was still evident on his face. Jongin leaned in and pressed a light kiss on Sehun's lips.

Sehun smiled. “Thank you.” Sehun pulled himself closer to snuggle into Jongin's chest. He took a deep inhale. “Thank you...”

The older leaned down and gave the younger a kiss on the head.

“You don't have to thank me so much, Sehun. I will always be here for you... I promise.”

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[20160811] It's been awhile! Dropped by to let you all know I made a new fic but it's not apart of this series! If you can, please check it out!! Thanks!


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970 streak #1
Chapter 8: Sehun has bared his soul to Jongin. And they have grown even closer.
970 streak #2
Chapter 5: I started reading this a few days ago. But now, I'm at this chapter where Sehun pecked Jongin near his lips. Wow!
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