Chapter 2

Small Steps

“Why…” Jongin groaned and rolled onto his stomach on his bed. “Why do I feel like this?”

Ever since he returned home from school, the face of the new student was stuck in his mind. Every time he closed his eyes, he would see Sehun smiling back at him. Jongin couldn’t even complete his homework because he was so distracted by the gorgeous face.

I don’t like guys, right? I mean… I joke around with Kyungsoo about his squishiness but I never have feelings for guys, right? It’s just a friend thing, right?

Now that he thought about it, Jongin never had feelings for girls either. If anything, he was probably less attracted to girls than he was to guys. He still treated them nicely but he never felt anything towards them besides some brotherly affection to a selected few. Jongin realized that he usually only have thoughts about males on their looks than girls.

He smashed his face into one of his pillows and screamed. He was so frustrated and confused. How could a single person the he met less than twenty-four hours ago make him feel this way? After letting out his frustration, he flipped himself over and stared at his ceiling. After several minutes, he reached over to his phone and started dialing a number he knew by heart.

After a few rings, the first thing Jongin heard when the line picked up was, “I’m busy.”

“But Soo! I need help!”

“No, Jongin. I’m busy. Do you know how much homework is due tomorrow?”

“Soo…! This is important!”

“I said no.”

With a huff, Jongin sat up. “I’m serious, Kyungsoo. I really need help right now.”

There was silence for a brief moment before Jongin heard a sigh.

“Okay, fine. What do you want Jongin?”

Jongin grinned. “Thanks, Kyungsoo! Have I ever told you how great of a friend you are?”


Oh. Awkward. “Well, I’m telling you now.”

“Jongin. Get to the point.”

He sat on his bed for a moment before he sighed. He ruffled his hair and glanced at the clock. It was getting a little late but he needed to talk to someone. But talking on the phone about this made him nervous. He reasoned it was easier to talk face to face.

And Jongin also liked the squishy hugs Kyungsoo gave him when he comforted him, not that he would say that out loud.

“Can we meet up? I think it’s better for me to talk to you about this in person.”

There was silence. Jongin checked several times to see if Kyungsoo hung up on him. When his phone indicated that he was still on the call, he waited. Right when he was about to make sure Kyungsoo was still on the line, the other cut him off.

“Let’s meet at the café we usually go to.” Jongin agreed and was about to hang up, when he heard Kyungsoo continue. “Are you okay, Jongin?” There was a hint of concern in his voice and Jongin smiled to himself.

“I’m fine. I just need to talk to you.”

Kyungsoo and Jongin were childhood friends. Their families knew each other and were quite close, which lead to Kyungsoo’s and Jongin’s close relationship. They knew each other better than the other knew themselves. They grew up together, attended the same schools, had many sleep overs, and were inseparable. They made many friends but they were always the closest.

“Mom, I’m meeting up with Kyungsoo.”

Jongin waved to his mother, who was watching television in the living room. She turned her head and waved back.

“Be careful! Don’t stay out too late.”

Another thing about being close friends with Kyungsoo was that their parents would always allow them to meet each other at any time. They did live near each other and visit often. Their parents would never question them about it and they were glad to be able to not worry about sneaking out and just hang out.

Jongin pushed open the door to the café and scanned the area, spotting a puff of black hair peaking over the edge of a booth. He quickly made his way over and slid into the seat across from his friend. Two drinks were already placed on the table and Jongin quickly sipped his cup of bubble tea.

“Thanks for coming, Kyungsoo.”

The other shrugged. “What do you want to tell me?” Kyungsoo took a long sip of his tea before he placed it down and glanced up again, staring into Jongin’s eyes. “Is it about that blind kid?”

Jongin choked on a tapioca pearl. “W-What? Why do you think it’s about Sehun?”

The shorted squinted and leaned back in his seat. “Jongin. I’ve known you since before we even knew how to walk, of course I know.” Kyungsoo lifted his cup to his lips but didn’t drink any of the tea. “Besides, you were acting weird today, especially after your outburst in the cafeteria.”

The younger remained silent, stirring his drink with his straw. The café was still alive and bustling with customers wanting a late night snack or a last minute get together with friends but it was unusually silent in a small corner.

Jongin sighed. “I don’t know. I was thinking when I got home and it felt weird because I never felt this way before. I mean, I just met him less than twenty four hours ago. And… Isn’t it weird to feel this way when you don’t know anything about the other person and vice versa?”


“And considering he’s a guy too… Don’t get me wrong! I’m not saying that it’s bad to like someone of the same gender. I’m honestly the complete opposite of that… Like, I’m really supportive of Baekhyun and Chanyeol together and Jongdae and that Jun guy…”


“But I never thought I would like a guy! No, that came out wrong. But you get what I mean, right? I never thought I would be into a guy. But then again I was never into girls either…”


The said boy stopped.

“… You’re rambling.”

“Oh. Sorry.”

Kyungsoo waved his hand. “It’s alright. But it’s a different feeling, right?”

Jongin sighed and slumped in his seat. “I… Never thought about being in a relationship, honestly. I was perfectly fine with just friends. I never saw myself with someone else.”

He felt a warm hand rest on his and he looked up to see Kyungsoo giving him a small smile. He suddenly felt more relaxed. It always amazes him how Kyungsoo had the ability to calm him down in a matter of seconds.

“It’s okay, Jongin. I understand.” The elder patted Jongin’s hand. “You never had this feeling before and that’s okay. Just take it easy and listen to your heart. You don’t have to make it more complicated as it needs to be.” He paused for a moment and continued. “You’re attracted to Sehun, right?”

Jongin blushed and glanced down at his cup. “I… I don’t know…”

Kyungsoo chuckled. “Take it easy. He is in most of your classes, right?” He gave a nod. “Then you should get to know him. I only have one class with him but he seems like a good guy.” Kyungsoo leaned back and took a sip of his drink. “Like I said, take it easy. Start out of friends and test things out, see if you really like him. If you do, I’ll give you some pointers. Until then, I don’t think the beagles would mind another addition to our little coterie.”

The younger nodded. “Thanks, Kyungsoo. That made me feel better.” He gave Kyungsoo a sincere smile. “You don’t know how much it means to me that you’re here. I’m so glad you’re my friend.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Kyungsoo downed his quickly cooling tea. “By the way, you’re paying for the drinks.”

“Alright. Wait… What?”

“I mean, you’re the one who made me leave the comfort of my own home to come out and take care of you. And I didn’t bring my wallet.”

“Wow. I hate you.”

“Says the one who’s glad to have me as their friend.”

“Shut up.”

AN: Wow! Quick update? Hahaha, please don't get used to this. I wrote this before I posted chapter 1 and I was planning to add more but as I reread this, I felt like it's best to end it here and put the next part into chapter 3 (that's why its pretty short). Thank you to all that subscribed, commented, and upvoted! It means a lot to me to get a lot of positive feedback! School is almost over and I'm heading into finals season so I wanted to update one last time before it starts. Thank you for reading! :-)

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[20160811] It's been awhile! Dropped by to let you all know I made a new fic but it's not apart of this series! If you can, please check it out!! Thanks!


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970 streak #1
Chapter 8: Sehun has bared his soul to Jongin. And they have grown even closer.
970 streak #2
Chapter 5: I started reading this a few days ago. But now, I'm at this chapter where Sehun pecked Jongin near his lips. Wow!
This was the first fic I read on aff and let me just say I didn't regret it, Not one bit, It's so well written and at times I cried along, It really touched me a lot, I love the characters and everything.
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Chapter 1: Wow
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Lolypop123 #10
Chapter 10: That was beautiful ☺