Chapter 4

Small Steps

After Sehun joined the group, Jongin strived to get closer with the blind student. They have gotten quite close and talked often, occasionally sending texts. Apparently, Sehun’s cousin had tried to keep Sehun up with modern technology and had a custom made phone for Sehun because he was blind (which makes Jongin wonder what Sehun’s cousin works as to be able to afford a custom made phone). It opens via voice recognition and everything is voice controlled.

“It’s just a waste, honestly. I don’t need it.” Sehun had said. “Though, it is helpful when I want to go out on my own, with the GPS and such.”

Jongin was staring at himself in the mirror. A month or two after he met Sehun, Sehun invited him over to his place to study together and help Sehun catch up with some assignments. It was supposed to be a friendly meeting but Jongin had trouble finding clothes to wear, even though it wasn’t important because Sehun couldn’t see him anyway. He made excuse after excuse with himself, reasoning that Sehun’s cousin and his boyfriend would see him and first impressions were always important and what not.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He didn’t understand why he was making an effort. Jongin never really tried before, even when he met his friend’s parents for the first time, so why was he getting worked up? He hated how Sehun made him feel this way.

His eyes wandered to the clock on his desk and the level of panic started to rise. He had just over five minutes to find Sehun’s house by the time they agreed to meet up.

Jongin quickly grabbed his keys and backpack (thank goodness he packed earlier that day) and leaped down the stairs. He shouted a quick farewell to his parents before he was out the door, not bothering to check if he actually locked the door behind him. He slowed down near the corner of the block and took out his phone, checking the directions again.

In a few short minutes, Jongin found the house. He realized how he and Sehun did not live that far apart from each other. The house was relatively larger than Jongin’s, judging from the exterior. However, it was decorated very simply. There was a car parked in front of the garage so Jongin assumed that Sehun’s cousin was home. He quickly walked up to the door and double checked the house number before he rang the doorbell.

It didn’t take long before there was a cheerful “coming!” and the door swung open. Behind the door was a slightly short man with doe eyes and a puff of honey hair. There was a slight gleam in his eyes and a large grin.

“Oh!” The shorter man exclaimed. “You must be Jongin! Come right in!”

The door was opened a little wider to let Jongin in. He slowly stepped in with a polite bow.

“Sorry that I’m a little late.” He mumbled.

“Don’t worry about it!” The shorter replied and patted Jongin on the shorter. “I’m Luhan, by the way. Sehun’s cousin!”

So this is Luhan. I can see how they’re related… Sort of…

“That’s Minseok!” Jongin looked up.

Another man was walking down the hall and turned his head when he was called. Minseok was about the same height as Luhan but had rounder cheeks. However, his arms look more toned and defined than Luhan’s under the loose T-shirt. The other’s hair was spiked up and had more almond shaped eyes.

Jongin quickly bowed. “N-Nice to meet you.” Wow. Stuttering. Way to go, Jongin.

Minseok waved his hand. “No need to be so formal, it makes me feel old.” He smiled and nodded towards Jongin. “Nice to meet you, too, Jongin.” His eyes shifted towards the other room before he continued. “Sehun’s in there, by the way. He’s waiting.”

“He is?” Jongin rushed towards the next room, politely bowing his head towards the two older men to excuse himself.

“I’ll make beverages! Make yourself at home, Jongin!” He heard Luhan say when he entered the living room.

He abruptly stopped when his eyes landed on Sehun. Sehun was sitting on the floor right in front of the coffee table, leaning back against the couch. He was wearing a baggy hoodie with the sleeves rolled up and gym shorts. His hair was swept to the side. Sehun was also not wearing his glasses so Jongin saw that Sehun had his eyes closed, probably focusing on the music he was listening through his ear buds. Sehun looked extremely relaxed and Jongin didn’t want to interrupt the moment.

However, Sehun seemed to know he was there and lifted his head and turned slightly to face Jongin’s direction. He took out one ear bud.


Jongin was about to answer before he felt another presence skipped by him.

“I brought drinks for you and your friend, Hunnie!” Luhan sing songed.

“Ah.” Sehun smiled. “Thanks, Luhannie.” He turned back to Jongin’s general direction and smiled. “Hi Jongin. Glad you could come.”

“Hi.” He mumbled and slowly made his way to Sehun, sitting across from him.

“Guess who’s favorite cousin made bubble tea?” Luhan grinned as he placed the cup in front of Sehun.

Then younger’s face brightened, opening his eyes for the first time since Jongin showed up. Jongin held his breath as he stared into the other’s eyes. They were a dull brown with the pupils blown up. It was obvious that Sehun was blind if looked closely but Jongin felt like they were the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.

“I hope you like bubble tea too, Jonginnie.” Luhan said, snapping Jongin out of his thoughts.

He froze at the nickname but he nodded anyway. “Bubble tea is nice.” He answered.

The older grinned before he stood up. “Anyways, I’ll leave you guys to it! Seokkie and I will be in the kitchen if you need us!”

“Thanks, Luhannie.”

Luhan waved. “Anything for my precious Hunnie and his friend!” He sang before he left the room.

Jongin waited a moment or two before he turned to Sehun. “You cousin seems… Very cheerful.”

Sehun shrugged, sipping on his bubble tea. “I guess so. He’s mainly like that because he finally met you. Don’t mind the nicknames, by the way.” Sehun smiled. “Anyway, we should get started.”

Jongin actually wanted to talk a little more but he kept his mouth shut and pulled out his notes.

They spent a few hours reviewing over materials with Jongin explaining a few concepts they talked about in class and read a few passages in the textbook out loud. Sehun had pulled out a voice recorder, a different looking one than the one he brings to school, but also listened intently.

“… And that’s how you solve it.” Jongin finished, placing his pencil down.

Sehun let out a heavy sigh. “That sounds complicated… Especially since I’m blind.” He pouted but smiled. “We can end it here. We spent a long time studying, my brain is fried. Speaking of fried, you should totally stay for lunch. I can smell Minseok making fried chicken.” To prove his point, Sehun took a large and loud intake of air through his nose.

Jongin couldn’t help but laugh. “I don’t know…” His heart told him to stay because he gets to stay a little longer with Sehun but he also gets to eat chicken. However, his brain told him to leave because he didn’t want to just eat food in place he’s been only to once, even if Sehun is a good friend of his.

Sehun pouted again, making Jongin stop his thinking process.

“But Jonginnie…! I told Minseok to make something chicken related just for you so you have to stay!” Sehun smiled shyly, tilting his head away slightly. “Only because I remembered you said your favorite food is chicken.”

He remembered what I said…? When did I… He suddenly remembered. The second day Sehun was at school and the first day of their official friendship.

“You remembered?”

Sehun huffed. “Of course I remembered! It wasn’t long ago, you dummy. Don’t tell me you forgot!”

“No I didn’t!” Jongin quickly said. “I was just surprised!”

“Why were you surprised?”

“I mean, I’m surprised you would remember something kind of meaningless.”

“It wasn’t meaningless! It’s very important because you’re one of my first friends so I have to reme-“ Sehun suddenly stopped, realizing what he just blurted.

Jongin heard it but this time. He was confused when Sehun showed signs of never hanging out before and how he always avoid topics of friendships and questions about his old school. He either laughs it off or changes the subject or answers around the question. Jongin wanted to know this, he wanted to know why Sehun was hiding this information. He didn’t know why but it’s probably his protectiveness showing and the need to help a friend.

“We should start heading to the kitchen.” Sehun quickly mumbled and started to stand.

Before he could get any far, Jongin was already on his feet and holding onto Sehun’s wrist. He didn’t miss the slight flinch Sehun had at the sudden contact.

“Wait, Sehun.” Jongin paused for a moment, watching Sehun’s reactions. Sehun stood still, his body standing stiff. “Sehun… I wanted to ask for a while now and I don’t know if It’s too soon or if we’re not that close yet but I consider you as a good friend to me and… I just want to know…” Damn it, Jongin. Why are you so bad with words? “Did you… Have you ever… had friends?”

There was complete silence besides the rustle and bustle in the kitchen. Sehun continued to remain frozen in his spot and didn’t seem like he was going to answer. Jongin sighed.

“You don’t have to say anything. I was just asking because I’m worried and, god, I’m sorry Sehun.” He let go of the other’s wrist but Sehun didn’t turn around. “I’m sorry… I was being a little rash. We should go to the kitchen now, right…?”

Right when he was going to walk past Sehun and out of the living room, he felt a brush of skin on his arm and then a tug on the back of his shirt. He turned around to find Sehun gripping on his shirt tightly.

“Wait, Jongin… I’ll… I’ll tell you.”

The two made their way back to the floor near the coffee table but this time Jongin took a seat next to Sehun, who took a pillow from the couch and started hugging it. There was another moment of silence before Sehun sighed.

“To answer your question… No, I never actually made friends before.” Sehun tightened his grip on his pillow. “I moved in with my aunt and uncle because of the accident that caused my blindness.” Sehun paused, contemplated to say something else but shook his head and continued. “I never got the chance to say good bye to my classmates before I moved to China and attended the later years of elementary school there. The kids there teased me because I didn’t know what was going on around me. Some tried to befriend me but when they realized they would be a victim of the teasing too; they left as soon as they could. I thought it would get better when middle school came around but it only got worse. The only plus side was that people just started to give up on trying to get to know me. I was alone throughout my middle school years, my only friend being my cousin.”

Sehun let out a shaky sigh but continued. “High school was the worst though…” He shivered. Jongin wanted so badly just to reach out and hold Sehun close but he didn’t know if the gesture would be appreciated. Nonetheless, Sehun continued. “On the very first day, I was already the victim of bullying. They took advantage of the fact that I couldn’t see and therefore not be able to report them. I could try to guess by their voices and by how they walked but it was too difficult when I was being shoved around and tripped in the hallway…” Sehun sniffed. “Once they… They shoved me in one of the closets in the more abandoned hallways of the school and… And I didn’t know how to get out because I’ve never been there and it was a mess and I… They laughed and locked me inside… I didn’t know where the door was and I tripped… And I…” The blind boy buried his face into his pillow and Jongin started to immediately regret asking Sehun to talk to him about his past.

He reached over and put an arm around Sehun’s shoulder. The younger tensed slightly before he relaxed. Taking that as a sign, Jongin gently pulled Sehun towards him until the younger was resting his head on Jongin’s chest. Sehun seemed shocked at first but he soon got comfortable and remained in that position. He took a few deep breaths to calm his breathing while Jongin rubbed comforting circles on his back.

“You don’t have to continue, Sehun. I’m sorry for making you tell me something so painful.” Jongin whispered.

Sehun shook his head. “Don’t be sorry… It’s all in the past and I shouldn’t get so worked up about it. It’s not as bad as I make it out to be…” He mumbled. Jongin knew it was a lie. He couldn’t imagine how scared he would be if he couldn’t see and was left alone in a place he didn’t know. “I can continue. You have the right to know, you know? Being one of my first friends and all…”

After Jongin heard that, he realized how innocent and fragile Sehun is. He was a tough person judging by the fact he was able to carry himself through all these years. However, it was all just a mask to cover up how fragile he was. Sehun was just hiding behind a wall. Jongin would like to believe that he’s slowly taking down the walls. He wanted Sehun to know that he’s not alone anymore, thet he has others to lean on.

The two remained in the position for another moment, before Sehun spoke up, seemingly continuing where he left off.

“I didn’t know how long I was in there.” Sehun said in a soft voice. “I thought I was going to be stuck there for days and no one would know where I was. I tried calling out to someone but nobody answered.” Sehun closed his eyes. “It wasn’t until I heard the door unlocking and the sound of a switch being flicked on. A janitor came in to put away some stuff, I assumed, and found me. She took me to the office later and I explained what happened. After that, they sent me home because it was apparently late in the afternoon.”

“Did they ever punish the kids?” Jongin asked.

Sehun shrugged. “I don’t think so. I couldn’t describe them well enough and they continued to push me around the next day.”

“That’s complete BS. They should have made an effort.” Jongin mumbled.

“I know. But I didn’t stay too long after that since it happened near the end of the school year. Luhan found out about it and he was furious. He was a little mad at me for never telling him any of it but he was mainly angry at the school. He then declared that I was going to move in with him and Minseok when they move here and that’s why I’m here, back in my home town.” Sehun nodded. “I was reluctant at first because I felt like I was going to interrupt their private life but Luhan insisted and Minseok agreed. My aunt and uncle even encouraged me to go so I could have a better life.”

They fell into a comfortable silence before Sehun whispered. “I’m glad they took me here…”


“I got to meet great people like you and Kyungsoo and the triple beagles.” Sehun giggled. “I’m glad I got to meet you guys. I was ready to give up on making friends, honestly.” He snuggled into his pillow.

Jongin nodded. “I’m glad I met you too.” He murmured.

The two boys continued to rest until they heard footsteps coming towards the living room. The two then realized that they were still in a misleading position and Sehun quickly sat up, chucking the pillow in the general direction of the couch, while Jongin scooted off to the side to and fixed his shirt. By the time Luhan set foot into the living room, Sehun was twirling a pencil in his hand while Jongin was reading a random excerpt from a random page in the textbook.

“Hey boys! You guys hungry?” Luhan laughed. “Of course you guys are! Jongin, stay for lunch! Minseok made fried chicken and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!”

“O-Okay…” He said without really thinking.

After Luhan cheered and left the room, Sehun let out a light laugh.

“That was… interesting.”

Jongin sat still for a moment before he laughed along. “Yeah…”

They both stood up. Jongin turned to walk towards the kitchen but he left a brush of something against his hands. He turned around and saw Sehun reaching out, grabbing air before he slowly shuffled forward and touched Jongin’s shirt. Once his fingers made contact, he gripped onto the shirt and glanced up with a grin, his direction slightly off.

“Thanks for listening, Jongin.” Sehun murmured shyly. “It means a lot to me.”

Jongin’s mind blanked. He was staring at Sehun’s smile, how his eyes turned into crescent shapes, how there was a light dust of pink on his cheeks… He reached down to place his hand on top of Sehun’s.

“Anytime.” He replied.

That afternoon, Jongin realized a few things. Sehun had suffered a lot when he was in China but there were other things Sehun was hiding. Jongin confirmed that he really did have feelings for Sehun. He’s still not sure where it came from or how he’s going to deal with it but he realized that he’s in love. He also recognized the determination bubbling within him to make Sehun happy from that point on. He wants to make Sehun happy, he wants to see Sehun’s smile more.

And that Minseok’s fried chicken was the best fried chicken he ever had.

AN: Surprise update! I replied to most of the comments hinting that I'll be updating in a few weeks but I somehow sat myself down and wrote all of this so I wanted to post this chapter before I jump into finals! I apologize for any grammar errors and the likes! Thank you for reading! :-)

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[20160811] It's been awhile! Dropped by to let you all know I made a new fic but it's not apart of this series! If you can, please check it out!! Thanks!


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971 streak #1
Chapter 8: Sehun has bared his soul to Jongin. And they have grown even closer.
971 streak #2
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